How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
How far can you shout it Franco before you realize you're the one that's the racist and deporable one?
Plantation monkeys? How do I believe they're an inferior race and discriminate against them? lol

They are inferior. They are at the very bottom in all aspects compared with the other ethnic groups.
The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

How did I want to be like you I did cocaine all through the 1980s..

No you guys are the ones Who lowered the bar with Bill..

A president was not supposed to be like we had morons like bush jr and obama..

And the worse of the worse Gump and hillary..

This is your liberals fault, we went to your level.
Bill was great. Surplus and no war. Bush sent millions of jobs overseas

Actually, it was Newt and the Republican Congress that balanced the budget.
Lefties are smug, superior, condescending, arrogant, hypocritical, totalitarian and lie almost non stop. Hillary is the worst of the bunch so what leftists present as blind hate from their enemies is just more of the same. With the internet it is no longer easy to manipulate the masses. They couldn't stop Brexit and they can't stop Trump.
Every single media outlet is for Hillary.


Every single media outlet refuses to show us the video of that which hit the Pentagon on 911.

Those two are ONE AND THE SAME.

If you want another bogus terror attack and endless war in the Middle East to help Israel, vote for Hillary, because that is who is backing her (and who opposed Bernie, a patriotic American of Jewish heritage).

We all already know that HIllary likes to vilify good people in the pursuit of power, being a vile piece of shit.

Do you have anything to add to that?
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?

Exactly the point, isn't it? She was spesking about how uninformed you are and you just proved it.
So the bucket of whatever (she never said) when she was talking in 2013 to Wall Sters about Occupy Wall St. nutters, and that means she thinks her supporters are losers? RW idiotic propaganda for dupes like you ONLY.
We all already know that HIllary likes to vilify good people in the pursuit of power, being a vile piece of shit.

Do you have anything to add to that?
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?

Exactly the point, isn't it? She was spesking about how uninformed you are and you just proved it.
So the bucket of whatever (she never said) when she was talking in 2013 to Wall Sters about Occupy Wall St. nutters, and that means she thinks her supporters are losers? RW idiotic propaganda for dupes like you ONLY.

No Stupid. The leaked email where she spoke about how stupid and gullible her supporters really were and how easy you fools could be manipulated by the Liberal Media who will spoon feed you whatever she wants you to believe. That Idiot, is exactly why you are an uninformed and ignorant little sheep. You are being used and you embrace it.
Lefties are smug, superior, condescending, arrogant, hypocritical, totalitarian and lie almost non stop. Hillary is the worst of the bunch so what leftists present as blind hate from their enemies is just more of the same. With the internet it is no longer easy to manipulate the masses. They couldn't stop Brexit and they can't stop Trump.
What lies, dupe? That are irrelevant and highly debatable at best. Totalitarian my butt. Trump the disgrace is toast, dupe. Change the channel. You're the product of the ridiculous bs lies the rest of the world, including Dems and indies, are aghast about.
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?

Exactly the point, isn't it? She was spesking about how uninformed you are and you just proved it.
So the bucket of whatever (she never said) when she was talking in 2013 to Wall Sters about Occupy Wall St. nutters, and that means she thinks her supporters are losers? RW idiotic propaganda for dupes like you ONLY.

No Stupid. The leaked email where she spoke about how stupid and gullible her supporters really were and how easy you fools could be manipulated by the Liberal Media who will spoon feed you whatever she wants you to believe. That Idiot, is exactly why you are an uninformed and ignorant little sheep. You are being used and you embrace it.
How bout a link ferchissake. The rest of the world doesn't know what horseshytte you dupes go on about. That's all you functional morons have, while your billionaire heroes baffle you with bs and rob the country blind...
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.
Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?

Exactly the point, isn't it? She was spesking about how uninformed you are and you just proved it.
So the bucket of whatever (she never said) when she was talking in 2013 to Wall Sters about Occupy Wall St. nutters, and that means she thinks her supporters are losers? RW idiotic propaganda for dupes like you ONLY.

No Stupid. The leaked email where she spoke about how stupid and gullible her supporters really were and how easy you fools could be manipulated by the Liberal Media who will spoon feed you whatever she wants you to believe. That Idiot, is exactly why you are an uninformed and ignorant little sheep. You are being used and you embrace it.
How bout a link ferchissake. The rest of the world doesn't know what horseshytte you dupes go on about. That's all you functional morons have, while your billionaire heroes baffle you with bs and rob the country blind...

