How The Democrats Created A Nation of Terrorists

In other words your usual spamming gibberish.

That's what I thought.
gerund or present participle: spamming
  1. send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
  1. unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense:
    "he talks gibberish"
Well, at least you know what you post...
Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
gerund or present participle: spamming
  1. send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
  1. unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense:
    "he talks gibberish"
Well, at least you know what you post...
Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
  1. unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense:
    "he talks gibberish"
Well, at least you know what you post...
Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
Of which in originally quoting me did not do. So apparently not.

So ...we are back to you trolling with spam and gibberish then.

Like originally stated.

Get an argument or take a hike...assman.
Well, at least you know what you post...
Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
Of which in originally quoting me did not do. So apparently not.

So ...we are back to you trolling with spam and gibberish then.

Like originally stated.

Get an argument or take a hike...assman.
No spam, no emails..Please take it up with everyone in this thread which trolled....Or,,are you are showing me favoritism? Which I knew you liked me more than the rest by all the attention you give me... Do you think that girls think less of a boy if he lets himself be kissed?
the dimocrap scum party loves international terrorists and has ALWAYS had a domestic terrorist arm.

Beginning in 1866 with the KKK all the way through to today with their attempt at creating an American ISIS in the BLM.

When one fails or falls into general disrepute, they form another terrorist arm..... The Occupy (bowel) Movement, SDS, Weathermen; or they form an alliance with professional criminals like they did for 80 years with The Mob.

They also have the Unions who used to be fairly violent.

the dimocrap scum party is a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

Think about all the violent groups in this Country's history and who they side with....

And here is who is going to change directions for America as we move forward never having another Democrat as POTUS. :clap2:

Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
Of which in originally quoting me did not do. So apparently not.

So ...we are back to you trolling with spam and gibberish then.

Like originally stated.

Get an argument or take a hike...assman.
No spam, no emails..Please take it up with everyone in this thread which trolled....Or,,are you are showing me favoritism? Which I knew you liked me more than the rest by all the attention you give me... Do you think that girls think less of a boy if he lets himself be kissed?
You quoted me wacko.

Go away
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, and her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

When Democrat supporters, e.g., this dunce, glean their education from bumper stickers, they post this sort of thing:

"The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, ....Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah.."

What a buffoon.

Now for educational remediation:

9. During the 1953 through 1969, Eisenhower and Kennedy and Johnson pressured the Shah to engage in various reforms based on their fear of a popular uprising, as predicted by the CIA as “…just around the corner!” In mid-1958, “Tomorrow will be a revolution!” Of course, the CIA was premature by some twenty years! In comparison, in 1978, the CIA was dismally incorrect: “…the Shah is here to stay! There will be no fundamental change…no group is powerful enough.”
[The CIA....just as accurate in claims about 'Russians hacked the election'!]

a. Due to the American pressure, the Shah launched a series of reforms, known as the White Revolution, in 1963. This included many American ideas for modernization, such as
a) land reform,

b) modernization of infrastructure including railroads,

c) education,

d) enfranchising women,

e) urbanization,

f) encouragement of a class of technocrats and competent bureaucrats, etc. tried (unsuccessfully) to enable Iran’s religious minorities—principally Baha’is, Jews, and Christians—to take the oath of office on a holy book of their own choosing.

I'll get to the bogus tale that America overthrew the duly elected government in a moment...but....remember how wrong the CIA was in all of its assessments.

See the problem in f) above?

This was an affront to Islam and a dangerous move toward Western modernity: Ayatollah Khomeini, Jimmy Carter's man in Iran, immediately denounced the proposed reforms, led the clerical opposition.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
Of which in originally quoting me did not do. So apparently not.

So ...we are back to you trolling with spam and gibberish then.

Like originally stated.

Get an argument or take a hike...assman.
No spam, no emails..Please take it up with everyone in this thread which trolled....Or,,are you are showing me favoritism? Which I knew you liked me more than the rest by all the attention you give me... Do you think that girls think less of a boy if he lets himself be kissed?
You quoted me wacko.

Go away
Sorry,, I'm already taken....
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...
Of which in originally quoting me did not do. So apparently not.

So ...we are back to you trolling with spam and gibberish then.

Like originally stated.

Get an argument or take a hike...assman.
No spam, no emails..Please take it up with everyone in this thread which trolled....Or,,are you are showing me favoritism? Which I knew you liked me more than the rest by all the attention you give me... Do you think that girls think less of a boy if he lets himself be kissed?
You quoted me wacko.

Go away
Sorry,, I'm already taken.... mental health issues...I know.
Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
You failed to deny anything I've posted.

