The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
If you want to know why THE EVIL DEMNAZIS want to give Illegals Driver Licenses, Let Them Vote, Give them instant access to our Social Safety Net while throwing Grandma and Grandpa off the cliff, are opposed to Border Security, tightening lax immigration law, and WHY THEY HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP for wanting to fix immigration issues, look no further than this thread.


In three simple snips of the following article, you will have everything you need to know about WHY YOU SHOULD TREAT DEMOCRATS like your Mortal Enemies. Why they are a threat to our Democracy. And Why They Should NEVER be allowed to hold power in any office.

They have been waging a war against this country and against the integrity of our elections since LBJ took office.

ALL Democrats in my book belong in Hell. If I had the power, I would round all of them up, revoke their citizenship and send them to CUBA.


If you Love America, You Should Hate The Democrat Party. It's that simple.
They don't give a fuck about you, your kids, your mom, your dad, your brother or sister or anyone in your family unless you are an illegal alien that will help them scam the rest of America.

IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TO HATE THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! They oppose everything America was created for, and they are working to destroy it and replace it with their own dystopian vision.

I hope California and New York gets hit with an asteroid.

Impact On Congressional Apportionment

Non-citizens Have Large Impact. Immigration has a significant effect on the distribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for three reasons. First, seats are apportioned based on each state's total population relative to the rest of the country, including illegal aliens and other non-citizens. This, of course, is the issue at the center of Congresswomen Miller's proposal. Second, congress has chosen to allow in a large number of legal immigrants and to tolerate wide spread illegal immigration. After the 2000 Census, the average congressional district had roughly 650,000 people. Thus, the more than 18 million non-citizens in the 2000 Census were equal to nearly 29 congressional seats. The third reason is that non-citizens are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In 2000, half of all non-citizens lived in just three states and almost 70 percent live in just six states. States with a large non-citizen population will gain at the expense of states comprised mostly of citizens.

Impact of Illegal Aliens.

In our 2003 apportionment study we also tried to estimate the impact of illegal aliens by themselves. The former INS has estimated the size and state distribution of illegals who responded to the Census, and we used those figures to estimate their impact on the distribution of House seats. We found that of the nine states that lost seats due to non-citizens, four were the result of illegals. This makes perfect sense because 40 to 45 percent of non-citizens are illegal aliens. Indiana, Michigan, and Mississippi each lost one seat in the House and Montana failed to gain a seat it otherwise would have gained because of illegal aliens in other states.

Impact on Electoral College.

Immigration and the resulting non-citizen population not only redistributes seats in the House, it has the same effect on presidential elections because the apportionment of the Electoral College is based on the same basic calculations as congressional delegations. Thus immigration policy and the resulting large non-citizen population it produces impacts the distribution of political influence both in Congress and in the Executive.

The Impact of Non-Citizens on Congressional Apportionment
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dimocraps don't care about America or Americans.

They only care about their single-issue preference(s) which the dimocrap scum party, through its elected representatives, caters to.

Whether they're all worked up over their pussy, their butt-sex, their thieving Union, their free food, subsidized rent, free College Tuition, free spending money, their demands to be hired first over better-qualified people of the wrong race, their desire to murder their own babies at will..... Whatever.

It's almost all single-issue garbage that has nothing to do with America. They care only about themselves.

I'm not talking about the elected Representatives. They're just hired guns. Assassins for hire.

I'm talking about the people that vote them into Office. THEY are the real scum. Believe it.

If Trump gets voted out (a distinct possibility if real Americans sit home) there WILL be a reckoning.

And it WILL be ugly. Like none of you can imagine. It won't happen right away. These things never do. But it WILL happen.

One thing we've learned over the Centuries...... dimocrap scum never learn. Never.
dimocraps don't care about America or Americans.

They only care about their single-issue preference(s) which the dimocrap scum party, through its elected representatives, caters to.

Whether they're all worked up over their pussy, their butt-sex, their thieving Union, their free food, subsidized rent, free College Tuition, free spending money, their demands to be hired first over better-qualified people of the wrong race, their desire to murder their own babies at will..... Whatever.

It's almost all single-issue garbage that has nothing to do with America. They care only about themselves.

I'm not talking about the elected Representatives. They're just hired guns. Assassins for hire.

I'm talking about the people that vote them into Office. THEY are the real scum. Believe it.

If Trump gets voted out (a distinct possibility if real Americans sit home) there WILL be a reckoning.

And it WILL be ugly. Like none of you can imagine. It won't happen right away. These things never do. But it WILL happen.

One thing we've learned over the Centuries...... dimocrap scum never learn. Never.

No, you are right. They do not CARE..... NOT EVEN ONE BIT about America or Americans. The Entire Party has been overtaken by Jihadists, and Radical Feminists, Radical Homosexuals, Radical Pedophiles, Radical Atheists, Radical Earth Worshipers, Radical Liberals, Radical Abortionists, and Radical Communists.

