How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

President Trump is YOUR president, with it.

I am ....I am dealing with it.......The difference between you and I is that I know he's an idiot....whereas, you are clueless that you're getting screwed also......LOL

I have no problem with worse, he is simply the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that will carry on the policies of the CFR, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Tri-Lateral Commission and the Federal Reserve foreign owned best he and the white hats might be able to take down the cabal that has made nearly every citizen a debt slave. You are so fucking clueless that you don't even know that ISIS/ al qaeda was and has always been a proxy army of the owners of USA.INC and Barrypuppet, the Clint-toons and Barrypuppet know all too well about.

When it comes to being absolutely clueless? You may not be in a class all by yourself but it doesn't take long to call "roll".
But, of course, your "actual message" makes LESS sense than your misspelled words...Come on, face it..You;re just another Trump CULT member...A"rebel without a clue"

Actually I'm not a Trump supporter. He's not Conservative enoigh for my tastes. I didn' even vote for him - I wrote my own nsme in.
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

And we should listen to the rest of the world why? Tell all of us--------->which country has done a better job of choosing their leaders, and which country is more powerful than we are?
Russia is more powerful(as you will soon see) and Japan chooses better leaders(over the last 70 years)
which country has done a better job of choosing their leaders, and which country is more powerful than we are?

Oh, like the typical school bully, we are the most "powerful",,,(heck we spend a fucking fortune on nuclear submarines to defeat some sheep herders in the Afghani mountains.....)

Here, just for fun.......

Every year, the World Happiness Index surveys numerous people from various countries around the world in search of, as the name implies, which country has the happiest population. This year's winner is Denmark, followed closely by Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway. The US ranked 13th.

What do these rankings truly tell us? The team believes the report helps countries gauge how ready they are to start pursuing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which include ending poverty and hunger, increasing healthcare and the quality of education, reaching gender equality and many other great, humanitarian goals that would benefit the world.

Hey, before you get all high and mighty, why don't you check what their suicide rate is-) Explain to all of these nice people, if they are so damn happy, why they are killing themselves at such an astounding rate!

As far as Americans being 13th, well lets look at it this way---------> conservatives are happy! So it isn't them bringing the country down your supposed HAPPINESS scale; so who do you think it would be!

That's right, those charming and delightful lefties, and why? Because they haven't done ANYTHING but try and steal everybody elses money, and since they haven't succeed yet, and 95% of them have TDS, (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is it any wonder they are all mopey. Add to that how all of their heroes are now getting hosed in the press, it has got to be tough for them to have it stuck in front of their faces that what they have been spouting for most of their lives is actually bassackwards-)

Don't you worry though, I hear Obysmalcare pays for shrinks, lololol! Oh wait, we going to get rid of that too, so in the end, you will probably have to get a job. See, J-O-B and most of you leftists are like oil and water.

Geeze, after hearing the TRUTH, the U.S. just fell another 2 or 3 places on his great scale, lol. Why? Because the leftists are all needing Zanex-)
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

And we should listen to the rest of the world why? Tell all of us--------->which country has done a better job of choosing their leaders, and which country is more powerful than we are?
Russia is more powerful(as you will soon see) and Japan chooses better leaders(over the last 70 years)

Well, lets see------->how is the Japanese economy doing? How about the Russian? Yes, yes; how are those Japanese NEGATIVE interest rates working out for them, lol.

As far as Russia being more powerful, who knows, maybe true; especially after Obysmal cut defense spending, but who knows.

That being said.....................I believe our GDP is larger than BOTH Japan and Russias put together, AFTER they add in China and North Koreas, lol. So, with 8 years of Trump, we should be ok-)
I believe our GDP is larger than BOTH Japan and Russias put together,

Try to THANK your much maligned state of California for a GDP that is bigger than Russia's.....But, fear not, with Trump's help, Putin will set that straight.......LOL
Hey, before you get all high and mighty, why don't you check what their suicide rate is-) Explain to all of these nice people, if they are so damn happy, why they are killing themselves at such an astounding rate!

Facts are a bitch for your half brain........(Go back and check with hannity for some help.)

Denmark’s suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 20
1970: 22
1980: 32
1990: 24
2000: 14
2012: 8.8
Source: The World Health Organization

United States’ suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 10.6
1970: 11.5
1980: 11.8
1990: 12.4
2000: 10.4
2012: 12.1
Source: The World Health Organization
Hey, before you get all high and mighty, why don't you check what their suicide rate is-) Explain to all of these nice people, if they are so damn happy, why they are killing themselves at such an astounding rate!

Facts are a bitch for your half brain........(Go back and check with hannity for some help.)

Denmark’s suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 20
1970: 22
1980: 32
1990: 24
2000: 14
2012: 8.8
Source: The World Health Organization

United States’ suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 10.6
1970: 11.5
1980: 11.8
1990: 12.4
2000: 10.4
2012: 12.1
Source: The World Health Organization

gotta love a spinner, or I could call him a non truth teller, but whatever-)

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates |

Internet graphic says suicide rate is much higher in Denmark than United States

Or, maybe they are HAPPY because they are DRUNK, right before they kill themselves-) Look at ALL the nice SOCIALIST countries who are DRUNKS-) Probably because, the lefties do NOT have to work!

