How the US (Bush) blew tens of billions in Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
More than enough blame to go around between four different presidents on the 2 trillion dollar clusterfuck that is Afghanistan kids.

In 2008, the Pentagon bought 20 refurbished cargo planes for the Afghan Air Force, but as one top US officer put it, “just about everything you can think of was wrong.” No spare parts, for example. The planes were also “a death trap,” according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. So $486 million was spent on worthless planes that no one could fly. We did recoup some of the investment. Sixteen of the planes were sold as scrap for the grand sum of $32,000. That’s 6 cents a pound.

Btw - Back then we also blew 43 million on a gas station that should have cost around $300,000. The list of horrors goes on.

Need a critique of Biden now? Okay - Have you checked out what we left behind? I truly don't get it. If they couldn't get this crap out, why not blow it up? Now the Taliban is up to their eyeballs in trouble-making weapons of war. This whole damn deal is just sad. :(

There was absolutely no reason to rush the withdrawal of troops before we had secured the release of ALL Americans, ALL of our weaponry, ALL of our sensitve data, and ALL of the Aghans who risked their lives to help Americans. The history of why we entered Afghanistan and why we stayed so long is completely irrelevant to the disaster Biden created.
There was absolutely no reason to rush the withdrawal of troops before we had secured the release of ALL Americans, ALL of our weaponry, ALL of our sensitve data, and ALL of the Aghans who risked their lives to help Americans. The history of why we entered Afghanistan and why we stayed so long is completely irrelevant to the disaster Biden created.

No Mikey, it is not irrelevant in the slightest. One FUBAR leads to another. But I do agree with you that the evacuations of US citizens, the brave Afghans who helped us and vulnerable women/ girls should have started back in May.

Of course, it would have had to be done VERY slowly and carefully or panic would have set in. Let's face it - Our country is really good at getting into wars - HORRIBLE at getting out of them.
beijing xiden and the scum demonRATS need 2 hang ....nothing but traitors to AMERICA
a president, with brains,would never have left AMERICANS behind---the corrupt assholes of the scum demonRATS don't give 2 shits about any AMERICAN
china and russia will now take afghanistan, and eventually, beijing xiden will give AMERICA to them

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