How To Achieve Single Payer Health Care

Perhaps if you tried actually LOOKING to see what the GOP is offering, rather than just taking the media's word that there isn't anything, you might be a bit more informed and the debate could take place.
I have been on this forum since 2011. All through the Obama years right up to the present day, I have asked the following question countless times, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

Not once has anyone ever been able to present a GOP replacement. Not once.

Boy, did it piss them off when I asked that question, though! :lol:

The GOP "repeal and replace" is a massive hoax.

While I agree with that statement, Obamacare was a massive hoax as well. I'm not sure UHC will come, I think it is serving exactly the folks it was meant to serve.

The system was working better than it is now, and was working better than it ever will after a repeal. (As far as working for the people, not for the interests it is really intended to serve. As it is constructed now? It is serving the TRUE stake holders perfectly well.) Don't look for it to change.

The whole reason that they went in to do a reform was for corporate competition. Healthcare was a massive liability for global corporations domiciled here in the US.

The big banks, tech firms, and big three all wanted to off load their costs to make them more competitive with their European and Asian competitors who have their health care costs picked up by the government.

All of these interests converged with big pharma and the health insurance companies to lobby the pols in DC to make Americans shoulder more of the costs so American companies could be more competitive.

Obamacare had nothing to do with covering more people to make healthcare more affordable, the elites number one goal was to make American business and industry more competitive and Wall Street more profitable off the back of middle class tax payers. Folks are fooling themselves if they think the government actually cares about the common folks or gives a shit about the little people. It works for huge financial interests. If it's not good for the economy, it won't get done.

And all these idiots bought it, and are still buying the lies. . . .
So true.

Obama was completely owned by big corporations but somehow this is unknown to most Americans, even though it is clearly obvious. He was owned just like W, Bubba, HW...and most of the rest.

This is the REAL American Way.

I suspect no amount of corruption, lies, and criminality by the ruling class, will ever wake up the vast majority of Americans to the ruse being played on them. I guess it proves the effectiveness of propaganda by the government and it's media.

. . . and you'll notice, everyone ignored my post, as they always do when I post about the medical health care debacle in this nation.

My sister is a top HR manager for GM. She makes trips to DC to discuss these issues, I talk with her occasionally.

Both the left and the right actually think they are going to get something for nothing, it is a laugh. The rich and the corporations are going to pay less and less over time, which means, in the end, consumers will pay more and more.

There will be no, "solutions." Folks don't want to hear this though, they want to hear that there will be solutions and that their costs will come down, or that they will rise as slow as the rest of other costs. And when they don't? They just want to blame the other party rather than economic realities.

Duh, we have a for profit healthcare system that was engineered that way at the turn of the last century. We specialize in treatments, not cures.

smh. So dumb.

ONE HR mgr at GM and she speaks for ALL HR mgrs and frankly all people?
So why don't we have JUST ONE automaker in the country, i.e. the Federal Government?
Poking fun of companies that make a profit is just ludicrous coming from her as a "top" HR Manager for GM!
Really? Let's take away GM's government assistance ok?
The final direct cost to the Treasury of the GM bailout was $11-12 billion ($10.5 billion for General Motors and $1.5 billion for former GM financing GMAC, now known as Ally)
General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization - Wikipedia


That is not particularly my field of expertise, is it yours?

If you don't like that truth, you are free to find your own. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

If you don't' think one of the major costs that was holding back companies in the US competing with their foreign peers, you are welcome to posit something else.

Why do YOU think the American car companies needed the bailout in the first place? You are sore at them, saying oh, let's take away those car companies government assistance, you can't believe what someone from GM says, b/c that whole company needed a government bailout. . .

Well, DUH?! Why do you think that is?

B/C the foreign car companies it was competing with had all of their employees health care covered by the foreign tax payers, while our banks, tech companies and manufacturers all have to cover the health care of OUR employees, companies overseas don't.

That puts our companies at a significant disadvantage. That is all any half way educated HR person will tell you.

Competitive Disadvantage: Health Care Costs Spell Trouble for U.S. Companies

U.S. Health Care's Competitive Disadvantage

And of course, the ruling elite that make policy for the US. .

Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness
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I wish the Republicans would offer something. I'm more in the governmental single payer camp but what you posted looks like it could be viable and at the very least we could have an actual debate about ideas rather than just shitting on the other guy, like the post above mine.

Perhaps if you tried actually LOOKING to see what the GOP is offering, rather than just taking the media's word that there isn't anything, you might be a bit more informed and the debate could take place.
The gop is offering something other than health care savings accts?

