How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

We all already know that HIllary likes to vilify good people in the pursuit of power, being a vile piece of shit.

Do you have anything to add to that?
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

How did I want to be like you I did cocaine all through the 1980s..

No you guys are the ones Who lowered the bar with Bill..

A president was not supposed to be like we had morons like bush jr and obama..

And the worse of the worse Gump and hillary..

This is your liberals fault, we went to your level.
Hilarious. Took 92 million dollars and a 6 year witch hunt about Whitewater to find Monica. Who seduced Bill. How much did Dems spend to catch Trump? Nothing.

We all already know that HIllary likes to vilify good people in the pursuit of power, being a vile piece of shit.

Do you have anything to add to that?
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

How did I want to be like you I did cocaine all through the 1980s..

No you guys are the ones Who lowered the bar with Bill..

A president was not supposed to be like we had morons like bush jr and obama..

And the worse of the worse Gump and hillary..

This is your liberals fault, we went to your level.
Bill was great. Surplus and no war. Bush sent millions of jobs overseas
Hate link:

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."


OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
How far can you shout it Franco before you realize you're the one that's the racist and deporable one?
The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

How did I want to be like you I did cocaine all through the 1980s..

No you guys are the ones Who lowered the bar with Bill..

A president was not supposed to be like we had morons like bush jr and obama..

And the worse of the worse Gump and hillary..

This is your liberals fault, we went to your level.
Bill was great. Surplus and no war. Bush sent millions of jobs overseas

There was no surplus...math is hard for you?
Hate link:

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."


OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
How far can you shout it Franco before you realize you're the one that's the racist and deporable one?
Plantation monkeys? How do I believe they're an inferior race and discriminate against them? lol
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

How did I want to be like you I did cocaine all through the 1980s..

No you guys are the ones Who lowered the bar with Bill..

A president was not supposed to be like we had morons like bush jr and obama..

And the worse of the worse Gump and hillary..

This is your liberals fault, we went to your level.
Bill was great. Surplus and no war. Bush sent millions of jobs overseas

There was no surplus...math is hard for you?
If I give you $10 to spend and you spend $9 you have a surolus
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
How far can you shout it Franco before you realize you're the one that's the racist and deporable one?

Hey Franco you are creating a world Of dillusion ..the world where black is white , white is black...when you get as low as you can get don't come crying to us..

OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.
You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

Why would anyone want to be like a bunch of plantation monkeys who the Democrats have kept on the dependency rolls for years now and whose males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, the highest murder and crime rates, and the highest prison incarceration rates, as well as the highest rate for kids born to single parents? Who the hell wants to be like you?
Deplorables! Thanks to racists like you and the racist GOP and their discrimination duh.
How far can you shout it Franco before you realize you're the one that's the racist and deporable one?

Hey Franco you are creating a world Of dillusion ..the world where black is white , white is black...when you get as low as you can get don't come crying to us..
Delusion. ALL THE SAME.
Hate link The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News :

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."

That's a good analogy does anyone think different?

A raise of hands who thinks bill fucked hillary anytime after Chelsea was born?
Sexist bs. Ageist. She was ok in the 90's. Ay caramba.
Hate link The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News :

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."

That's a good analogy does anyone think different?

A raise of hands who thinks bill fucked hillary anytime after Chelsea was born?
Sexist bs. Ageist. She was ok in the 90's. Ay caramba.

If that was the case why did bill have to fuck anything that moved? ..why couldn't she keep her husband home???

Was it because of het lesbo love affairs with woopie Goldberg?
Hate link:

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."


OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
We beat you on the issues

Healthcare for all
Social security
Pro labor
Middle class first not trickle down
Pro choice
Affordable healthcare.

And I don't see the GOP being in favor of fixing NAFTA. Are they?

NOthing in that post has anything to do with anything I said in the post you replied to.

Or indeed anything in this little series of posts.

We all already know that HIllary likes to vilify good people in the pursuit of power, being a vile piece of shit.

Do you have anything to add to that?
You're a deplorable lol. Sexist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-gay, or what? Just "leftie hater? Well, they're centrists , and you're ignorant hater dupes off your fat earth politically. See sig last line...Hope you're not irredeemable. Change the channel. Nonsense? Only the GOP in all the word is so off the charts wrong.

Hillary even spoke about how the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media created you and the rest of her ignorant followers into believing what the spoon-fed you. In essence, she called you stupid little uninformed sheep who could easily be led into voting to keep the Washington elitists in power. She laughs at you and despises your lack of intelligence and you prove her right in her assessment.
BS, dupe. WTF are you talking about, lol?

Exactly the point, isn't it? She was spesking about how uninformed you are and you just proved it.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

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