How the brexiteers echo the Nazis

51.9 is not a ringing endorsement and a second referendum should be called at some point.

Keep having votes until you get a result you like.

And no matter how thin the margin is on that vote, that's the last one.
51.9 / 48.1 is not a decisive mandate for such a huge decision.
It isnt finished, in fact it is far from finished business.

What percentage would make it finished business? And does that work both ways?

What percentage of UK citizens voted to ENTER the EU?

What percentage of UK citizens voted FOR large scale muslim immigration?

What percentage of UK citizens voted FOR, political correctness so strong that it actively protected mass child rapists rather than risk giving "ammo" to the bnp?
I think that 2/3 is a reasonable amount. A clear majority.

Just as clear as 1% which is again a clear majority.

If 2/3rds is required then it is not a democratic vote is it , but a neo marxist rigged vote are so fucking stupid.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

These arent my words. Someone called Farage stated this back in June. Is he a neo marxist you thick fucker ?

Nigel Farage: Ukip leader warns of second EU referendum if UK narrowly rejects Brexit
Its patently obvious that you dont have any understanding of the situation.

Listen up.

There was a small majority for brexit.

Brexit is triggered by invoking Article 50.

The government had stated that they would do this by March 2017.

Primarily because they needed this time to decide what terms they would seek.

The court has now said that parliament must have a say in the terms as it is not lawful for the government to go it alone.

We all had a vote on brexit but not one of the terms was voted on by the people.

Our representatives now have the chance to debate and decide this.

It is a complicated issue and I am not shocked that a thick fucker like you is struggling with it.

There was a MAJORITY, meaning that your side could not muster enough votes and so lost. If the majority was 1 it would still be the will of the people. You cant have a do over or best of 3 because you lost a fair vote, the result stands and it was a remit to the government to start the process of leaving the EU. Just because you will lose personally by leaving the EU are not sufficient grounds to scrap the vote and stay. The fact is we in Britain were being suffocated by EU rules and laws that meant we could not control our borders or our welfare, leaving us in debt and struggling to cope. Watching as our heavy industry was decimated and the lucrative orders going to mainland Europe.

So complicated that project fear cant see that they are clamouring for total control by faceless unelected eurocrats in Brussels telling them when they can breathe, eat, go to the toilet and procreate
51.9 is not a ringing endorsement and a second referendum should be called at some point.

Keep having votes until you get a result you like.

And no matter how thin the margin is on that vote, that's the last one.
51.9 / 48.1 is not a decisive mandate for such a huge decision.
It isnt finished, in fact it is far from finished business.

If it was the other way round you would be shouting from the rooftops that you won. The margin is irrelevant as it is the fact the majority voted against staying in the EU. YOU LOST GET OVER IT AND STOP CRYING LIKE A BABY

No, because a 1 % majority is not a majority. It is only noise. Or rather a con. But this con was used many times before, including drawing the present map of Europe. Brexit is no more fair than the Polish border near Kaliningrad. Hehehe. But a brexiters will never comprehend this.
Keep having votes until you get a result you like.

And no matter how thin the margin is on that vote, that's the last one.
51.9 / 48.1 is not a decisive mandate for such a huge decision.
It isnt finished, in fact it is far from finished business.

What percentage would make it finished business? And does that work both ways?

What percentage of UK citizens voted to ENTER the EU?

What percentage of UK citizens voted FOR large scale muslim immigration?

What percentage of UK citizens voted FOR, political correctness so strong that it actively protected mass child rapists rather than risk giving "ammo" to the bnp?
I think that 2/3 is a reasonable amount. A clear majority.

Just as clear as 1% which is again a clear majority.

If 2/3rds is required then it is not a democratic vote is it , but a neo marxist rigged vote are so fucking stupid.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

These arent my words. Someone called Farage stated this back in June. Is he a neo marxist you thick fucker ?

Nigel Farage: Ukip leader warns of second EU referendum if UK narrowly rejects Brexit

Yiu are the one pushing it now because the vote went against your owners will
The Brexit campaign may be prosecuted for lying to voters

The shit gets piled higher.

If only they had been truthful........................

Wow. So, the political movement that challenges the political elite is being investigated with an eye to using the power of the state to shut them down and arrest them for their political activities and you celebrate that.

And you have the lack of self awareness to accuse your enemies of being nazis?


Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
They lied, there should be some come backs on that. i doubt that there will be but it does no harm to lay down a marker.

YOu don't care about lying. If lying was what it took for your side to win, you would do it in a heart beat.

