How the crazy right became the new normal

Hardly....thats normal politics.

If you don't think that the economy is going to reset on it'sown soon, I have some Nebraska Beach Front Property you can buy.......
define reset.....i never said tarp was a good idea or anything, i just said its not crazy

There will be a crash.
QE Whatever has done one thing, enrich that 1%.

We can't "print" money forever and when we stop it all comes crashing down.
thats a 50-50 post..give me reasons..not...obama

The only thing it has to do with Obama is that he propped up the Stock Market, it hasn't been real since it crashed.

Bush should have let it go, we'd be on the way to recovery by now.
perhaps....perhaps not....the other problem is nobody went to jail over it, so nobody was taught a lesson. I am also curious to see how this AIG lawsuit goes.
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

So ideological extremism and insane conspiracy theories from the right have been normalized. Which means that when another Republican candidate says something deranged, as long as it doesn’t offend a key swing constituency, reporters don’t think it’s disqualifying. And so it isn’t.

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.
The stupid is already the new elected one to be president.

Thanks for adding nothing as usual.
You begin with deserve nothing.
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

So ideological extremism and insane conspiracy theories from the right have been normalized. Which means that when another Republican candidate says something deranged, as long as it doesn’t offend a key swing constituency, reporters don’t think it’s disqualifying. And so it isn’t.

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.
The stupid is already the new elected one to be president.

Thanks for adding nothing as usual.
You begin with deserve nothing.
there is plenty to talk about with this. It just shows your range in topics doesnt go past " derrrr its the lefts fault"
You have to be a freaking idiot born yesterday to get hysterical about old bald headed geezers and blue haired old ladies who belong to the Tea Party when the junkies and perverts of OWS are still around. It wasn't long ago when the "norm" was left wing anarchists bombing corporate headquarters and recruiting centers. The leader of the pack, Bill Ayers became a presidential adviser and is still an unrepentant domestic terrorist.
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

So ideological extremism and insane conspiracy theories from the right have been normalized. Which means that when another Republican candidate says something deranged, as long as it doesn’t offend a key swing constituency, reporters don’t think it’s disqualifying. And so it isn’t.

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.
I find it interesting you people actually consider small government, low taxes and freedom of the individual extreme. Shouldn't extreme be left wing causes that have never resulted in good policy and always end up in failure?

Socialism and government power have never worked out well for the population. Why isn't that considered the extreme position?
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.

The problem is when the crazies seize power. That is when "normal" equals bizarre. Crazies used to be laughed at and ignored. Now they are elected. The system could always handle the odd crazy who slipped through the cracks and was elected. But when they are elected in droves the nation as a whole suffers.

I believe that it was a (sane) rightwing minister who said that you don't reorganize the life of the village around the schedule of the local idiot or something to that effect. At the present time the village idiots in the House are dictating the agenda.

It is way past time that we started laughing at the village idiots again and got on with the job of organizing the village into some semblance of sanity again.

i agree that the crazies need to be laughed out and the media should be doing this. They arent because it makes for ratings. You are starting to see a lot of older conservatives starting to push away from these people.
I just read about a Reagan appointed judge who is doing this.

As always it comes down to who is defining who and what is "crazy".

If you don't think Nancy Pelosi is a deranged idiot I'd judge you as "not all there"
deflecting isnt an answer.
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.

The problem is when the crazies seize power. That is when "normal" equals bizarre. Crazies used to be laughed at and ignored. Now they are elected. The system could always handle the odd crazy who slipped through the cracks and was elected. But when they are elected in droves the nation as a whole suffers.

I believe that it was a (sane) rightwing minister who said that you don't reorganize the life of the village around the schedule of the local idiot or something to that effect. At the present time the village idiots in the House are dictating the agenda.

It is way past time that we started laughing at the village idiots again and got on with the job of organizing the village into some semblance of sanity again.

i agree that the crazies need to be laughed out and the media should be doing this. They arent because it makes for ratings. You are starting to see a lot of older conservatives starting to push away from these people.
I just read about a Reagan appointed judge who is doing this.

As always it comes down to who is defining who and what is "crazy".

If you don't think Nancy Pelosi is a deranged idiot I'd judge you as "not all there"
deflecting isnt an answer.

No deflection at all,the point is that your post is completely subjective, and that's MY point.

Crazy in Politics is subjective to your own belief system.

An peeballs is a well known and acknowledged lunatic himself.
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

So ideological extremism and insane conspiracy theories from the right have been normalized. Which means that when another Republican candidate says something deranged, as long as it doesn’t offend a key swing constituency, reporters don’t think it’s disqualifying. And so it isn’t.

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.
I find it interesting you people actually consider small government, low taxes and freedom of the individual extreme. Shouldn't extreme be left wing causes that have never resulted in good policy and always end up in failure?

