How the 2nd Amendment helps to keep freedom...China, and the bank taking life savings story.

Did it ever occur to you that we haven't needed to keep the government "in check" BECAUSE we have the 2nd Amendment?
Look who I'm asking.

Australians are disarmed and just look at how terrible the government is treating them now.
Canada too for all intents and purposes.

The less capable a population is to resist, the more brazen and abusive government will get.
And what about the people who DON'T live in the "free world"?
I guess they don't need the 2nd Amendment either because they are OK with it.

You are welcome to give them your guns
We never needed them here
Very true
We have NEVER needed guns to protect peoples right to vote

We used the free press and the courts
You're wrong. Our guns have always protected our 1st and 15th Amendments, and all of those in between.

How many here have suggested that Trump supporters should all be in prison? How many have suggested that they have no right to speak out and that their speech is treasonous? The FBI has proven their political slant and support for the deep state; how do you think the lies they swore to, the political investigations they're doing today, would go if it weren't for an armed populace? They would literally be locking up Trump supporters.

I saw a thread, but haven't yet read it, about Kinzinger saying that in 10 years no one will even admit to being a Trump voter. Why do you think he would say such a thing? That's a very scary statement, don't you think? 70 million Americans will be intimidated into silence? How will the government do that?
Never said it doesn’t guarantee the right to bear arms

I just said that the Second Amendment does not keep us free
The First Amendment does
The Government wouldn't have to do much to take away the 1st Amendment but would have to fight to take away the 2nd.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. "
George Washington

"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
Thomas Jefferson

"To disarm the people... was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
James Madison

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.?
Noah Webster
Never said it doesn’t guarantee the right to bear arms

I just said that the Second Amendment does not keep us free
The First Amendment does
I wonder who the anti-gun crowd in the US are trying to subjugate ?

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms."
Adolf Hitler
You mean you think you can actually use your private weapons and defeat the US Military?


US gun owners are too fat and lazy
I won't go into what asymmetric warfare is and how many countries have used it successfully.You loons are so gleeful at the prospect of the US Military murdering citizens your are making a huge assumption the troops would follow the unlawful order to do so.
I won't go into what asymmetric warfare is and how many countries have used it successfully.You loons are so gleeful at the prospect of the US Military murdering citizens your are making a huge assumption the troops would follow the unlawful order to do so.

You are the one fantasizing taking on the US Military…..not me
You're wrong. Our guns have always protected our 1st and 15th Amendments, and all of those in between.

How many here have suggested that Trump supporters should all be in prison? How many have suggested that they have no right to speak out and that their speech is treasonous? The FBI has proven their political slant and support for the deep state; how do you think the lies they swore to, the political investigations they're doing today, would go if it weren't for an armed populace? They would literally be locking up Trump supporters.

I saw a thread, but haven't yet read it, about Kinzinger saying that in 10 years no one will even admit to being a Trump voter. Why do you think he would say such a thing? That's a very scary statement, don't you think? 70 million Americans will be intimidated into silence? How will the government do that?
You need to calm down
Maybe some hot tea with a shot of Bourbon
You are the one fantasizing taking on the US Military…..not me
Never have. I know the majority of the troops would uphold their oath to defend the Constitution. It's you loons who always bring up the fire power of the military and how impossible it would be for us lowly 2nd Amendment supporters to defend ourselves. You must have forgotten that you previously tried to make this point earlier in this conversation
You mean you think you can actually use your private weapons and defeat the US Military?
Never have. I know the majority of the troops would uphold their oath to defend the Constitution. It's you loons who always bring up the fire power of the military and how impossible it would be for us lowly 2nd Amendment supporters to defend ourselves. You must have forgotten that you previously tried to make this point earlier in this conversation
Why do you hate our Military?

I have never fantasized about fighting our military, why do gun owners?

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