How the RNC can keep Donald Trump from getting the nomination...

I think jillian meant, why do you think Trump cares if he destroys the GOP.

It's a good question, since Trump was a Democrat until the day he rode down from heaven on his golden escalator.

Why would Trump care if he destroyed the GOP since he wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush, and said in 2008 that Hillary Clinton would make a good President?

pretty much. I was asking why she thinks not only that he cares if he upends the GOP and why he would think keeping it together would give him more of a legacy than something that, as he says didn't "treat [him] right".

there are conspiracy theories that say that bill encouraged him to run because he knew this would happen.

he goes independent then he derails what little chance the GOP has of getting a republican president.
No matter d or r anything is better than career politician getting in there, hope and change baby... Lol
I agree. That was my feelings in the first place. I just wish Trump spoke more like a president.
yet you had no prob w/ him saying Kelly was on her period when she asked him a pointed question in a debate WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WERE STILL SINGING HIS PRAISES!!! :banghead:. Consistency- google it. You have none
I sure didn't think it was all that bad, because she deserved it. BTW, I thought he meant a monster with blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, lol. She had such a strong bias against him, that everyone was pulling for the "underdog." I think Kelly is one of the reasons he took off in the polls and remains the leader. Fox deserved that acclaim, lol.
Consistency is overrated. Being smart in your choices and making decisions according to developments is preferable.

Jackson, just support your candidate. Things will work out one way or the other. If you don't know who to support, don't worry about it until your state primary comes up.

It isn't rocket science. NEVER, EVER, NEVER EVER, base your vote on some one else notion, that your candidate can't win in the general while in the primaries. That is how outside forces get you to support who THEY want.

In my humble opinion, any Republican candidate still in the race is ok, except Bush. Why not Bush? Because I don't believe in political family dynasty's, keeping all the power in one family, and since his father and brother weren't the greatest thing I had ever seen, there is no reason to believe Jeb would be any better.

Stick with it, and just let the cards fall where they may. Worrying about our wonderful country is one thing, worrying about powerful, rich candidates from any party, is well, for lack of a better exercise in futility!
I think jillian meant, why do you think Trump cares if he destroys the GOP.

It's a good question, since Trump was a Democrat until the day he rode down from heaven on his golden escalator.

Why would Trump care if he destroyed the GOP since he wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush, and said in 2008 that Hillary Clinton would make a good President?

pretty much. I was asking why she thinks not only that he cares if he upends the GOP and why he would think keeping it together would give him more of a legacy than something that, as he says didn't "treat [him] right".

there are conspiracy theories that say that bill encouraged him to run because he knew this would happen.

he goes independent then he derails what little chance the GOP has of getting a republican president.
No matter d or r anything is better than career politician getting in there, hope and change baby... Lol
I agree. That was my feelings in the first place. I just wish Trump spoke more like a president.
yet you had no prob w/ him saying Kelly was on her period when she asked him a pointed question in a debate WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WERE STILL SINGING HIS PRAISES!!! :banghead:. Consistency- google it. You have none
I sure didn't think it was all that bad, because she deserved it. BTW, I thought he meant a monster with blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, lol. She had such a strong bias against him, that everyone was pulling for the "underdog." I think Kelly is one of the reasons he took off in the polls and remains the leader. Fox deserved that acclaim, lol.
Consistency is overrated. Being smart in your choices and making decisions according to developments is preferable.

so who scared you into the brokered convention scenario? Your homepage, Drudge no doubt. You are such a tool
pretty much. I was asking why she thinks not only that he cares if he upends the GOP and why he would think keeping it together would give him more of a legacy than something that, as he says didn't "treat [him] right".

there are conspiracy theories that say that bill encouraged him to run because he knew this would happen.

he goes independent then he derails what little chance the GOP has of getting a republican president.
No matter d or r anything is better than career politician getting in there, hope and change baby... Lol
I agree. That was my feelings in the first place. I just wish Trump spoke more like a president.
yet you had no prob w/ him saying Kelly was on her period when she asked him a pointed question in a debate WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WERE STILL SINGING HIS PRAISES!!! :banghead:. Consistency- google it. You have none
I sure didn't think it was all that bad, because she deserved it. BTW, I thought he meant a monster with blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, lol. She had such a strong bias against him, that everyone was pulling for the "underdog." I think Kelly is one of the reasons he took off in the polls and remains the leader. Fox deserved that acclaim, lol.
Consistency is overrated. Being smart in your choices and making decisions according to developments is preferable.

Jackson, just support your candidate. Things will work out one way or the other. If you don't know who to support, don't worry about it until your state primary comes up.

It isn't rocket science. NEVER, EVER, NEVER EVER, base your vote on some one else notion, that your candidate can't win in the general while in the primaries. That is how outside forces get you to support who THEY want.

In my humble opinion, any Republican candidate still in the race is ok, except Bush. Why not Bush? Because I don't believe in political family dynasty's, keeping all the power in one family, and since his father and brother weren't the greatest thing I had ever seen, there is no reason to believe Jeb would be any better.