Socialism and government power have never worked out well for the population. Why isn't that considered the extreme position?

"People" don't. Extremist yahoos like avgjo and peeballs, do.
once again i will say what your not allowed to say LL......there are a lot on the left too.....

He/she is one of them.

Want to have a contest?

You find the craziest thing I have said here. I'll find one of yours. See whose is worse.

You go first.

The Giant's won, go flagellate.


Weird nutter is weird. The Giants that I care about lost. 27-0 on Sunday night.

I'm rooting for the Cardinals on the diamond.

But....I understand your reluctance to accept the challenge. You'd lose that one easily. You have said a few really crazy things here.

Not at all kid,but one must care about any "challenge" and I don't.

Again it's subjective, the truth YOU never really say anything.....usually you just put people down.

But I'd love to see what the craziest thing you think I've ever said is.....entertain us.

"Crazy" to extremist loons is typically any idea that is correct and they can't counter intelligently.
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.

Didya wanna try and put us in an "asylum" ass bite?
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

So ideological extremism and insane conspiracy theories from the right have been normalized. Which means that when another Republican candidate says something deranged, as long as it doesn’t offend a key swing constituency, reporters don’t think it’s disqualifying. And so it isn’t.

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.

Wow the far left believing a far left blog site proving the words by showing how loyal they are to their crazy far left religion.
Drink up......TWICE!
How the media has helped normalize GOP crazy - The Washington Post

Its a blog and thus an opinion piece, but it sums up why the crazy right and partially crazy left have become the norm and why the media is to blame for it.
i don't totally blame the media though. I blame government and the people for allowing it as normal.

I understand most of you won't be able to get past blaming the left or bring them up as some sort of deflection.

The problem is when the crazies seize power. That is when "normal" equals bizarre. Crazies used to be laughed at and ignored. Now they are elected. The system could always handle the odd crazy who slipped through the cracks and was elected. But when they are elected in droves the nation as a whole suffers.

I believe that it was a (sane) rightwing minister who said that you don't reorganize the life of the village around the schedule of the local idiot or something to that effect. At the present time the village idiots in the House are dictating the agenda.

It is way past time that we started laughing at the village idiots again and got on with the job of organizing the village into some semblance of sanity again.

i agree that the crazies need to be laughed out and the media should be doing this. They arent because it makes for ratings. You are starting to see a lot of older conservatives starting to push away from these people.
I just read about a Reagan appointed judge who is doing this.

As always it comes down to who is defining who and what is "crazy".

If you don't think Nancy Pelosi is a deranged idiot I'd judge you as "not all there"
deflecting isnt an answer.

It is if you are far left, for those that are not far left is not, based on far left programmed protocols..
THREE drinks, everyone!
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.

Didya wanna try and put us in an "asylum" ass bite?

red star, you in particular need to be... and left there until you grow up.
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.

Didya wanna try and put us in an "asylum" ass bite?

red star, you in particular need to be... and left there until you grow up.

Too funny,you are the prototypical Leftwing idiot kid.
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.
So you made some jokes people thought were funny and that now means they are idiots.

Science, you're doing it wrong.
Bush and Obama are not crazy...Come on now....Cruz is...

Tarp and Amnesty are both bat shit crazy, Obama and Bush BOTH pushed them.

Hardly....thats normal politics.

If you don't think that the economy is going to reset on it'sown soon, I have some Nebraska Beach Front Property you can buy.......
define reset.....i never said tarp was a good idea or anything, i just said its not crazy

Of course it was passed by a far left Congress.
Drink up everyone!
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.

You're the one posting blatant lies and garbage, and posing as someone with a different viewpoint....and we're the basket cases?

You are the reason we know that the lunatic fringe infects the Republican party with moles to make them look bad. If there's someone at a Tea Party rally holding a sign that says "God Hates Fags" chances are, it's Siete.
yesterday I posted a series of BS lies and took a little time just making shit up like Obama gave Ebola to my dog ... ISIS has Ebola and is swimming to the USA just to infect us ... instantly I was accepted by RW's and received "thank you's" and several atta boy's ... proving the point of this thread ... RW's are crazy as hell and are perfectly willing to accept total BS fiction over facts.

Well, Beck was wrong. His audience wasn't FRAGILE, thy're basket cases who belong in an asylum.

You're the one posting blatant lies and garbage, and posing as someone with a different viewpoint....and we're the basket cases?

You are the reason we know that the lunatic fringe infects the Republican party with moles to make them look bad. If there's someone at a Tea Party rally holding a sign that says "God Hates Fags" chances are, it's Siete.
please keep only reaffirm my OP more and more.
Trust me, nobody on this site thinks I'm crazy for recognizing you're crazy.

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