The GOP has offered lots of suggestions, from various groups within the party. Some common themes are tax breaks to incentive the uninsured to get insured, allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines to increase competition and choice, the HSAs you mention (which I find pretty amazing, just FYI; I love mine), creation of high risk pools within states, Association Health Plans to allow those who do not currently qualify for the good group rates large employers can get to purchase insurance as a group . . . Here's a link to just one plan, which I am neither endorsing nor rejecting; just showing you that the GOP has offered alternatives:
That's the ticket

Let people pay for their own healthcare without the gummit or their employers' help.
I wish the Republicans would offer something. I'm more in the governmental single payer camp but what you posted looks like it could be viable and at the very least we could have an actual debate about ideas rather than just shitting on the other guy, like the post above mine.
/----/ How about Free Market? Like it used to be?
Medicare for all achieves it. Takes the profit motive out of health care. The primary motivation needs to be keeping people healthy and caring for them when they are not.

You still have to make it worth the effort to become a doctor. They typically don't start actually earning much of anything until they're over 30.

AND they have to practically kill themselves to get to that point.
Medicare for all achieves it. Takes the profit motive out of health care. The primary motivation needs to be keeping people healthy and caring for them when they are not.

Oh for fuck's sake. Profit is not the problem with health care. What do you want, an all volunteer health care corps?

Nope. Dummy. Non profit organizations pay people who work for them. Try harder.

Yes, and I definitely want my emergency appendectomy performed by a glorified Red Cross worker.
Medicare for all achieves it. Takes the profit motive out of health care. The primary motivation needs to be keeping people healthy and caring for them when they are not.

Oh for fuck's sake. Profit is not the problem with health care. What do you want, an all volunteer health care corps?

Nope. Dummy. Non profit organizations pay people who work for them. Try harder.

Yes, and I definitely want my emergency appendectomy performed by a glorified Red Cross worker.

Japan. Canada. France. Germany.

Pay attention. The rest of the world has it figured out. Dumbass.
Medicare for all achieves it. Takes the profit motive out of health care. The primary motivation needs to be keeping people healthy and caring for them when they are not.

Oh for fuck's sake. Profit is not the problem with health care. What do you want, an all volunteer health care corps?

Nope. Dummy. Non profit organizations pay people who work for them. Try harder.

Yes, and I definitely want my emergency appendectomy performed by a glorified Red Cross worker.

Japan. Canada. France. Germany.

Pay attention. The rest of the world has it figured out. Dumbass.
Just put everyone on Medicare. Then cut payments to Big Hospital and Big Pharma by 75%. Then, the cost of HC in America would more accurately reflect what it is worth.
That's the ticket

Let people pay for their own healthcare without the gummit or their employers' help.

That's the most important thing to change to get us back to sanity regarding health care.
I have been on this forum since 2011. All through the Obama years right up to the present day, I have asked the following question countless times, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

Not once has anyone ever been able to present a GOP replacement. Not once.

Boy, did it piss them off when I asked that question, though! :lol:

The GOP "repeal and replace" is a massive hoax.

While I agree with that statement, Obamacare was a massive hoax as well. I'm not sure UHC will come, I think it is serving exactly the folks it was meant to serve.

The system was working better than it is now, and was working better than it ever will after a repeal. (As far as working for the people, not for the interests it is really intended to serve. As it is constructed now? It is serving the TRUE stake holders perfectly well.) Don't look for it to change.

The whole reason that they went in to do a reform was for corporate competition. Healthcare was a massive liability for global corporations domiciled here in the US.

The big banks, tech firms, and big three all wanted to off load their costs to make them more competitive with their European and Asian competitors who have their health care costs picked up by the government.

All of these interests converged with big pharma and the health insurance companies to lobby the pols in DC to make Americans shoulder more of the costs so American companies could be more competitive.

Obamacare had nothing to do with covering more people to make healthcare more affordable, the elites number one goal was to make American business and industry more competitive and Wall Street more profitable off the back of middle class tax payers. Folks are fooling themselves if they think the government actually cares about the common folks or gives a shit about the little people. It works for huge financial interests. If it's not good for the economy, it won't get done.

And all these idiots bought it, and are still buying the lies. . . .
So true.

Obama was completely owned by big corporations but somehow this is unknown to most Americans, even though it is clearly obvious. He was owned just like W, Bubba, HW...and most of the rest.

This is the REAL American Way.

I suspect no amount of corruption, lies, and criminality by the ruling class, will ever wake up the vast majority of Americans to the ruse being played on them. I guess it proves the effectiveness of propaganda by the government and it's media.

