How the 2nd Amendment helps to keep freedom...China, and the bank taking life savings story.

You're right; the left never thinks this through - or perhaps they have thought it through and that's why they want the 2nd Amendment gone.

Luckily, the Founders thought it through and gave us the 2nd Amendment.

Yes, they gave us the 2nd Amendment.....but do Americans have the courage to do what's necessary?

THAT, may be the true reason the 2nd is no longer effective. Pure modern cowardice and apathy. Tyrants are watching and taking notes. See Louisiana Gun Confiscation of 2005 and you will see EXACTLY how everyday Americans and Internet Tuff Guys actually whimpered and complied during a Federal Govt Confiscation Trial Run.

That was a test. They now know for a FACT no one (or hardly anyone) will actually resist confiscation.
Definitely not sufficient to support your Red Dawn fantasies
Have you ever watched the movie, Red Dawn?

Do you not even know that the story was about foreign invasion over the Southern Border, not about government tyranny overthrown by an armed population. It has nothing at all to do with this discussion.
You mean you think you can actually use your private weapons and defeat the US Military?


US gun owners are too fat and lazy
A hundred+ million gun owners in the United States, far less than one million armed military trained or capable of opposing them. Unless you're supporting Biden's threat to use nukes on the population.

And I've been to the range and used a chronograph so I know this to be absolutely, scientifically, proven fact: My bullets do not travel any less fast, any less straight, any less far, if I'm overweight or at my ideal weight. Just sayin'
I have to ask, though many have before...............are you really this nuts? Or do you just play this game when you post?

You are the one who can’t identify a single time we needed a second amendment to keep Government in check
No, they were supplied with weapons and training
Militias played a supporting role in the Revolutionary war and were not well regarded

They tended to run when they faced British regulars
In traditional warfare at the time, you are correct. Militias were ineffective.

Militias were VERY effective in guerilla warfare (which is now conventional).
A hundred+ million gun owners in the United States, far less than one million armed military trained or capable of opposing them. Unless you're supporting Biden's threat to use nukes on the population.

And I've been to the range and used a chronograph so I know this to be absolutely, scientifically, proven fact: My bullets do not travel any less fast, any less straight, any less far, if I'm overweight or at my ideal weight. Just sayin'
Typical dumb as shit Red Dawn fanatic

No idea of what it takes to be a modern military fighting force
Yes, they gave us the 2nd Amendment.....but do Americans have the courage to do what's necessary?

THAT, may be the true reason the 2nd is no longer effective. Pure modern cowardice and apathy. Tyrants are watching and taking notes. See Louisiana Gun Confiscation of 2005 and you will see EXACTLY how everyday Americans and Internet Tuff Guys actually whimpered and complied during a Federal Govt Confiscation Trial Run.

That was a test. They now know for a FACT no one (or hardly anyone) will actually resist confiscation.
A lot of people learned a lot after Katrina. A lot of people learned that the confiscation might not come as a nationwide gun ban but might be localized. People's thought processes weren't ready for that. Many states have outlawed such confiscations today and many gun owners have recommitted to defend their guns.

But you are right, even with all that commitment, most will surrender. Most here have already admitted they will surrender because if the government says it's the law, Constitution be damned, then it's the law and law-abiding patriots must obey the law. I could give you a list of a bunch of those but it wouldn't be all inclusive; there are more I have not yet exposed.

And even still, if only 5% of gun owners who claim they won't give up their guns actually do defend from government tyranny their right to keep and bear arms, the losses for the tyrants will be too great. Likely, even if 1% of gunowners fight to defend their right to keep and bear arms, the losses for the tyrants will be too great.

And, at least with today's technologies, even if the government takes every civilian owned gun, getting a gun will not be difficult. The fight might go on for decades.

And, lastly, eventually, even a disarmed population will rise up and overthrow tyranny as proven in the USSR and the GDR.

Now tell us how to keep tyrants from taking the 2nd Amendment and our guns away.

Because (having) guns is something they can fix if we are determined to keep them for appearances only.
(see recent ongoing ATF door to door visits)

(and thanks for your reply, Jared)
Are you suggesting that we comply with any demand to turn in our guns? Will you be turning yours in?
Post reported

I’m 66 years old

You need help

66 physically but 12 years old at BEST mentally.
You argue against the 2nd amendment and private gun ownership, correct??

I takes a full on MORON to believe that an armed population is not an effective deterrent to tyranny.

Report this too. Fool.


Like a child would say
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Typical dumb as shit Red Dawn fanatic

No idea of what it takes to be a modern military fighting force
Just how many of the 100 million civilian gun owners were also trained and are experienced war fighters, having fought in non-conventional warfare?

Not that I think it will ever come to it, but just as it has always been in the US, there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass. As long as Americans hold on to their guns, they will hold on to their liberty.

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