Their only goal is political power and Fundamentally Destroying America so they can install their own Dystopian Equivalent PC Misery in it's place.

These people are WORSE THAN THE PURITANS. They are right up there with ISIS as far as radicals go and their level of hatred for America.
And why does The Left think they need Power at all costs, even illegitimate Power?

Here is just one reason:

Help Protect America's Children — FIGHT the Homosexual and Pedophilia Agenda!

There is an ever-increasing effort among homosexual organizations to target public school children, to abolish age of consent laws, and to publish “studies” that purportedly show that adult/child sex is not harmful.

The following reports provide clear and convincing proof that homosexual pedophiles (called pederasts) want children.

Homosexuals should not be given special federal protections under “hate crime” laws; they should not be free to promote homosexuality in public schools; nor should they be allowed to marry or adopt children.

Many homosexuals are sexual predators who prey on children.

If we don't protect America's children, then no one else will!

If you want to know why THE EVIL DEMNAZIS want to give Illegals Driver Licenses, Let Them Vote, Give them instant access to our Social Safety Net while throwing Grandma and Grandpa off the cliff, are opposed to Border Security, tightening lax immigration law, and WHY THEY HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP for wanting to fix immigration issues, look no further than this thread.


In three simple snips of the following article, you will have everything you need to know about WHY YOU SHOULD TREAT DEMOCRATS like your Mortal Enemies. Why they are a threat to our Democracy. And Why They Should NEVER be allowed to hold power in any office.

They have been waging a war against this country and against the integrity of our elections since LBJ took office.

ALL Democrats in my book belong in Hell. If I had the power, I would round all of them up, revoke their citizenship and send them to CUBA.


If you Love America, You Should Hate The Democrat Party. It's that simple.
They don't give a fuck about you, your kids, your mom, your dad, your brother or sister or anyone in your family unless you are an illegal alien that will help them scam the rest of America.

IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TO HATE THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! They oppose everything America was created for, and they are working to destroy it and replace it with their own dystopian vision.

I hope California and New York gets hit with an asteroid.

Impact On Congressional Apportionment

Non-citizens Have Large Impact. Immigration has a significant effect on the distribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for three reasons. First, seats are apportioned based on each state's total population relative to the rest of the country, including illegal aliens and other non-citizens. This, of course, is the issue at the center of Congresswomen Miller's proposal. Second, congress has chosen to allow in a large number of legal immigrants and to tolerate wide spread illegal immigration. After the 2000 Census, the average congressional district had roughly 650,000 people. Thus, the more than 18 million non-citizens in the 2000 Census were equal to nearly 29 congressional seats. The third reason is that non-citizens are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In 2000, half of all non-citizens lived in just three states and almost 70 percent live in just six states. States with a large non-citizen population will gain at the expense of states comprised mostly of citizens.

Impact of Illegal Aliens.

In our 2003 apportionment study we also tried to estimate the impact of illegal aliens by themselves. The former INS has estimated the size and state distribution of illegals who responded to the Census, and we used those figures to estimate their impact on the distribution of House seats. We found that of the nine states that lost seats due to non-citizens, four were the result of illegals. This makes perfect sense because 40 to 45 percent of non-citizens are illegal aliens. Indiana, Michigan, and Mississippi each lost one seat in the House and Montana failed to gain a seat it otherwise would have gained because of illegal aliens in other states.

Impact on Electoral College.

Immigration and the resulting non-citizen population not only redistributes seats in the House, it has the same effect on presidential elections because the apportionment of the Electoral College is based on the same basic calculations as congressional delegations. Thus immigration policy and the resulting large non-citizen population it produces impacts the distribution of political influence both in Congress and in the Executive.

The Impact of Non-Citizens on Congressional Apportionment


Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Evidence has been presented to a federal court on how failure to count the actual number of people living in a jurisidction, legal or otherwise, affects elections for Republicans. Your entire post is yet another "fake news" story being pushed by the Russian posters here, to undermine democracy in the United States.

If Conservative media in the United States is not sound going to sound the alarm to citizens to be wary of where the sources of their discussion are coming from, perhaps the international media, which has no horse in the political race in the USA, will.

Every new thread directting discussions in this forum is being started by Russian trolls, trying to misdirect and mislead the unpaid posters in the direction Trump and Putin want to lead American political discussions. This is yet another attempt to misdirect the people away from the ongoing crimes and attempts of the Trump Administration and to deflect legal attention towards something other than Trump's assault on the Constitution.
If you want to know why THE EVIL DEMNAZIS want to give Illegals Driver Licenses, Let Them Vote, Give them instant access to our Social Safety Net while throwing Grandma and Grandpa off the cliff, are opposed to Border Security, tightening lax immigration law, and WHY THEY HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP for wanting to fix immigration issues, look no further than this thread.