You just want to see your opponents silenced, and you don't care how it is done.

All the while smearing THEM as nazis.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Fascists like you are very self aware, I take it.
It looks like all our leading nazi groups are supporting the march of shame.

BNP And EDL Among Far-Right Groups To March With Nigel Farage On Supreme Court | Huffington Post

I hope that there are no "pakis" or "darkies" in the area They will feel very uncomfortable.

So hardly anyone from the far right will be there then
Will you be coming out of your bunker for this one ? All your mates will be there.
Looking like Ireland might be next to go the BREXIT route as the nation files suit against the EU for messing with its sovereign rights on taxation. Those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels never learn - which is why you'll seem so natural when you migrate there, Tainted Tommy....
Looking like Ireland might be next to go the BREXIT route as the nation files suit against the EU for messing with its sovereign rights on taxation. Those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels never learn - which is why you'll seem so natural when you migrate there, Tainted Tommy....
Losers of failed decisions usually wish that others make the same mistake. But the Irish won't and usually no others do. Hehehe.
Fascists like you are very self aware, I take it.
It looks like all our leading nazi groups are supporting the march of shame.

BNP And EDL Among Far-Right Groups To March With Nigel Farage On Supreme Court | Huffington Post

I hope that there are no "pakis" or "darkies" in the area They will feel very uncomfortable.

So hardly anyone from the far right will be there then
Will you be coming out of your bunker for this one ? All your mates will be there.

More in your line seeing as both groups are infiltrated by you neo marxists, I wonder how project fear will rally the rent-a-mob to attack live on camera

A lack of understanding of the due process and a determination to see their way prevail. At whatever cost.

It didnt start with gas chambers.

This is what many don't understand, we've seen all this before and it is too dangerous to the democracy to allow it. But as in every other country there is a large enough minority that can be scared into believing and asking for anything. The P.O.Shit trump appeal to emotion. The bad part is the people he's fooling don't know they are being fooled. 'Twas always thus and always thus shall be.

A lack of understanding of the due process and a determination to see their way prevail. At whatever cost.

It didnt start with gas chambers.
Let's be honest here, anyone that dosen't share YOUR dogmatic viewpoint is always compared to a NAZI. What bothers me about liberals is they are so scatterbrained, neurotic, intolerant and hateful that they themselves are becoming crypto Nazis. Liberals have become hypocritical anal retentive control freaks , they scare me.

A lack of understanding of the due process and a determination to see their way prevail. At whatever cost.

It didnt start with gas chambers.

This is what many don't understand, we've seen all this before and it is too dangerous to the democracy to allow it. But as in every other country there is a large enough minority that can be scared into believing and asking for anything. The P.O.Shit trump appeal to emotion. The bad part is the people he's fooling don't know they are being fooled. 'Twas always thus and always thus shall be.

More danger to democracy is to build a country's long term future on a momentary flick of a 1 % noise, such as this referendum. Whalen stupidity is this high all the way up to the organizers, then a parliamentary inertia is a necessity.
You stupid little piece of shit. You don't get it at all. Trump has emboldened every racist in the U.S. The Ku Klux Klan feels it is ok to schedule marches.
University of Pennsylvania black students have been added en masse to ‘lynching’ GroupMe chats. You are a little punk with no f_cking idea. You are the scary fascist sociopath.


A lack of understanding of the due process and a determination to see their way prevail. At whatever cost.

It didnt start with gas chambers.
Let's be honest here, anyone that dosen't share YOUR dogmatic viewpoint is always compared to a NAZI. What bothers me about liberals is they are so scatterbrained, neurotic, intolerant and hateful that they themselves are becoming crypto Nazis. Liberals have become hypocritical anal retentive control freaks , they scare me.

And what is so unacceptable about being called a Nazi? Nazi means national socialist, same as all these brexiters and other European nationalists everywhere today. Or are you afraid that you will be made to disappear for not always agreeing with everything that a Judeo communist tells you?
You stupid little piece of shit. You don't get it at all. Trump has emboldened every racist in the U.S. The Ku Klux Klan feels it is ok to schedule marches.
University of Pennsylvania black students have been added en masse to ‘lynching’ GroupMe chats. You are a little punk with no f_cking idea. You are the scary fascist sociopath.

I am not the brexiter and trumper here. Hehe. Or do you mean the other punks?
The connection between the Brexit and the Trump election? Proving just how god damned ignorant and self righteous a few liberals and their lapdog media cronies can be. Liberals are so full of themselves and dogmatic group- think, why not all follow each other off a cliff like so many lemmings?

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