Find it yourself. Look for the WikiLeaks dumps this week. Your ignorance is not my problem, it is your own.
Hillary and Barry were using an international arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS OUT OF BENGHAZI

Hillary and Barry allied themselves with Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01, who killed thousands of Americans - and dragged the US into a Constitutionally UN-AUTHORIZED WAR to help overthrow Qaddafi, giving Al Qaeida control of Libya.
-- The Hillary/Bar war destabilized Libya, allowing terrorists to acquire HUNDREDS of shoulder-fired rocket launchers....which were used in the attack on the compound in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans
-- The CIA was also running a 'buy-back' program in which they sought to buy back those weapons that had been stolen...a program that was a failure. On 9/11/12 the terrorists did 'give' some of those back

Hillary Clinton ADMITTEDLY did not know what the hell was going on in her own State Department or with her own people in some of the most dangerous parts of the world (There is NO WAY, however, that she did not know there was a threat of attack on 9/11/12 and things had deteriorated so badly in Benghazi that every nation had pulled their people out EXCEPT HER STATE DEPARTMENT! IF SO, SHE WAS / IS CRIMINALLY STUPID / NEGLIGENT!)

HER State Department rejected over 60 pleas for additional security and STRIPPED Ambassador Stevens of 14 members of his security detail AFTER:
- KNOWING there was a credible warning for an attack on the compound on 9/11/12
- KNOWING there was an assassination of Ambassador Stephens called for by an Al Qaeida leader in retaliation of a US drone strike that killed a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader several months earlier
- KNOWING there had been 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound in the weeks prior to 9/11/12, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall
- KNOWING every other country had pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the escalating danger, terrorist attacks, and warning of a final attack on 9/11/12
- KNOWING that the Al Qaeida-associated militia that they had hired to help protect Ambassador Stephens quit
- KNOWING military response teams could not get to them in time if an attack on the compound happened on 9/11/12

Hillary told a foreign Ambassador that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it. Hillary told her daughter the EXACT same thing.

The State Department Lead in Trippoli testified that he talked directly to HILLARY within an hour of the attack starting and told her this was a terrorist attack.

The CIA's initial report that was sent to the State Department and the WY within an hour of the attack starting, declaring this to be a TERRORIST attack, was modified by the State Dept AND THE WH 13 times, stripping it of every reference to terrorism, before it was allowed to be released.

No one knows where Hillary and Barry were that whole time. All we know is 'Doogie the Intern' was supposedly in the WAR Room while he THINKS Barry was sleeping (cause an attack on a US compound and the deaths of 4 Americans wasn't enough to get up and check on...IF he was there/sleeping).




1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Hillary and Barry were using an international arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS OUT OF BENGHAZI

Hillary and Barry allied themselves with Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01, who killed thousands of Americans - and dragged the US into a Constitutionally UN-AUTHORIZED WAR to help overthrow Qaddafi, giving Al Qaeida control of Libya.
-- The Hillary/Bar war destabilized Libya, allowing terrorists to acquire HUNDREDS of shoulder-fired rocket launchers....which were used in the attack on the compound in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans
-- The CIA was also running a 'buy-back' program in which they sought to buy back those weapons that had been stolen...a program that was a failure. On 9/11/12 the terrorists did 'give' some of those back

Hillary Clinton ADMITTEDLY did not know what the hell was going on in her own State Department or with her own people in some of the most dangerous parts of the world (There is NO WAY, however, that she did not know there was a threat of attack on 9/11/12 and things had deteriorated so badly in Benghazi that every nation had pulled their people out EXCEPT HER STATE DEPARTMENT! IF SO, SHE WAS / IS CRIMINALLY STUPID / NEGLIGENT!)

HER State Department rejected over 60 pleas for additional security and STRIPPED Ambassador Stevens of 14 members of his security detail AFTER:
- KNOWING there was a credible warning for an attack on the compound on 9/11/12
- KNOWING there was an assassination of Ambassador Stephens called for by an Al Qaeida leader in retaliation of a US drone strike that killed a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader several months earlier
- KNOWING there had been 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound in the weeks prior to 9/11/12, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall
- KNOWING every other country had pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the escalating danger, terrorist attacks, and warning of a final attack on 9/11/12
- KNOWING that the Al Qaeida-associated militia that they had hired to help protect Ambassador Stephens quit
- KNOWING military response teams could not get to them in time if an attack on the compound happened on 9/11/12

Hillary told a foreign Ambassador that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it. Hillary told her daughter the EXACT same thing.

The State Department Lead in Trippoli testified that he talked directly to HILLARY within an hour of the attack starting and told her this was a terrorist attack.

The CIA's initial report that was sent to the State Department and the WY within an hour of the attack starting, declaring this to be a TERRORIST attack, was modified by the State Dept AND THE WH 13 times, stripping it of every reference to terrorism, before it was allowed to be released.