Boy, those DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST country's are so drunk, killing themselves, and being taxed to death if they survive, it must be a GREAT place to live. You should move their Nat, and take Starkey, Cooter, and the rest of you socialists along with ya-)
Sadly, Trumpkins don't give a rat's ass as long as he's popular in countries ruled by autocratic, murderous assholes such as Putin, Duterte & Erdogan.

'Murica First :(
Hey, before you get all high and mighty, why don't you check what their suicide rate is-) Explain to all of these nice people, if they are so damn happy, why they are killing themselves at such an astounding rate!

Facts are a bitch for your half brain........(Go back and check with hannity for some help.)

Denmark’s suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 20
1970: 22
1980: 32
1990: 24
2000: 14
2012: 8.8
Source: The World Health Organization

United States’ suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 10.6
1970: 11.5
1980: 11.8
1990: 12.4
2000: 10.4
2012: 12.1
Source: The World Health Organization

gotta love a spinner, or I could call him a non truth teller, but whatever-)

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates |

Internet graphic says suicide rate is much higher in Denmark than United States

Or, maybe they are HAPPY because they are DRUNK, right before they kill themselves-) Look at ALL the nice SOCIALIST countries who are DRUNKS-) Probably because, the lefties do NOT have to work!

Boy, those DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST country's are so drunk, killing themselves, and being taxed to death if they survive, it must be a GREAT place to live. You should move their Nat, and take Starkey, Cooter, and the rest of you socialists along with ya-)

You are truly a fucking IDIOT......Do you even bother to read what you cite, eternal moron?

MY stats are from the same citation, you dolt..........LOL
Hey, before you get all high and mighty, why don't you check what their suicide rate is-) Explain to all of these nice people, if they are so damn happy, why they are killing themselves at such an astounding rate!

Facts are a bitch for your half brain........(Go back and check with hannity for some help.)

Denmark’s suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 20
1970: 22
1980: 32
1990: 24
2000: 14
2012: 8.8
Source: The World Health Organization

United States’ suicide rate (per 100,000 people)

1960: 10.6
1970: 11.5
1980: 11.8
1990: 12.4
2000: 10.4
2012: 12.1
Source: The World Health Organization

gotta love a spinner, or I could call him a non truth teller, but whatever-)

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates |

Internet graphic says suicide rate is much higher in Denmark than United States

Or, maybe they are HAPPY because they are DRUNK, right before they kill themselves-) Look at ALL the nice SOCIALIST countries who are DRUNKS-) Probably because, the lefties do NOT have to work!

Boy, those DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST country's are so drunk, killing themselves, and being taxed to death if they survive, it must be a GREAT place to live. You should move their Nat, and take Starkey, Cooter, and the rest of you socialists along with ya-)

You are truly a fucking IDIOT......Do you even bother to read what you cite, eternal moron?

MY stats are from the same citation, you dolt..........LOL

LOL, but mine proves I am correct, and that is all that matters-)
Sadly, Trumpkins don't give a rat's ass as long as he's popular in countries ruled by autocratic, murderous assholes such as Putin, Duterte & Erdogan.

'Murica First :(

As we have pointed out, and you lying lefties have not addressed, most of the world has been benefiting from US being their bitches on trade, immigration, and/or defense.

Of course a President who is committed to sticking up for AMERICA, for a change, would be unpopular with our "friends" who have been fucking us.

LOL, but mine proves I am correct, and that is all that matters-)

Stay dumb.....I really don't give a crap.....LOL

You are the dumb one, I proved my point with facts, and statistics. What, you don't like statistics? Of course not, you are a LEFTY, and facts and statistics prove you wrong, constantly! I would avoid them to, if I was you.........phony-baloney-)
LOL, but mine proves I am correct, and that is all that matters-)

Stay dumb.....I really don't give a crap.....LOL

Why are you always worried about what others think?

So if we take Nat as credible, (which he is not) we must ask ourselves how/why in the world is Denmark so happy. Nat would have you believe it is because of all their freebies, transfer of wealth, stealing from producers and giving to others. Maybe so! If I could steal Nats stuff legally and use it, I might be happy to; but then again, that is assuming Nat has anything, lol!

But then, MAYBE, just maybe, the Danes are having help seeing the world so rosy. What do I mean? Well, I have already shown they are a bunch of LEFTIST DRUNKS, so maybe that makes some happy. What else might make them happy? Well, maybe THIS------->

The World's Happiest Countries Take The Most Antidepressants

So, let us all take stock of this------------> they are drunk, on drugs, and get freebies from producers, lolol. A LEFTY paradise for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, but mine proves I am correct, and that is all that matters-)

Stay dumb.....I really don't give a crap.....LOL

Why are you always worried about what others think?

So if we take Nat as credible, (which he is not) we must ask ourselves how/why in the world is Denmark so happy. Nat would have you believe it is because of all their freebies, transfer of wealth, stealing from producers and giving to others. Maybe so! If I could steal Nats stuff legally and use it, I might be happy to; but then again, that is assuming Nat has anything, lol!

But then, MAYBE, just maybe, the Danes are having help seeing the world so rosy. What do I mean? Well, I have already shown they are a bunch of LEFTIST DRUNKS, so maybe that makes some happy. What else might make them happy? Well, maybe THIS------->

The World's Happiest Countries Take The Most Antidepressants

So, let us all take stock of this------------> they are drunk, on drugs, and get freebies from producers, lolol. A LEFTY paradise for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

Says the guy whose country has an opiate epidemic...

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