How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

Otherwise, you need to admit that you are lying.

You're now saying that lying is bad?

It's hard to keep up.

Are you now saying that your frequent lies are a bad thing?
Otherwise, you need to admit that you are lying.

You're now saying that lying is bad?

It's hard to keep up.

Are you now saying that your frequent lies are a bad thing?
I haven't lied to you even one time fag boy.

This conversation is getting boring.

So unless you have something new or interesting to say.

I am going on to debate with other posters and ignore your responses. :cool:

You're a lying Muslim fuck.

So unless you have something new or interesting to say.

This is coming from a twisted fuck who lies about my sexual preference over and over and over over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over over and over and over........
Show me where I have ever stated that I support either one??

Because you have already said you did. Anybody can go back and look it up.

Your lying will not help now. You are caught. :cool:
Posting evidence would go a long way towards backing up your baseless claim.

Just saying :cool:

Look, ma. Two disingenuous religious nuts arguing.

Jake doesn't believe his own bible.

Sunni man, you support terrorism. Fact.
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