No one knows where Hillary and Barry were that whole time. All we know is 'Doogie the Intern' was supposedly in the WAR Room while he THINKS Barry was sleeping (cause an attack on a US compound and the deaths of 4 Americans wasn't enough to get up and check on...IF he was there/sleeping).





Arms Dealer Who Threatened To Reveal Clinton's Libya Dealings Rips Doj For 'Injustice'
Lefties are smug, superior, condescending, arrogant, hypocritical, totalitarian and lie almost non stop. Hillary is the worst of the bunch so what leftists present as blind hate from their enemies is just more of the same. With the internet it is no longer easy to manipulate the masses. They couldn't stop Brexit and they can't stop Trump.

Are you really so stupid as to believe the hatred and the lies you spout continuously. No wonder you support an idiot like Trump. You voting for hatred because you're filled with it.

Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.

Yeah me too, I'm rather referring to this perceptual reality whereby no one’s ever responsible for anything in society unless it’s those with no power on the bottom. It’s the same in the corporate world. Everyone wants managerial level pay for actually managing nothing at all, and then all the accountability is at the bottom where it can no longer be passed on down to someone else.
Hillary and Barry were using an international arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS OUT OF BENGHAZI

Hillary and Barry allied themselves with Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01, who killed thousands of Americans - and dragged the US into a Constitutionally UN-AUTHORIZED WAR to help overthrow Qaddafi, giving Al Qaeida control of Libya.
-- The Hillary/Bar war destabilized Libya, allowing terrorists to acquire HUNDREDS of shoulder-fired rocket launchers....which were used in the attack on the compound in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans
-- The CIA was also running a 'buy-back' program in which they sought to buy back those weapons that had been stolen...a program that was a failure. On 9/11/12 the terrorists did 'give' some of those back

Hillary Clinton ADMITTEDLY did not know what the hell was going on in her own State Department or with her own people in some of the most dangerous parts of the world (There is NO WAY, however, that she did not know there was a threat of attack on 9/11/12 and things had deteriorated so badly in Benghazi that every nation had pulled their people out EXCEPT HER STATE DEPARTMENT! IF SO, SHE WAS / IS CRIMINALLY STUPID / NEGLIGENT!)

HER State Department rejected over 60 pleas for additional security and STRIPPED Ambassador Stevens of 14 members of his security detail AFTER:
- KNOWING there was a credible warning for an attack on the compound on 9/11/12
- KNOWING there was an assassination of Ambassador Stephens called for by an Al Qaeida leader in retaliation of a US drone strike that killed a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader several months earlier
- KNOWING there had been 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound in the weeks prior to 9/11/12, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall
- KNOWING every other country had pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the escalating danger, terrorist attacks, and warning of a final attack on 9/11/12
- KNOWING that the Al Qaeida-associated militia that they had hired to help protect Ambassador Stephens quit
- KNOWING military response teams could not get to them in time if an attack on the compound happened on 9/11/12

Hillary told a foreign Ambassador that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it. Hillary told her daughter the EXACT same thing.

The State Department Lead in Trippoli testified that he talked directly to HILLARY within an hour of the attack starting and told her this was a terrorist attack.

The CIA's initial report that was sent to the State Department and the WY within an hour of the attack starting, declaring this to be a TERRORIST attack, was modified by the State Dept AND THE WH 13 times, stripping it of every reference to terrorism, before it was allowed to be released.

No one knows where Hillary and Barry were that whole time. All we know is 'Doogie the Intern' was supposedly in the WAR Room while he THINKS Barry was sleeping (cause an attack on a US compound and the deaths of 4 Americans wasn't enough to get up and check on...IF he was there/sleeping).





Arms Dealer Who Threatened To Reveal Clinton's Libya Dealings Rips Doj For 'Injustice'

america is the arms dealer to the world, some of us already knew that, and are fully aware that it's always been bipartisan.
Lefties are smug, superior, condescending, arrogant, hypocritical, totalitarian and lie almost non stop. Hillary is the worst of the bunch so what leftists present as blind hate from their enemies is just more of the same. With the internet it is no longer easy to manipulate the masses. They couldn't stop Brexit and they can't stop Trump.

Are you really so stupid as to believe the hatred and the lies you spout continuously. No wonder you support an idiot like Trump. You voting for hatred because you're filled with it.

Let us know when you have something other than shit.
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

It's basically a form of psychological warfare, nothing more, promulgated by the aristocracy onto the masses such that over time the masses come to view themselves as lesser beings.
america is the arms dealer to the world

This is the type of parroted bullshit we get from sub humans addicted to their government check.

We were told we armed Saddam. When we went to Iraq, we fought against

Soviet tanks
Soviet missiles
Soviet planes
Soviet rifles

but "we armed him" because sub humans take what the "US media" says and...


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