But...I understand where you're coming from: your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

This has to do with you starting and promoting a fraudulent thread where you are attempting to rewrite history with your usual method of disjointed cherry picked cut and paste nonsense to blame the current era of terrorism away from where it belongs.
Specifically, you are using your last post to evade answering some simple questions. Integrity is something you lack.

"... you are attempting to rewrite history..."

Well, should be eminently simple for you to provide proof that anything I've posted isn't correct.

But you can't.

Perhaps this is your motivation:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Why do you refuse to answer the simple questions you were asked? When people refuse and evade asking reasonable simple questions it means they are hiding something, afraid of being caught lying or misrepresenting and simple cowardly.

Which one are you?

Sooooo sorry....I'm not going to allow you to change the subject.

Third time for this query:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Is this true?
Practically the whole US society had a problem with Jews,both democrats and republicans...

I love your autobiographical posts.
the dimocrap scum party loves international terrorists and has ALWAYS had a domestic terrorist arm.

Beginning in 1866 with the KKK all the way through to today with their attempt at creating an American ISIS in the BLM.

When one fails or falls into general disrepute, they form another terrorist arm..... The Occupy (bowel) Movement, SDS, Weathermen; or they form an alliance with professional criminals like they did for 80 years with The Mob.

They also have the Unions who used to be fairly violent.

the dimocrap scum party is a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

Think about all the violent groups in this Country's history and who they side with....

And here is who is going to change directions for America as we move forward never having another Democrat as POTUS. :clap2:


From your mouth to God's inbox, Beauty!
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
  1. unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense:
    "he talks gibberish"
Well, at least you know what you post...
Upsets you that your party supports domestics terrorists like the Weathermen and Black Panthers. But hey...maybe the families of the armored guards and police that they murdered in cold blood have died of old age now so you can pretend otherwise.
A swing and a miss, no surprise...

Your mistake is assuming I have a political party.. I do have parties,but not with politics...
And yet here you are defending democratic radicals.

Go figure
Another assumption that is incorrect..I can't present an argument for debate if I don't take an opposite stance..Get it? Now go back to your dishes...

C'mon,'re all over the board doing just that.
Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
You failed to deny anything I've posted.

But...I understand where you're coming from: your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

This has to do with you starting and promoting a fraudulent thread where you are attempting to rewrite history with your usual method of disjointed cherry picked cut and paste nonsense to blame the current era of terrorism away from where it belongs.
Specifically, you are using your last post to evade answering some simple questions. Integrity is something you lack.

"... you are attempting to rewrite history..."

Well, should be eminently simple for you to provide proof that anything I've posted isn't correct.

But you can't.

Perhaps this is your motivation:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Why do you refuse to answer the simple questions you were asked? When people refuse and evade asking reasonable simple questions it means they are hiding something, afraid of being caught lying or misrepresenting and simple cowardly.

Which one are you?

Sooooo sorry....I'm not going to allow you to change the subject.

Third time for this query:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Is this true?
Practically the whole US society had a problem with Jews,both democrats and republicans...

Bigotry has few limits, targets in the past have been the Chinese, the Irish, the Germans and Eastern Europeans, the Japanese and today Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims and those American's who challenge the dogma, hate and fear mongering of the Dumpsters and Alt Right.
There is an historic pattern of attempted reforms leading to revolution....and so it was in Iran.

1. Strangely, the success of the White Revolution lead to new social tensions that helped create many of the problems the Shah had been trying to avoid. It produced a middle class, economically privileged, that formed the insurgents who demanded political reform later…just what the Shah had hoped to avoid.
Dr. Abbas Milani is he Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His book is “The Shah,” is based on ten years studying the archives of the United States and of Britain. The above is from his recent lecture on that subject.

2. Khomeini and his allies in Iran actually reached out to, Jimmy Carter, to whom he promised
a) to hold the country together, calming the unrest,
b) to keep the communists out, and
c) to keep the oil flowing.

That’s all Carter had to hear! Carter then intercedes with the Iranian military on behalf of Khomeini and in opposition to Bakhtiar, and that the US would not support any coup in favor of the Shah. In 1991, Bakhtiar was assassinated.

a. Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy! Really!

The rule of Leftists: either they are naive...or fail to recognize evil.
Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
This has to do with you starting and promoting a fraudulent thread where you are attempting to rewrite history with your usual method of disjointed cherry picked cut and paste nonsense to blame the current era of terrorism away from where it belongs.
Specifically, you are using your last post to evade answering some simple questions. Integrity is something you lack.

"... you are attempting to rewrite history..."

Well, should be eminently simple for you to provide proof that anything I've posted isn't correct.

But you can't.