Stick with it, and just let the cards fall where they may. Worrying about our wonderful country is one thing, worrying about powerful, rich candidates from any party, is well, for lack of a better exercise in futility!
Thank you so much for your support! I believe in what you say. I wasn't much of a Bush fan, but that "Please clap..." was the last thing I expected to hear him say. He needs to go home and be with loved ones.
As Donald Trump is steadily morphing into Ron Paul,

his success becomes more and more entertaining. The neocon rightwingers are being made monkeys of and half of them don't even realize it.
pretty much. I was asking why she thinks not only that he cares if he upends the GOP and why he would think keeping it together would give him more of a legacy than something that, as he says didn't "treat [him] right".

there are conspiracy theories that say that bill encouraged him to run because he knew this would happen.

he goes independent then he derails what little chance the GOP has of getting a republican president.
No matter d or r anything is better than career politician getting in there, hope and change baby... Lol
I agree. That was my feelings in the first place. I just wish Trump spoke more like a president.
yet you had no prob w/ him saying Kelly was on her period when she asked him a pointed question in a debate WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WERE STILL SINGING HIS PRAISES!!! :banghead:. Consistency- google it. You have none
I sure didn't think it was all that bad, because she deserved it. BTW, I thought he meant a monster with blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, lol. She had such a strong bias against him, that everyone was pulling for the "underdog." I think Kelly is one of the reasons he took off in the polls and remains the leader. Fox deserved that acclaim, lol.
Consistency is overrated. Being smart in your choices and making decisions according to developments is preferable.

so who scared you into the brokered convention scenario? Your homepage, Drudge no doubt. You are such a tool
I swear, Dot... you just don't get it. If you would have read the link, it talked about the "brokered convention." I haven't seen it discussed anywhere else. Now who is making things up? You'll have to do that without my participation. Have a Good day.
^ proof of Jackson's treachery. I'd never ask for support from the likes of her. First she endorses then she actively works against a candidate.


Got a much simpler way. Ask Trump to tell the world in specifics how he feels about gay marriage. The Trumpsters are made up of that silent majority who rejected gay marriage. If you don't believe me, poll his followers about that specific question. Also, like I said, corner him at the next debate on the topic. It's a slam-dunk.

His followers are identical to these people..just blue collar folks who have a basic grounded morality who are shocked at the abandonment by their conservative leaders on a topic that hits like a torpedo directly at the core of society: Two dudes ass-ramming each other & telling the kids involved "we are equal to mommy and daddy"... Tap that visceral angst and you've got the Trumpsters in the bag..

Understanding the Factions of the Electorate: the Glue that Binds Them
Jackson is abandoning him because rw media told her to. She isn't capable of coming to that determination herself given she has been his biggest supporter here for the last 3 weeks.

rw'ers ultimately do what am radio, drudge, hannity tell them to do
No matter d or r anything is better than career politician getting in there, hope and change baby... Lol
I agree. That was my feelings in the first place. I just wish Trump spoke more like a president.
yet you had no prob w/ him saying Kelly was on her period when she asked him a pointed question in a debate WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WERE STILL SINGING HIS PRAISES!!! :banghead:. Consistency- google it. You have none
I sure didn't think it was all that bad, because she deserved it. BTW, I thought he meant a monster with blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, lol. She had such a strong bias against him, that everyone was pulling for the "underdog." I think Kelly is one of the reasons he took off in the polls and remains the leader. Fox deserved that acclaim, lol.
Consistency is overrated. Being smart in your choices and making decisions according to developments is preferable.

Jackson, just support your candidate. Things will work out one way or the other. If you don't know who to support, don't worry about it until your state primary comes up.

It isn't rocket science. NEVER, EVER, NEVER EVER, base your vote on some one else notion, that your candidate can't win in the general while in the primaries. That is how outside forces get you to support who THEY want.

In my humble opinion, any Republican candidate still in the race is ok, except Bush. Why not Bush? Because I don't believe in political family dynasty's, keeping all the power in one family, and since his father and brother weren't the greatest thing I had ever seen, there is no reason to believe Jeb would be any better.

Stick with it, and just let the cards fall where they may. Worrying about our wonderful country is one thing, worrying about powerful, rich candidates from any party, is well, for lack of a better exercise in futility!
Thank you so much for your support! I believe in what you say. I wasn't much of a Bush fan, but that "Please clap..." was the last thing I expected to hear him say. He needs to go home and be with loved ones.

Let me finish up our little discussion in this way Jackson------------> Being concerned about your vote and the direction of the country shows, PATRIOTISM. Just because you question the conclusions even you have reached prior, is a sign of a thinking person. If that were not the case, Reagan would never have become a Republican, and Hillary would never have become a Democrat. (you knew she used to be a Goldwater Republican, didn't you?)

Those who just defend everything somebody does because it is their candidate, are GROUPIES! To believe you have to agree with everything someone says have found the love of your live, if you are married leave your current spouse, and just submit to everything they say because you are both sympatico.

