How The Trumped-Up Now Make The News: Conspiracy-Based Interruptions Of Government Operations!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
March 4 is Republican Ascension Day! Originally a political party representing mostly Abolitionists--Radical Republicans opposed to slavery--the more recent version tends to allegiance to an all-powerful, all-knowing: Trumped-Up manipulator of laws and fantasies(?)! Up until recent hours, nothing Jan 6-like was on any Washington, D. C. radar. That now has changed. Domestic Terrorism is not yet publicly connected to the Trumped-Up Republican Party, is all. There appears to be plotting, hourly more credible. The Trumped-Up assertion at CPAC is that the Trumped-Up Brand will not be an independent new party.

That clearly leads to alternative designation--dots-connecting, (or however elephant-droppings are located(?))! The Trumped-Up version of the Republican Party is to easily be identified as Domestic Terrorist, Government Operations Disruptive--already an historical precedent in the recent Transition Obstructions, leading up to Jan 6.

It now gets creeping, creepily: Into the mainstream news reporting.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)
March 4 is Republican Ascension Day! Originally a political party representing mostly Abolitionists--Radical Republicans opposed to slavery--the more recent version tends to allegiance to an all-powerful, all-knowing: Trumped-Up manipulator of laws and fantasies(?)! Up until recent hours, nothing Jan 6-like was on any Washington, D. C. radar. That now has changed. Domestic Terrorism is not yet publicly connected to the Trumped-Up Republican Party, is all. There appears to be plotting, hourly more credible. The Trumped-Up assertion at CPAC is that the Trumped-Up Brand will not be an independent new party.

That clearly leads to alternative designation--dots-connecting, (or however elephant-droppings are located(?))! The Trumped-Up version of the Republican Party is to easily be identified as Domestic Terrorist, Government Operations Disruptive--already an historical precedent in the recent Transition Obstructions, leading up to Jan 6.

It now gets creeping, creepily: Into the mainstream news reporting.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)

All brought to you first by a far leftist democrat party who admits conspiring to rig the election for Joe, then refuses to discuss it trying to sweep it under the rug calling the idea lunacy, then exploits an innocent rally to turn it into a capitol riot they enabled so to try to disbar Trump from getting reelected, now shitting themselves trying to label the 100 million woke conservatives now as "terrorists" because they realize that Trump is still alive, well, doing better than ever and is going to be right back in their face stomping their mud-hole in again as early as next year! :21:
Suspicions Confirmed! Toobfreak poster admits to GOP to be Conspiracy-based! The election was a conspiracy, the Transition Obstruction was conspiracy(?), The January 6 Insurgency was a webbed-footed BLM Antifa from Antarctica conspiracy: The basis of Conspiracy all data and evidence-free! Even Next Year is not 2021(?)!
All brought to you first by a far leftist democrat party who admits conspiring to rig the election for Joe, then refuses to discuss it trying to sweep it under the rug calling the idea lunacy, then exploits an innocent rally to turn it into a capitol riot they enabled so to try to disbar Trump from getting reelected, now shitting themselves trying to label the 100 million woke conservatives now as "terrorists" because they realize that Trump is still alive, well, doing better than ever and is going to be right back in their face stomping their mud-hole in again as early as next year! :21:

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)
And now the Capitol Security people are making clearly more official--That Conspiracy-GOP is Still Active!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)
March 4 is Republican Ascension Day! Originally a political party representing mostly Abolitionists--Radical Republicans opposed to slavery--the more recent version tends to allegiance to an all-powerful, all-knowing: Trumped-Up manipulator of laws and fantasies(?)! Up until recent hours, nothing Jan 6-like was on any Washington, D. C. radar. That now has changed. Domestic Terrorism is not yet publicly connected to the Trumped-Up Republican Party, is all. There appears to be plotting, hourly more credible. The Trumped-Up assertion at CPAC is that the Trumped-Up Brand will not be an independent new party.

That clearly leads to alternative designation--dots-connecting, (or however elephant-droppings are located(?))! The Trumped-Up version of the Republican Party is to easily be identified as Domestic Terrorist, Government Operations Disruptive--already an historical precedent in the recent Transition Obstructions, leading up to Jan 6.

It now gets creeping, creepily: Into the mainstream news reporting.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)
You just described exactly what the democrats have done for the past four years. From Burn, Loot, Murder and Antifa all the way up to and including the obstructionist democrat congress.
The Spring Stimulus is being replicated, actually. The Trumped-Up Brand alleges no Conspiracy about the $3.0 tril. deficit price-tag, even. One coincidence is that protestors--possibly unemployed--noticed in the millions of persons: A sudden "Living Wage," like never before in history. One example--Santa Monica police were deployed to protect the First Amendment. Others noticed, and descended upon the pricey-stores, picking and choosing.

There was "Manna From Heaven." Suddenly Black Lives really did matter, and financially! Those were not entirely best regarded Democratic Party voters. "Non-Voters" better describes the traditional problems of Democrats: With the Black vote.

Of the Roman Imperial Era--Fable-Maker celebrated: In Matt 25: 14-30, the rich don't just get richer. The poor get thrown clear out of the program, completely. That the Romans knew how to do. They killed one another for sport. No lives mattered, though a gladiator could live well, and get a freedom release.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln is no different. "Freedom" comes with a price tag at GOP! That is the Primary Legacy of Lincoln, not so much reported in the official histories. It is found in the prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)
The Spring Stimulus is being replicated, actually. The Trumped-Up Brand alleges no Conspiracy about the $3.0 tril. deficit price-tag, even. One coincidence is that protestors--possibly unemployed--noticed in the millions of persons: A sudden "Living Wage," like never before in history. One example--Santa Monica police were deployed to protect the First Amendment. Others noticed, and descended upon the pricey-stores, picking and choosing.

There was "Manna From Heaven." Suddenly Black Lives really did matter, and financially! Those were not entirely best regarded Democratic Party voters. "Non-Voters" better describes the traditional problems of Democrats: With the Black vote.

Of the Roman Imperial Era--Fable-Maker celebrated: In Matt 25: 14-30, the rich don't just get richer. The poor get thrown clear out of the program, completely. That the Romans knew how to do. They killed one another for sport. No lives mattered, though a gladiator could live well, and get a freedom release.

The Party of Abraham Lincoln is no different. "Freedom" comes with a price tag at GOP! That is the Primary Legacy of Lincoln, not so much reported in the official histories. It is found in the prayers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)

Those rioters were too busy burning stuff to the ground and bein' all woke like. They wouldn't know the meaning of deficit if it fell on their head.
Old History, Old Protest--Santa Monica survives(?)! New International Spectacle: Domestic Terrorist GOP is making the Main-Stream media in preparation for the March 4 Ascension of the Trumped-Up Administration. In readiness are the 30,000 lies and false-hoods, and climbing even at CPAC, already!

There is no 2024 GOP getting ready for anything, much past this weekend.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not even about Aid To Families With Dependent Children, (Now TANF)--even at Church! Indiana went back to Safe Haven, Baby Drop-off Boxes, 2016, instead--another Imperial Roman era invention!)

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