How They See Us: "Biden Is the Worst Thing that Could Have Happened to Humanity

Well, Alexi, in your response to my avatar and from which I highlight portions below.... well, there seems to be a theme in your post. And, surprisingly, it seems to be me.

In your long post I think I counted at least 8 references to me and my alleged actions.
Which, to be honest, I don't recall such fascination with my avatar's efforts by any other poster.
It makes me puff up a sort of prideful fantasy.

But, the humble farmer that I can be would suggest you think too highly of me. I ain't that effective. Now, don't get me wrong....I CAN get things done if I have purpose, but.....but, driving down the market value of the entire Tesla company seems, to me, to be a tad histrionic. And, above my effectiveness ceiling.

What did you mean by that?

That a narrow group of people of very specific affiliation is NOT manipulating the planet???
I'm sorry, but my knowledge does not allow me to make such an assumption.
The purely Nazi statement of a psychologically sick man. However, I am not surprised: Americans have killed tens of millions of people around the world based on this anti-human thinking paradigm.
Racist MAGA Nazis like these are Trumpsters who are generally opposed to helping Ukraine against your Russcist invasion.

You should probably speak nicer to your comrades.
Again some nonsense instead of arguments. Look, didn't they teach you the rules of debate in elementary school?
Sure. But I'm not in any real tangible debate with you. You just promote hyper partisan hyperbole. I find it very boring. Perhaps that is the intellectual disconnect you don't fully understand. I don't verbally intersect with rubes. Be better.
"Yeah, right."
Lenny, now if some poster here suggested your picture of former President Obama dressed as primitive African had nuances of being a racist depiction....well then, would you consider yourself a racist? Given the image of your meme?

"What did you mean by that?"
My bad---if I wasn't clear, but.....but Alexi you accused my avatar ("you") 8 or 9 times in one single post of a whole variety of actions....including torpedoing the stock market value of the Tesla copany. And.....which kind of caught me by accused my poor avatar of "gagging" Trump. (you gotta admit my success there has been less than optimum. No?)

At any rate, it looked like you were accusing me of ruining Musk and stifling Trump.
But, I am always open-minded and receptive to alternative explanations of your intention.

So, what did you mean by that?
Lenny, now if some poster here suggested your picture of former President Obama dressed as primitive African had nuances of being a racist depiction....well then, would you consider yourself a racist? Given the image of your meme?
Some dude said Obama wasn't black.
I know this technique of psychological subversion to ruin a discussion - I won't fall for it.

And FURTHER, I will not respond to your posts for you are avoiding a constructive discussion
You’re silly. All I did was ask you to commence. Coherently. That would be preferable.

Or, like so many before you here, you can run away and hide. It’s all good, Alexa. You’re not very interesting so far, anyway.
Lenny, now if some poster here suggested your picture of former President Obama dressed as primitive African had nuances of being a racist depiction....well then, would you consider yourself a racist? Given the image of your meme?

My bad---if I wasn't clear, but.....but Alexi you accused my avatar ("you") 8 or 9 times in one single post of a whole variety of actions....including torpedoing the stock market value of the Tesla copany. And.....which kind of caught me by accused my poor avatar of "gagging" Trump. (you gotta admit my success there has been less than optimum. No?)

At any rate, it looked like you were accusing me of ruining Musk and stifling Trump.
But, I am always open-minded and receptive to alternative explanations of your intention.

So, what did you mean by that?
Nobody has accused your avatar of anything. Accusations are made against you, the person posting and hiding behind the mere mask of an alleged “avatar.”

Of course, you don’t really even have an avatar. It’s just a letter “C.”
Sure. But I'm not in any real tangible debate with you. You just promote hyper partisan hyperbole. I find it very boring. Perhaps that is the intellectual disconnect you don't fully understand. I don't verbally intersect with rubes. Be better.
Well, the level of critical and logical thinking capability of the average American from the political left (as well as the right!) is well known to me.
I am not surprised, but I am sorry that many truths remain inaccessible to you.
Nobody has accused your avatar of anything. Accusations are made against you, the person posting and hiding behind the mere mask of an alleged “avatar.”