. . . and you'll notice, everyone ignored my post, as they always do when I post about the medical health care debacle in this nation.

My sister is a top HR manager for GM. She makes trips to DC to discuss these issues, I talk with her occasionally.

Both the left and the right actually think they are going to get something for nothing, it is a laugh. The rich and the corporations are going to pay less and less over time, which means, in the end, consumers will pay more and more.

There will be no, "solutions." Folks don't want to hear this though, they want to hear that there will be solutions and that their costs will come down, or that they will rise as slow as the rest of other costs. And when they don't? They just want to blame the other party rather than economic realities.

Duh, we have a for profit healthcare system that was engineered that way at the turn of the last century. We specialize in treatments, not cures.

smh. So dumb.

ONE HR mgr at GM and she speaks for ALL HR mgrs and frankly all people?
So why don't we have JUST ONE automaker in the country, i.e. the Federal Government?
Poking fun of companies that make a profit is just ludicrous coming from her as a "top" HR Manager for GM!
Really? Let's take away GM's government assistance ok?
The final direct cost to the Treasury of the GM bailout was $11-12 billion ($10.5 billion for General Motors and $1.5 billion for former GM financing GMAC, now known as Ally)
General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization - Wikipedia


That is not particularly my field of expertise, is it yours?

If you don't like that truth, you are free to find your own. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

If you don't' think one of the major costs that was holding back companies in the US competing with their foreign peers, you are welcome to posit something else.

Why do YOU think the American car companies needed the bailout in the first place? You are sore at them, saying oh, let's take away those car companies government assistance, you can't believe what someone from GM says, b/c that whole company needed a government bailout. . .

Well, DUH?! Why do you think that is?

B/C the foreign car companies it was competing with had all of their employees health care covered by the foreign tax payers, while our banks, tech companies and manufacturers all have to cover the health care of OUR employees, companies overseas don't.

That puts our companies at a significant disadvantage. That is all any half way educated HR person will tell you.

Competitive Disadvantage: Health Care Costs Spell Trouble for U.S. Companies

U.S. Health Care's Competitive Disadvantage

And of course, the ruling elite that make policy for the US. .

Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness

Yes actually my field of expertise IS health care! Why do you think I provided links and you didn't? I provided the sources of NOT my IDEAS but other experts that depend
on studies, economics, etc. to comprehend the issue.
There are major issues for sure and I've identified one that the actual medical community is trying to telling uneducated people that exists...known as "defensive medicine"!
And the reason 90% of responding physicians per the Jackson Health study showed practice wasteful duplicate spending is fear of lawsuits.

You never addressed that issue which affects both private and group insurance costs...defensive medicine waste.

Why are you ignoring the over $500 to $800 billion a year estimated by these physicians that are wasted due to fear of lawsuits?
You totally ignored the empirical fact that of those doctors responding to the "Defensive medicine" issue less than 50% that WERE FEDERAL physicians said they didn't practice
defensive medicine and the major reason? 1946 Federal Tort Reform Act! 1946!
So if doctors under Federal contract CAN"T be sued, they don't waste money on duplicate tests, etc. which for the vast majority of patients IS a waste!

But you never addressed that!
While I agree with that statement, Obamacare was a massive hoax as well. I'm not sure UHC will come, I think it is serving exactly the folks it was meant to serve.

The system was working better than it is now, and was working better than it ever will after a repeal. (As far as working for the people, not for the interests it is really intended to serve. As it is constructed now? It is serving the TRUE stake holders perfectly well.) Don't look for it to change.

The whole reason that they went in to do a reform was for corporate competition. Healthcare was a massive liability for global corporations domiciled here in the US.

The big banks, tech firms, and big three all wanted to off load their costs to make them more competitive with their European and Asian competitors who have their health care costs picked up by the government.

All of these interests converged with big pharma and the health insurance companies to lobby the pols in DC to make Americans shoulder more of the costs so American companies could be more competitive.

Obamacare had nothing to do with covering more people to make healthcare more affordable, the elites number one goal was to make American business and industry more competitive and Wall Street more profitable off the back of middle class tax payers. Folks are fooling themselves if they think the government actually cares about the common folks or gives a shit about the little people. It works for huge financial interests. If it's not good for the economy, it won't get done.

And all these idiots bought it, and are still buying the lies. . . .
So true.

Obama was completely owned by big corporations but somehow this is unknown to most Americans, even though it is clearly obvious. He was owned just like W, Bubba, HW...and most of the rest.

