How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

america is the arms dealer to the world

This is the type of parroted bullshit we get from sub humans addicted to their government check.

We were told we armed Saddam. When we went to Iraq, we fought against

Soviet tanks
Soviet missiles
Soviet planes
Soviet rifles

but "we armed him" because sub humans take what the "US media" says and...

Yeah pard, I hear ya:

Sale of U.S. Arms Fuels the Wars of Arab States

Here's who buys the most weapons from the U.S.
“The U.S. is responsible for nearly 33% of worldwide exports -- by far the top arms exporter on the planet -- but which countries does the U.S. sell the most weapons to?”

Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report

Arms industry
“According to SIPRI, the volume of international transfers of major weapons in 2010–14 was 16 per cent higher than in 2005–2009. The five biggest exporters in 2010–2014 were the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France, and the five biggest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan.”

The U.S. Is Still No.1 at Selling Arms to the World
Sales leapt by almost $10 billion in 2014[/QUOTE]
You forgot to mention Barry armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. Hillary and Barry armed Al '9/11/01' Qaeida in Libya and ISIS in Syria out of Benghazi using an International Arms Dealers whose criminal charges they just dropped to buy his silence. Let's not forget how Barry also armed the Muslim Brotherhood.
You forgot to mention Barry armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. Hillary and Barry armed Al '9/11/01' Qaeida in Libya and ISIS in Syria out of Benghazi using an International Arms Dealers whose criminal charges they just dropped to buy his silence. Let's not forget how Barry also armed the Muslim Brotherhood.

Let's not forget it's all bipartisan.

OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
We beat you on the issues

Healthcare for all
Social security
Pro labor
Middle class first not trickle down
Pro choice
Affordable healthcare.

And I don't see the GOP being in favor of fixing NAFTA. Are they?

NOthing in that post has anything to do with anything I said in the post you replied to.

Or indeed anything in this little series of posts.
Im just glad Republicans won't be in the white house and might not even control Congress next year.

Let's teabag the left. You can't convince middle class people that the GOP is the party for the rich and the rest of us. You can convince us that both sides are now bought and paid for but let's try taking back the party that at least says it cares about the middle class.

The middle class boomed in the 90s and what were the results of 6 years of bush delay & hastert? Was it ever good? Fuck no
That W, O, and Hillary have all sent arms to our enemies is part of the truth of the wikileaks that Hillary hates so much...
america is the arms dealer to the world

This is the type of parroted bullshit we get from sub humans addicted to their government check.

We were told we armed Saddam. When we went to Iraq, we fought against

Soviet tanks
Soviet missiles
Soviet planes
Soviet rifles

but "we armed him" because sub humans take what the "US media" says and...
Um, we were taking about Raygun helping them with chemical and bio weapons they used against the Kurds, 5k dead,and killed god knows how many against Iran. Great job!
taking about Raygun helping them with chemical and bio weapons

... that were NEVER used against us...

Saddam was completely armed with SOVIET weapons, yet you sub humans insist your parroted BS is still right even after the evidence of the wars completely refutes it....
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
We beat you on the issues

Healthcare for all
Social security
Pro labor
Middle class first not trickle down
Pro choice
Affordable healthcare.

And I don't see the GOP being in favor of fixing NAFTA. Are they?

NOthing in that post has anything to do with anything I said in the post you replied to.

Or indeed anything in this little series of posts.
Im just glad Republicans won't be in the white house and might not even control Congress next year.

Let's teabag the left. You can't convince middle class people that the GOP is the party for the rich and the rest of us. You can convince us that both sides are now bought and paid for but let's try taking back the party that at least says it cares about the middle class.

The middle class boomed in the 90s and what were the results of 6 years of bush delay & hastert? Was it ever good? Fuck no

If only "one" of "these" parties did. What they say is irrelevant performance art.
taking about Raygun helping them with chemical and bio weapons

... that were NEVER used against us...

Saddam was completely armed with SOVIET weapons, yet you sub humans insist your parroted BS is still right even after the evidence of the wars completely refutes it....