Of course, you don’t really even have an avatar. It’s just a letter “C.”
That's ME: Alexandre Fedorovski, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Master in International relations :)
You’re silly. All I did was ask you to commence. Coherently. That would be preferable.

Or, like so many before you here, you can run away and hide. It’s all good, Alexa. You’re not very interesting so far, anyway.
Well, the level of critical and logical thinking capability of the average American from the political left (as well as the right!) is well known to me.
I am not surprised, but I am sorry that many truths remain inaccessible to you.

Peter Hitchens
“Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think?”
― Peter Hitchens
That's ME: Alexandre Fedorovski, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Master in International relations :)
I rarely “meet” professionals who are so hell bent on crowing about some academic titles they have acquired.

Still, if you have any “argument” to offer, please feel free. No particular rose is necessarily required. But for convenience’s sake, you could:
  • Make make your claim or assertion;
  • Offer “facts” in support — bolstered by citations to substantiate your allegations of “fact;”
  • State the logic upon which you say the conclusion is reasonably reached.
"And Biden is the worst thing that could have happened to humanity".

He is a Catholic. He has known since childhood how the world and human destiny work. For him, Heaven and Hell are the endpoints of existence, which he learned about before he could speak. And the lines of Matthew's Gospel, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" Joseph Biden has heard countless times.

What Biden is doing means that the American president has finally chosen his posthumous fate and is moving into the Darkness with the desperation of a lost man.

Putin's "We'll go to Heaven and they'll just die" is not a rhetorical clause. It is a very cold and precise understanding of what Russia is dealing with. How the whole world is on the brink and being saved solely by the Will of God and the equanimity of the Russian president.

The eschatological nature of the confrontation also determines the incredible leniency that Russia shows toward Ukraine. This is such an utterly human pity. When you can do absolutely nothing to help a person who has become completely lost, completely fallen, and wallowed in his own filth, pity does not let you go.

And Biden has no pity for anyone. He's literally ready to throw children into the fire. Even American children. If a big war doesn't start before the end of his presidential term, it means that God still has some plans for people.

But that's not a fact..."


One couldn't agree more. This is one of the most dangerous people in the American political elite, even if he has lost his mind and is simply being manipulated.

People remember well how this man took part in the political conspiracy against Iraq, sending thousands of American guys to death and suffering.

More than six thousand of them are laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery. More than thirty thousand Americans are mutilated.

Military statistics conceal just how many died of wounds outside the "theater of war", in military and civilian hospitals...

It is not customary to talk about the millions of dead Arabs in America.

America lost its mind the moment Christopher Columbus landed when it started killing autochthons in a greedy pursuit to seize the lands of those to whom they rightfully belonged...


:yes_text12::thankusmile: Our resident trolls of USMB got triggered over this post so you are obviously spot on.:2up:

It is really Obama that all applies to,he is in his third term in office pulling Bidens strings,Biden is his puppet.
Well, the level of critical and logical thinking capability of the average American from the political left (as well as the right!) is well known to me.
I am not surprised, but I am sorry that many truths remain inaccessible to you.

Peter Hitchens
“Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think?”
― Peter Hitchens
oh my the irony saying YOU run away and hide.LOL He excels at that when he is taken to school checkmated that oswald did not kill kennedy and it was the CIA that did it with multiple about someone who runs away when he cant back up his babble.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
You are and will always be Alexi to me.
And far from trying to shut you up, I enjoy your posts. I like laughing.
guess what,you need to start a comedy club the fact you believe in magic bullets over sixty years later.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
The Indians were in the way. The people of White European heritage needed breathing room. It was for the best.
After thousands of years those scraelings remained in the stone age, and would still exist that way fighting and cannibalizing each other if euroweenies never came along and built cities.

I don't see a fuckin one of them still trying to live under those conditions. They like cars, AC, toilet paper and plumbing. Did they get the shit end of the stick from the government? Indeed they did, just like everyone else pretty much does. Ask most of us veterans.

That's why most of us vets don't care an awful lot for the democrook party in general, and really aren't all that happy with the GOP.


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