How The Left Raises Mushrooms

Yeah I tried raising Mushrooms a lifetime ago, found out it was much better just to hunt-um.

Don't forget to eat your stems, or else........
You know the inmates have thrown in the towel when they start blaming the media for the reason things aren't going their way.

When it comes to Obama, you accept all with equanimity, unquestioned, and with nary a quibble.

And, when the noose becomes too tight, without diffidence, you leap to the role of apologist.

Allow me to address you properly: is it sycophant, or lap-dog?

I can list more times I've disagreed with Obama than you can list times you disagreed with Bush.

Go ahead, list some.
Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

Why hasn't Obama been prosecuted for ordering the assassination of American citizens without due process?

I'm sorry as I can be but in my corner of the universe assassinations of American citizens by drone trump water boarding or leashes on a prisoner.

Because killing enemy combatants in a war is not a crime.

Let me repeat the question. Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

So far no one has given us one reason. You must thus believe there are no reasons he shouldn't have been prosecuted.
Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

Why hasn't Obama been prosecuted for ordering the assassination of American citizens without due process?

I'm sorry as I can be but in my corner of the universe assassinations of American citizens by drone trump water boarding or leashes on a prisoner.

Carby thinks that Americans killed by Obama should be honored he noticed them.
You know the inmates have thrown in the towel when they start blaming the media for the reason things aren't going their way.

When it comes to Obama, you accept all with equanimity, unquestioned, and with nary a quibble.

And, when the noose becomes too tight, without diffidence, you leap to the role of apologist.

Allow me to address you properly: is it sycophant, or lap-dog?

I can list more times I've disagreed with Obama than you can list times you disagreed with Bush.

Go ahead, list some.
You've disagreed with Obama?

Let's ask the NSA. They have all your posts.
Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

Why hasn't Obama been prosecuted for ordering the assassination of American citizens without due process?

I'm sorry as I can be but in my corner of the universe assassinations of American citizens by drone trump water boarding or leashes on a prisoner.

Because killing enemy combatants in a war is not a crime.

Let me repeat the question. Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

So far no one has given us one reason. You must thus believe there are no reasons he shouldn't have been prosecuted.
According to your Retard Prog "Logic", Obama should be prosecuted for Major Hassan's actions.

Predictably, you will claim that's different. Somehow. It just is.
You know the inmates have thrown in the towel when they start blaming the media for the reason things aren't going their way.

The media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, so what's absurd about blaming it?
See, Fox, Rush, Beck, Breitbart Inc, The Examiner, Heritage etcetcetcetc ARE the propaganda arm of the Pubs, if not actually RUNNING the GOP now. It does NOT follow that everyone else is the Dem propaganda arm. In fact, it's stupid propaganda, for ignorant hater dupes only. Enjoy.
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"That the planet has not warmed significantly in going on fifteen years is a fact that has become pretty much impossible to deny across all fronts; back in March, longtime climate fearmonger The Economist had out with it, and on Monday the New York Times opened up about some of the inconvenient truths facing the many ‘climate scientists’ whose decades of catastrophic climate models are all spectacularly failing to bear out. Granted, it was couched in the usual high-handed dismissals of those who they categorize as dismissive of their climate-change concerns, but it did include several important admissions:

The rise in the surface temperature of earth has been markedly slower over the last 15 years than in the 20 years before that. And that lull in warming has occurred even as greenhouse gases have accumulated in the atmosphere at a record pace."
The NYT wonders: So, what?s up with this warming plateau? « Hot Air
Yeah but in the last 20 years global temperature sky rocketed. But then again 20 years ago we were feeling the cooling effects of Mt. Pinatubo or something.

Regardless the planet is still warming up.

Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles : Nature News & Comment

Before indifferent satellite eyes, the top of the world is undergoing a transformation. The Arctic ice pack, a primary indicator of climate change, has shrunk in recent weeks to an extent that no computer model and few scientists had thought possible.

Adapt or die out.
Yeah but in the last 20 years global temperature sky rocketed. But then again 20 years ago we were feeling the cooling effects of Mt. Pinatubo or something.