Sale of U.S. Arms Fuels the Wars of Arab States

Here's who buys the most weapons from the U.S.
“The U.S. is responsible for nearly 33% of worldwide exports -- by far the top arms exporter on the planet -- but which countries does the U.S. sell the most weapons to?”
Here's who buys the most weapons from the U.S. -

Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report
Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report

Arms industry
“According to SIPRI, the volume of international transfers of major weapons in 2010–14 was 16 per cent higher than in 2005–2009. The five biggest exporters in 2010–2014 were the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France, and the five biggest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan.”
Arms industry - Wikipedia

The U.S. Is Still No.1 at Selling Arms to the World
Sales leapt by almost $10 billion in 2014
The U.S. Is Still No.1 at Selling Arms to the World[/QUOTE]
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

I'm not a billionaire and I got a college education. There is a thing called the GI Bill. Many veterans got their college education hat way. Many young men and women are continuing to do the same thing. We all decided to do something instead of bitching about it and expecting someone else to give it to us.
Lefties are smug, superior, condescending, arrogant, hypocritical, totalitarian and lie almost non stop. Hillary is the worst of the bunch so what leftists present as blind hate from their enemies is just more of the same. With the internet it is no longer easy to manipulate the masses. They couldn't stop Brexit and they can't stop Trump.
This is why I can't be a Republican. I know everything you said isn't true. It's not a lie though because you believe
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

It's basically a form of psychological warfare, nothing more, promulgated by the aristocracy onto the masses such that over time the masses come to view themselves as lesser beings.

Sounds like a defeatist victim attitude to me. I never had that much low esteem of myself.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.

Yeah me too, I'm rather referring to this perceptual reality whereby no one’s ever responsible for anything in society unless it’s those with no power on the bottom. It’s the same in the corporate world. Everyone wants managerial level pay for actually managing nothing at all, and then all the accountability is at the bottom where it can no longer be passed on down to someone else.
No, we just don't like to see CEO pay go up 300% and our pay go down when you factor inflation.

Ceo's like this but workers don't. The GOP is the party ceo's like
Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

It's basically a form of psychological warfare, nothing more, promulgated by the aristocracy onto the masses such that over time the masses come to view themselves as lesser beings.

Sounds like a defeatist victim attitude to me. I never had that much low esteem of myself.
You were probably paid well. How much do you make?
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.

Yeah me too, I'm rather referring to this perceptual reality whereby no one’s ever responsible for anything in society unless it’s those with no power on the bottom. It’s the same in the corporate world. Everyone wants managerial level pay for actually managing nothing at all, and then all the accountability is at the bottom where it can no longer be passed on down to someone else.
No, we just don't like to see CEO pay go up 300% and our pay go down when you factor inflation.

Ceo's like this but workers don't. The GOP is the party ceo's like

Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

I'm not a billionaire and I got a college education. There is a thing called the GI Bill. Many veterans got their college education hat way. Many young men and women are continuing to do the same thing. We all decided to do something instead of bitching about it and expecting someone else to give it to us.
Perfect chump of the pander to the rich GOP...
Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

It's basically a form of psychological warfare, nothing more, promulgated by the aristocracy onto the masses such that over time the masses come to view themselves as lesser beings.

Sounds like a defeatist victim attitude to me. I never had that much low esteem of myself.
You were probably paid well. How much do you make?

I made pretty good. I own an electrical design and construction company. I did a lot of military, commercial, and industrial contracts. I retired January 1st.
Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

I'm not a billionaire and I got a college education. There is a thing called the GI Bill. Many veterans got their college education hat way. Many young men and women are continuing to do the same thing. We all decided to do something instead of bitching about it and expecting someone else to give it to us.
Perfect chump of the pander to the rich GOP...

You sound like the poster boy for the Black victimhood. I'll bet you never leave home without your trusty little race card either. Piss and moan and blame the other guy for your failures.
Actually, it has always been up to the individual to get whatever training he/she needed to be an asset to the work place. You're simply using the "victim" card to expect big government to do everything for you at taxpayer expense. You're just a loser.

Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.

Yeah me too, I'm rather referring to this perceptual reality whereby no one’s ever responsible for anything in society unless it’s those with no power on the bottom. It’s the same in the corporate world. Everyone wants managerial level pay for actually managing nothing at all, and then all the accountability is at the bottom where it can no longer be passed on down to someone else.
No, we just don't like to see CEO pay go up 300% and our pay go down when you factor inflation.

Ceo's like this but workers don't. The GOP is the party ceo's like

Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
As long as the CEO pays their fair share, no problem. You've got all the deflection propaganda taking points down pat, dupe.
Corporate speak.

Actually no. Most of the folks I know paid for their college eduation some way or another or paid for a vocational education themselves. It's called personal responsibility.
Yup, making it as expensive and hard as possible since Reagan in Cal. is a great idea, for the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, dupes.

I'm not a billionaire and I got a college education. There is a thing called the GI Bill. Many veterans got their college education hat way. Many young men and women are continuing to do the same thing. We all decided to do something instead of bitching about it and expecting someone else to give it to us.
Perfect chump of the pander to the rich GOP...

You sound like the poster boy for the Black victimhood. I'll bet you never leave home without your trusty little race card either. Piss and moan and blame the other guy for your failures.
Bringing up the race card? lol. So how many blacks did you pass over for employment lol because of imaginary thuggery and dishonesty, angry white man?

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