This is the REAL American Way.

I suspect no amount of corruption, lies, and criminality by the ruling class, will ever wake up the vast majority of Americans to the ruse being played on them. I guess it proves the effectiveness of propaganda by the government and it's media.

. . . and you'll notice, everyone ignored my post, as they always do when I post about the medical health care debacle in this nation.

My sister is a top HR manager for GM. She makes trips to DC to discuss these issues, I talk with her occasionally.

Both the left and the right actually think they are going to get something for nothing, it is a laugh. The rich and the corporations are going to pay less and less over time, which means, in the end, consumers will pay more and more.

There will be no, "solutions." Folks don't want to hear this though, they want to hear that there will be solutions and that their costs will come down, or that they will rise as slow as the rest of other costs. And when they don't? They just want to blame the other party rather than economic realities.

Duh, we have a for profit healthcare system that was engineered that way at the turn of the last century. We specialize in treatments, not cures.

smh. So dumb.

ONE HR mgr at GM and she speaks for ALL HR mgrs and frankly all people?
So why don't we have JUST ONE automaker in the country, i.e. the Federal Government?
Poking fun of companies that make a profit is just ludicrous coming from her as a "top" HR Manager for GM!
Really? Let's take away GM's government assistance ok?
The final direct cost to the Treasury of the GM bailout was $11-12 billion ($10.5 billion for General Motors and $1.5 billion for former GM financing GMAC, now known as Ally)
General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization - Wikipedia


That is not particularly my field of expertise, is it yours?

If you don't like that truth, you are free to find your own. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

If you don't' think one of the major costs that was holding back companies in the US competing with their foreign peers, you are welcome to posit something else.

Why do YOU think the American car companies needed the bailout in the first place? You are sore at them, saying oh, let's take away those car companies government assistance, you can't believe what someone from GM says, b/c that whole company needed a government bailout. . .

Well, DUH?! Why do you think that is?

B/C the foreign car companies it was competing with had all of their employees health care covered by the foreign tax payers, while our banks, tech companies and manufacturers all have to cover the health care of OUR employees, companies overseas don't.

That puts our companies at a significant disadvantage. That is all any half way educated HR person will tell you.

Competitive Disadvantage: Health Care Costs Spell Trouble for U.S. Companies

U.S. Health Care's Competitive Disadvantage

And of course, the ruling elite that make policy for the US. .

Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness

Yes actually my field of expertise IS health care! Why do you think I provided links and you didn't? I provided the sources of NOT my IDEAS but other experts that depend
on studies, economics, etc. to comprehend the issue.
There are major issues for sure and I've identified one that the actual medical community is trying to telling uneducated people that exists...known as "defensive medicine"!
And the reason 90% of responding physicians per the Jackson Health study showed practice wasteful duplicate spending is fear of lawsuits.

You never addressed that issue which affects both private and group insurance costs...defensive medicine waste.

Why are you ignoring the over $500 to $800 billion a year estimated by these physicians that are wasted due to fear of lawsuits?
You totally ignored the empirical fact that of those doctors responding to the "Defensive medicine" issue less than 50% that WERE FEDERAL physicians said they didn't practice
defensive medicine and the major reason? 1946 Federal Tort Reform Act! 1946!
So if doctors under Federal contract CAN"T be sued, they don't waste money on duplicate tests, etc. which for the vast majority of patients IS a waste!

But you never addressed that!
How can you say lawsuits are wasted, when death by doctor is one of the leading causes of death in the USA? What we need is not only a more cost effective system but one that emphasizes curing the patient, rather than making TRILLIONS of dollars ripping off the patient, and then killing the patient.

So true.

Obama was completely owned by big corporations but somehow this is unknown to most Americans, even though it is clearly obvious. He was owned just like W, Bubba, HW...and most of the rest.

This is the REAL American Way.

I suspect no amount of corruption, lies, and criminality by the ruling class, will ever wake up the vast majority of Americans to the ruse being played on them. I guess it proves the effectiveness of propaganda by the government and it's media.

. . . and you'll notice, everyone ignored my post, as they always do when I post about the medical health care debacle in this nation.

My sister is a top HR manager for GM. She makes trips to DC to discuss these issues, I talk with her occasionally.

Both the left and the right actually think they are going to get something for nothing, it is a laugh. The rich and the corporations are going to pay less and less over time, which means, in the end, consumers will pay more and more.

There will be no, "solutions." Folks don't want to hear this though, they want to hear that there will be solutions and that their costs will come down, or that they will rise as slow as the rest of other costs. And when they don't? They just want to blame the other party rather than economic realities.