In three simple snips of the following article, you will have everything you need to know about WHY YOU SHOULD TREAT DEMOCRATS like your Mortal Enemies. Why they are a threat to our Democracy. And Why They Should NEVER be allowed to hold power in any office.

They have been waging a war against this country and against the integrity of our elections since LBJ took office.

ALL Democrats in my book belong in Hell. If I had the power, I would round all of them up, revoke their citizenship and send them to CUBA.


If you Love America, You Should Hate The Democrat Party. It's that simple.
They don't give a fuck about you, your kids, your mom, your dad, your brother or sister or anyone in your family unless you are an illegal alien that will help them scam the rest of America.

IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TO HATE THE DEMOCRAT PARTY! They oppose everything America was created for, and they are working to destroy it and replace it with their own dystopian vision.

I hope California and New York gets hit with an asteroid.

Impact On Congressional Apportionment

Non-citizens Have Large Impact. Immigration has a significant effect on the distribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for three reasons. First, seats are apportioned based on each state's total population relative to the rest of the country, including illegal aliens and other non-citizens. This, of course, is the issue at the center of Congresswomen Miller's proposal. Second, congress has chosen to allow in a large number of legal immigrants and to tolerate wide spread illegal immigration. After the 2000 Census, the average congressional district had roughly 650,000 people. Thus, the more than 18 million non-citizens in the 2000 Census were equal to nearly 29 congressional seats. The third reason is that non-citizens are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In 2000, half of all non-citizens lived in just three states and almost 70 percent live in just six states. States with a large non-citizen population will gain at the expense of states comprised mostly of citizens.

Impact of Illegal Aliens.

In our 2003 apportionment study we also tried to estimate the impact of illegal aliens by themselves. The former INS has estimated the size and state distribution of illegals who responded to the Census, and we used those figures to estimate their impact on the distribution of House seats. We found that of the nine states that lost seats due to non-citizens, four were the result of illegals. This makes perfect sense because 40 to 45 percent of non-citizens are illegal aliens. Indiana, Michigan, and Mississippi each lost one seat in the House and Montana failed to gain a seat it otherwise would have gained because of illegal aliens in other states.

Impact on Electoral College.

Immigration and the resulting non-citizen population not only redistributes seats in the House, it has the same effect on presidential elections because the apportionment of the Electoral College is based on the same basic calculations as congressional delegations. Thus immigration policy and the resulting large non-citizen population it produces impacts the distribution of political influence both in Congress and in the Executive.

The Impact of Non-Citizens on Congressional Apportionment


Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Evidence has been presented to a federal court on how failure to count the actual number of people living in a jurisidction, legal or otherwise, affects elections for Republicans. Your entire post is yet another "fake news" story being pushed by the Russian posters here, to undermine democracy in the United States.

If Conservative media in the United States is not sound going to sound the alarm to citizens to be wary of where the sources of their discussion are coming from, perhaps the international media, which has no horse in the political race in the USA, will.

Every new thread directting discussions in this forum is being started by Russian trolls, trying to misdirect and mislead the unpaid posters in the direction Trump and Putin want to lead American political discussions. This is yet another attempt to misdirect the people away from the ongoing crimes and attempts of the Trump Administration and to deflect legal attention towards something other than Trump's assault on the Constitution.

It's already been established that you are a LIAR and an Enemy of The United States.

Why are you helping to do The Work your Puppet Master, Vlad Putin wants you to do?

The Russians did not make one vote in our election, but we have 20 Million Illegals who half of them tried to vote and about 6 million succeeded.

The Democrat Party is not only trying to Destroy America's Moral Foundation from the inside, but their SATANIC PLAN includes Invasions from The Outside, by importing Islamic Radicals who hate America, and Latino Brown Slaves to work in their sweat shops and who are draining our resources and giving them unfair representation in Congress, in The Electoral College and gaining them an UNFAIR SHARE of Federal Tax Dollars.

Here is what it's like to live on The Southern Mexico US Border.

'Cowards' spray Texas home with bullets, killing sleeping boy, 11: sheriff
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To Recap

  • The Democrat Plan to take control of America Fully is to do as follows:

  • Morally Bankrupt The Country

  • Destroy The Family Unit

  • Undermine Family Values

  • Undermine Patriotism and Loyalty to America

  • Promote Homosexuality and Abortion

  • Financially Bankrupt America

  • Undermine the idea of Individual Liberties and Rights.

  • Destroy The Integrity of our Elections

  • Replace American Culture with Foreign Cultures Hostile to American Culture.

  • Weaken America enough to make it susceptible to a take over by Globalist Government.

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