Unlike Democrats (-)) you have a very large choice (although growing smaller) on where to park your loyalties. Choice is freedom, freedom is choice, and the more choices you have on anything, the more free you are. Use your freedom as an American to choose who YOU think best deserves your vote. It isn't like you only have a choice between a SOCIALIST or a LIAR, now is it-)

Do not let me, or anyone else convince you of what to do, when to do it, or who to vote for. Americans are inquisitive people, we always want answers. Sometimes, we find out we really wish we didn't learn the truth, and yet we keep asking for more information. Why? Because even if we are pissed off to no end, we need as much information as possible to make rational decisions on what we should do next. That is something purely American!

So don't let people break your spirit. Some of these people are just jealous because they have no choices on what to do, while you still have more than a few. It is like fleecing the wealthy! They have to many good choices, so lets screw em!

In the end, I have little doubt when "the rubber meets the road," you will choose what is best for you. That is what being an American is all about! And as long as you choose without outside interference, NO PERSON ON THIS BOARD has anything to say!

Good luck Jackson, and I sincerely hope you find your way.
Thank you so very much, Ima! I just couldn't understand the angst my support or lack of such brought to If any D would say they were having thoughts about their candidate, I would applaud them for being a thinking person and not be intimidated by party leaders or other posters on the board. Same for any Republican or independent doing the same. Listening to debates and learning more about the candidates makes for an informed voters.

As time goes on, I find myself becoming more of an Independent myself rather than a staunch conservative. I just want you to know that your support was appreciated greatly. It was nice to read. I wish you well, too! :)
you went from actively being his #1 cheerleader on the board to actively undermining him. AGAIN, with friends like you, who needs enemies.

You could've just said you weren't going to support him anymore.
you went from actively being his #1 cheerleader on the board to actively undermining him. AGAIN, with friends like you, who needs enemies.

You could've just said you weren't going to support him anymore.
Obviously, you did not read the article posted. It was not negative against Trump. It was explaining what the Rep. have done to prevent his election of nominee. It demonstrates what is needed for him to win the nomination. I've told you that before. READ!

BTW, I have read the thread you started about me. I enjoyed it and hope you take the advice of other posters. That's all I can say.
you went from actively being his #1 cheerleader on the board to actively undermining him. AGAIN, with friends like you, who needs enemies.

You could've just said you weren't going to support him anymore.
Imagine how many more would not support Trump if his weak opposition to gay marriage were known to his followers...

I've heard it said that Trumpsters are concerned mainly about fair wages and that's why they're clumping around him. So why not just clump around Hillary instead? She's all about bringing fair wages to people? Why? Because the Trumpsters anchor themselves in a much further right position in general...not all though...many are erstwhile democrats sick of that party. Now which facet of the democratic party are both the middle and right components of the Trumpsters disgusted and "through" with?

Abortion? From the middle? not fervently. What has recently happened to utterly rile the crap out of basic folks who live in basic families having basic values...hmmm...hmmm.... This is a tough one!

I wonder if Ben Carson took a strong stance against gay marriage and challenged Trump to air his views on it..what might come of that?

Everyone dances around this issue like it doesn't exist, when in fact it is the driving force behind the Trumpsters: the astonishment of normalizing gay sex and having it be the hub of society instead of outlying. Say what you want about the motivations of the folks who feel this way. But they do. And that's that.
you went from actively being his #1 cheerleader on the board to actively undermining him. AGAIN, with friends like you, who needs enemies.

You could've just said you weren't going to support him anymore.
Imagine how many more would not support Trump if his weak opposition to gay marriage were known to his followers...

I've heard it said that Trumpsters are concerned mainly about fair wages and that's why they're clumping around him. So why not just clump around Hillary instead? She's all about bringing fair wages to people? Why? Because the Trumpsters anchor themselves in a much further right position in general...not all though...many are erstwhile democrats sick of that party. Now which facet of the democratic party are both the middle and right components of the Trumpsters disgusted and "through" with?

Abortion? From the middle? not fervently. What has recently happened to utterly rile the crap out of basic folks who live in basic families having basic values...hmmm...hmmm.... This is a tough one!

I wonder if Ben Carson took a strong stance against gay marriage and challenged Trump to air his views on it..what might come of that?

Everyone dances around this issue like it doesn't exist, when in fact it is the driving force behind the Trumpsters: the astonishment of normalizing gay sex and having it be the hub of society instead of outlying. Say what you want about the motivations of the folks who feel this way. But they do. And that's that.
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

You a guy or a girl? I ask because of your username.
Why am I a hypocrite? You responded to my post about Trump being cornered on the strength of his opposition to gay marriage by calling me a hypocrite. And I'd like to know why?
OK, you're not a hypocrite, you're a busybody. Better?
Yes, I know. You don't want the discussion of how weak Trump's opposition to gay marriage is brought up at this crucial point in his campaign. You have, like so many others, intuitively figured out that any discussion of this weakness would turn his people against him; since the elephant in the room is and always has been how the Trumpster-types are the bloc who hate gay marriage viscerally but were too reticent to talk about it.

If their messiah was exposed as going to several gay weddings and calling them "beautiful", they would scatter like dust in the wind..
no one, w/ a brain cares. Just fundies like yourself. You are a fundy right?

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