Perhaps this is your motivation:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Why do you refuse to answer the simple questions you were asked? When people refuse and evade asking reasonable simple questions it means they are hiding something, afraid of being caught lying or misrepresenting and simple cowardly.

Which one are you?

Sooooo sorry....I'm not going to allow you to change the subject.

Third time for this query:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Is this true?
Practically the whole US society had a problem with Jews,both democrats and republicans...

Bigotry has few limits, targets in the past have been the Chinese, the Irish, the Germans and Eastern Europeans, the Japanese and today Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims and those American's who challenge the dogma, hate and fear mongering of the Dumpsters and Alt Right.

By 'Bigotry' you Leftists mean 'thought crimes'?

.....can't have anyone thinking differently than the mandated thought, can you,, Liberals.

BTW.....against whom are most real crimes committed?

'Of the 1,340 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

62.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
11.6 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.'

Yet you support Obama, who committed the greatest offense against a religion....the back-stabbing snake authorized the UN vote against Israel, and wants the 7th century savages on their doorstep.

Go figure.
The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, all the finer things that republicans cherish..
Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah..
Why Carter loved the Islamic revolutionaries so much he let the Shah stay in the US while other nations kicked him out while dying from a terminal disease..Which lead to the hostile takeover of the US embassy by Carter's most favorite Islamic revolutionary guards...

Must give credence to polislick for linking a site that demands a subscription, you think she is employed by them as a circulation manager...Yet she still lies about Carter being the one to give Iran away, as usual she shows no bias in her slurring, and her syllogistic fallacy rhetoric...
The real problem was Nixon's avocation of Iranian membership in OPEC and his unorthodox ordainment of the organization, which in turn led to the oil crisis because of US support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war....

When Democrat supporters, e.g., this dunce, glean their education from bumper stickers, they post this sort of thing:

"The Shah of Iran was his own enemy...Corruption, extreme brutality,poor economic models which produced bottlenecks,shortages and inflation, ....Yet the Shah's military was defeated by the Iranian upheaval that western money could not defeat...In other words, they wanted it more than the despotic monarchy of the Shah.."

What a buffoon.

Now for educational remediation:

9. During the 1953 through 1969, Eisenhower and Kennedy and Johnson pressured the Shah to engage in various reforms based on their fear of a popular uprising, as predicted by the CIA as “…just around the corner!” In mid-1958, “Tomorrow will be a revolution!” Of course, the CIA was premature by some twenty years! In comparison, in 1978, the CIA was dismally incorrect: “…the Shah is here to stay! There will be no fundamental change…no group is powerful enough.”
[The CIA....just as accurate in claims about 'Russians hacked the election'!]

a. Due to the American pressure, the Shah launched a series of reforms, known as the White Revolution, in 1963. This included many American ideas for modernization, such as
a) land reform,

b) modernization of infrastructure including railroads,

c) education,

d) enfranchising women,

e) urbanization,

f) encouragement of a class of technocrats and competent bureaucrats, etc. tried (unsuccessfully) to enable Iran’s religious minorities—principally Baha’is, Jews, and Christians—to take the oath of office on a holy book of their own choosing.

I'll get to the bogus tale that America overthrew the duly elected government in a moment...but....remember how wrong the CIA was in all of its assessments.

See the problem in f) above?

This was an affront to Islam and a dangerous move toward Western modernity: Ayatollah Khomeini, Jimmy Carter's man in Iran, immediately denounced the proposed reforms, led the clerical opposition.

Notice that my cited web page doesn't require a subscription..Polichic does that to deny the reader an opportunity to peruse her sources..She does it intentionally...

Viewed in terms of the full range of human rights concerns, the Shah's dictatorial regime deserves many negative, but also some positive marks. Despite the publicity associated with land reform, the Shah's white revolution placed low priority on satisfaction of the basic needs of his poorest subjects.1 s Land reform benefited primarily the well-to-do peasants and agricultural entrepreneurs. Landless and poor peasants were often compelled to migrate to large urban centers. Wages for unskilled laborers lagged far behind those of skilled labor and the income distribution gap steadily broadened. This development was not politically dangerous as long as those at the low end of the scale were experiencing some improvement in their standard of living-which was true in the pre-inflationary period of 1963-1974. After 1974, however, the inflation rate was often in the thirty-five to fifty percent range and many of the Iranian poor suffered a real income decline.

