How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

we don’t care what those socialists assholes think. All they want is to glob on to our tax dollars.

You're "right"....Who needs the rest of the world...our allies,....we'll always have Alabama and Mississippi.......LOL
When Trump was in Asia he went to an energy conference. Each leader stepped to the stage to tout the great advances they’re making with alternative energy. Then Trump got on stage and started talking about the wave of the future. COAL. Lol
And everyone in the room walked out with him standing there humiliated.
Ya think that taught him anything?
Trump actually learn something?
Ha ha ha ha ha
Everywhere he goes he’s a total embarrassment!

I heard that someone DID stick around to see if Trump would give him one of his free hats,,,,,
rest assured that NO ONE will ever "accuse" you of having too much of an intellect......LOL

I find intellectuals very worthwhile - for target practice and nothing else. Common Sense and Training are far mire useful in kife than intelect.
which country has done a better job of choosing their leaders, and which country is more powerful than we are?

Oh, like the typical school bully, we are the most "powerful",,,(heck we spend a fucking fortune on nuclear submarines to defeat some sheep herders in the Afghani mountains.....)

Here, just for fun.......

Every year, the World Happiness Index surveys numerous people from various countries around the world in search of, as the name implies, which country has the happiest population. This year's winner is Denmark, followed closely by Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway. The US ranked 13th.

What do these rankings truly tell us? The team believes the report helps countries gauge how ready they are to start pursuing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which include ending poverty and hunger, increasing healthcare and the quality of education, reaching gender equality and many other great, humanitarian goals that would benefit the world.
Hillary is the biggest loser of all time, President Trump

Something that will ALWAYS piss off the orange clown......LOL

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)
I find intellectuals very worthwhile - for target practice and nothing else. Common Sense and Training are far mire useful in kife than intelect.

....yeah,and who the fuck needs spelling lessons, anyway???...............LOL
How was Hillary's inauguration crowd

Great First Lady inauguration........

....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
You mean I voted for someone putting America first and the rest of the world is pissed off about it? Color me surprised but quite happy with that.
the rest of the world is pissed off about it

Oh, they're not pissed off about idiots like you electing Trump......It's more like comeuppance....After decades of being the world leader, now we are leading in being ridiculous.....
....yeah,and who the fuck needs spelling lessons,anyway???............... LOL

Less a spelling issue thsn a technology issue. My cell phone keyboard keys are far smaller than my fingers and considering I type rather quickly on a standard keyboard I tend to have more than average typos when I'm on my phone. I don't use spell checker because the one on this phone is almost as bad as the autocorrect, so both are shut off.

In general, I find myself far less troubled by spelling errors than by people who are more interested in pointing out typos than the actual message of the post.
In general, I find myself far less troubled by spelling errors than by people who are more interested in pointing out typos than the actual message of the post.

Actually,I found your spelling much more entertaining than the rest of your inane bullshit.....LOL
Actually,I found your spelling much more entertaining than the rest of your inane bullshit.....LOL

Exactly what I expect from a self-described "intellectual "... more interested in some trivial detail thsn in the actual message being communicated.
Exactly what I expect from a self-described "intellectual "... more interested in some trivial detail thsn in the actual message being communicated.

But, of course, your "actual message" makes LESS sense than your misspelled words...Come on, face it..You;re just another Trump CULT member...A"rebel without a clue"
Exactly what I expect from a self-described "intellectual "... more interested in some trivial detail thsn in the actual message being communicated.

But, of course, your "actual message" makes LESS sense than your misspelled words...Come on, face it..You;re just another Trump CULT member...A"rebel without a clue"

Given your pathetic attempts at punctuation? You are the last leftard that should be criticizing anyone else, dip-shit.

President Trump is YOUR president, with it.
President Trump is YOUR president, with it.

I am ....I am dealing with it.......The difference between you and I is that I know he's an idiot....whereas, you are clueless that you're getting screwed also......LOL

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