Regardless the planet is still warming up.

Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles : Nature News & Comment

Before indifferent satellite eyes, the top of the world is undergoing a transformation. The Arctic ice pack, a primary indicator of climate change, has shrunk in recent weeks to an extent that no computer model and few scientists had thought possible.

Adapt or die out.

No, it's not. The global temps plateaued at least 15 years ago. The Arctic ice cover is at "normal" levels (whatever those really are) unlike the alarmist crap spewed out by the likes of olfraud and his ilk. Furthermore when it was WARMER, during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, none of the catastrophes that the revisionists warn us about ever happened.

Adapt always, but don't worry about global warming. That's a good thing. When it's cold it's bad. Read some history some time and really understand what is happening. The revisionist BS is just that... BS.
Yeah but in the last 20 years global temperature sky rocketed. But then again 20 years ago we were feeling the cooling effects of Mt. Pinatubo or something.

Regardless the planet is still warming up.

Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles : Nature News & Comment

Before indifferent satellite eyes, the top of the world is undergoing a transformation. The Arctic ice pack, a primary indicator of climate change, has shrunk in recent weeks to an extent that no computer model and few scientists had thought possible.

Adapt or die out.

No, it's not. The global temps plateaued at least 15 years ago. The Arctic ice cover is at "normal" levels (whatever those really are) unlike the alarmist crap spewed out by the likes of olfraud and his ilk. Furthermore when it was WARMER, during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, none of the catastrophes that the revisionists warn us about ever happened.

Adapt always, but don't worry about global warming. That's a good thing. When it's cold it's bad. Read some history some time and really understand what is happening. The revisionist BS is just that... BS.

There is no plateau for any time period, 10 15, 20 years ago. Temperature goes up some years and down some years. 2012 recorded the lowest extent of artic ice since they began recording artic ice melts. A warmer world has been a boon for the human race in the last couple hundred years. I don't know what the consequences of a warmer world will be (nobody else does either) but unless we have a major cooling event, I think the human race will find out.
Why wasn't Bush prosecuted for the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib?

Oh yes!

It's so much worse to put underpants on a terrorist's head than it is to kill a terrorist and a bunch of innocent people with a drone strike!
Yeah but in the last 20 years global temperature sky rocketed. But then again 20 years ago we were feeling the cooling effects of Mt. Pinatubo or something.

Regardless the planet is still warming up.

Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles : Nature News & Comment

Before indifferent satellite eyes, the top of the world is undergoing a transformation. The Arctic ice pack, a primary indicator of climate change, has shrunk in recent weeks to an extent that no computer model and few scientists had thought possible.

Adapt or die out.

No, it's not. The global temps plateaued at least 15 years ago. The Arctic ice cover is at "normal" levels (whatever those really are) unlike the alarmist crap spewed out by the likes of olfraud and his ilk. Furthermore when it was WARMER, during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, none of the catastrophes that the revisionists warn us about ever happened.

Adapt always, but don't worry about global warming. That's a good thing. When it's cold it's bad. Read some history some time and really understand what is happening. The revisionist BS is just that... BS.

There is no plateau for any time period, 10 15, 20 years ago. Temperature goes up some years and down some years. 2012 recorded the lowest extent of artic ice since they began recording artic ice melts. A warmer world has been a boon for the human race in the last couple hundred years. I don't know what the consequences of a warmer world will be (nobody else does either) but unless we have a major cooling event, I think the human race will find out.

Actually it wasn't. When they actually looked they were able to determine that wind had blown the sea ice into smaller rafts which is why the refreeze happened so fast. The ice was there it was just in different places than normal. That's the problem with sea ice as a metric. Just remember they havn't been able to surface a sub at the north pole for decades in this supposed warmest time ever...

And yes, there most certainly IS a plateau. In fact there is a considerable amount of evidence that shows we are heading into a period of cooling that will last for between 50 and 200 years so you will find that out soon enough, and, if history is any guide, the cooler world will be very hard for all life on this planet.

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