In the area of individual freedom and political rights, the regime was about as repressive as the state of Iranian technology allowed. The coercive system, best known for its internal security and information organization known by its acronym "SAVAK", was highly effective. It was considered by most Iranians to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Press and speech were tightly controlled and Iran's modern history was rewritten. The number of political prisoners ranged between 3,500-the admitted official figure-and 125,000-the top figure given by opposition leaders.20 Given the nature of the regime, even visits to prisons by international organizations told little since the government certainly had the capability to orchestrate a clean visitation. Torture certainly occurred. Testimony apparently freely given in the 1979 trials, in fact, seems to confirm some of the worst and least believed reports.
. The extent to which Carter's human rights policy was, in fact, responsible for the developing momentum toward disintegration of the Shah's regime can never be evaluated satisfactorily. Undoubtedly both the Shah and ,the opposition were responding in early 1977 to the Carter policy. But by the summer of 1977, signals from the Carter administration regarding Iran were strong and clear.
When Carter arrived in Tehran he described Iran as an island of stability and the Shah as a broadly popular figure. Acts of violence against and persecution of the signatories followed as predicted. Then on September 8, 1978, a day of infamy in Iran known as Black Friday, on which as many as 4,500 unarmed demonstrators were shot to death, Carter took time out from his Camp David discussions to telephone and assure the Shah of continuing American support. As far as the opposition was concerned, there was no longer any ambivalence in their view of Carter-they saw him as a total hypocrite in the area of human rights.2 "
Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
"... you are attempting to rewrite history..."

Well, should be eminently simple for you to provide proof that anything I've posted isn't correct.

But you can't.

Perhaps this is your motivation:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Why do you refuse to answer the simple questions you were asked? When people refuse and evade asking reasonable simple questions it means they are hiding something, afraid of being caught lying or misrepresenting and simple cowardly.

Which one are you?

Sooooo sorry....I'm not going to allow you to change the subject.

Third time for this query:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Is this true?
Practically the whole US society had a problem with Jews,both democrats and republicans...

Bigotry has few limits, targets in the past have been the Chinese, the Irish, the Germans and Eastern Europeans, the Japanese and today Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims and those American's who challenge the dogma, hate and fear mongering of the Dumpsters and Alt Right.

By 'Bigotry' you Leftists mean 'thought crimes'?

.....can't have anyone thinking differently than the mandated thought, can you,, Liberals.

BTW.....against whom are most real crimes committed?

'Of the 1,340 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

62.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
11.6 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.'

Yet you support Obama, who committed the greatest offense against a religion....the back-stabbing snake authorized the UN vote against Israel, and wants the 7th century savages on their doorstep.

Go figure.

I have, often. And your numbers never add up. Here's a number that does: PoliticalChic is intolerant of those who challenge her(?), 100% of the time.

In every post when challenged PoliticalChic defends her biases not by reason, but by attacking the morality or intelligence of anyone who does not kill her(?) ass. As Yogi said, "You can look it up".

Why did I use (?) in the post?
Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
"... you are attempting to rewrite history..."

Well, should be eminently simple for you to provide proof that anything I've posted isn't correct.

But you can't.

Perhaps this is your motivation:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Why do you refuse to answer the simple questions you were asked? When people refuse and evade asking reasonable simple questions it means they are hiding something, afraid of being caught lying or misrepresenting and simple cowardly.

Which one are you?

Sooooo sorry....I'm not going to allow you to change the subject.

Third time for this query:
....your god, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt had pretty much the same view of Jewish folks as Carter, Obama,....and the Ayatollah.

Is this true?
Practically the whole US society had a problem with Jews,both democrats and republicans...

Bigotry has few limits, targets in the past have been the Chinese, the Irish, the Germans and Eastern Europeans, the Japanese and today Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims and those American's who challenge the dogma, hate and fear mongering of the Dumpsters and Alt Right.

By 'Bigotry' you Leftists mean 'thought crimes'?

.....can't have anyone thinking differently than the mandated thought, can you,, Liberals.

BTW.....against whom are most real crimes committed?

'Of the 1,340 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

62.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
11.6 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.'

Yet you support Obama, who committed the greatest offense against a religion....the back-stabbing snake authorized the UN vote against Israel, and wants the 7th century savages on their doorstep.

Go figure.
So Oblama back stabbed a religion? And here I thought Israel had Jews in it...Jews is not a religion...Judaism is though....
Here's the bottom line, dimocrap scum..... Under Jimmy The Peanut, Iran got a Goatfucker Fundamentalist Theocracy.

Under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, they got the right to build Nukes.

Piss off

And Reagan was selling those arms to a revolutionary faction in Iran that was interested in overthrowing the Assahollah

Arms to Iran Weren't for Hostages, Reagan Says

And he also did it because dimocrrap FILTH in Congress had barred him from fighting COMMUNIST SCUM in Nicaragua.

Kinda figures, don't it? Reagan wants to fight communists, dimocrap FILTH want to protect them??

Ortega is still there.

Nicaraguan President wins re-election with wife as VP -

dimocraps are scum

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