Duh, we have a for profit healthcare system that was engineered that way at the turn of the last century. We specialize in treatments, not cures.

smh. So dumb.

ONE HR mgr at GM and she speaks for ALL HR mgrs and frankly all people?
So why don't we have JUST ONE automaker in the country, i.e. the Federal Government?
Poking fun of companies that make a profit is just ludicrous coming from her as a "top" HR Manager for GM!
Really? Let's take away GM's government assistance ok?
The final direct cost to the Treasury of the GM bailout was $11-12 billion ($10.5 billion for General Motors and $1.5 billion for former GM financing GMAC, now known as Ally)
General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization - Wikipedia


That is not particularly my field of expertise, is it yours?

If you don't like that truth, you are free to find your own. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

If you don't' think one of the major costs that was holding back companies in the US competing with their foreign peers, you are welcome to posit something else.

Why do YOU think the American car companies needed the bailout in the first place? You are sore at them, saying oh, let's take away those car companies government assistance, you can't believe what someone from GM says, b/c that whole company needed a government bailout. . .

Well, DUH?! Why do you think that is?

B/C the foreign car companies it was competing with had all of their employees health care covered by the foreign tax payers, while our banks, tech companies and manufacturers all have to cover the health care of OUR employees, companies overseas don't.

That puts our companies at a significant disadvantage. That is all any half way educated HR person will tell you.

Competitive Disadvantage: Health Care Costs Spell Trouble for U.S. Companies

U.S. Health Care's Competitive Disadvantage

And of course, the ruling elite that make policy for the US. .

Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness

Yes actually my field of expertise IS health care! Why do you think I provided links and you didn't? I provided the sources of NOT my IDEAS but other experts that depend
on studies, economics, etc. to comprehend the issue.
There are major issues for sure and I've identified one that the actual medical community is trying to telling uneducated people that exists...known as "defensive medicine"!
And the reason 90% of responding physicians per the Jackson Health study showed practice wasteful duplicate spending is fear of lawsuits.

You never addressed that issue which affects both private and group insurance costs...defensive medicine waste.

Why are you ignoring the over $500 to $800 billion a year estimated by these physicians that are wasted due to fear of lawsuits?
You totally ignored the empirical fact that of those doctors responding to the "Defensive medicine" issue less than 50% that WERE FEDERAL physicians said they didn't practice
defensive medicine and the major reason? 1946 Federal Tort Reform Act! 1946!
So if doctors under Federal contract CAN"T be sued, they don't waste money on duplicate tests, etc. which for the vast majority of patients IS a waste!

But you never addressed that!
How can you say lawsuits are wasted, when death by doctor is one of the leading causes of death in the USA? What we need is not only a more cost effective system but one that emphasizes curing the patient, rather than making TRILLIONS of dollars ripping off the patient, and then killing the patient.


Wow what a novel way of solving the problem. Why not arrest all the doctors?
Then what?
Of course you never mentioned the millions of LIVES saved by these same ignorant doctors.
Plus what made up the "outpatient" deaths? What does that mean?
I bet you are a lawyer or have a lawyer as a relative.

Strange how with all the deaths attributed to the ignorant doctors, you forget to recognize that the life span of Americans today is 78
versus when I was born in the 40s it was 60 years.

Please explain why there are more than 72,197 people over 100 year olds today than there were in 1950 only 2,300.

Please explain how with killing off so many people these doctors are keeping people alive longer?
Did it ever occur to the OP that juuuuust maybe if we eliminated all these freeloading Welfare, cheating, stealing Democrat/Socialist laws then maybe we wouldn't have such a health care mess on our hands?
In 1950 we were poised to join the industrialized nations in sph, but the automakers told congress that HC was a duty of employers to their employees. And here we are.
I wish the Republicans would offer something. I'm more in the governmental single payer camp but what you posted looks like it could be viable and at the very least we could have an actual debate about ideas rather than just shitting on the other guy, like the post above mine.

Perhaps if you tried actually LOOKING to see what the GOP is offering, rather than just taking the media's word that there isn't anything, you might be a bit more informed and the debate could take place.
The gop is offering something other than health care savings accts?

The GOP has offered lots of suggestions, from various groups within the party. Some common themes are tax breaks to incentive the uninsured to get insured, allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines to increase competition and choice, the HSAs you mention (which I find pretty amazing, just FYI; I love mine), creation of high risk pools within states, Association Health Plans to allow those who do not currently qualify for the good group rates large employers can get to purchase insurance as a group . . . Here's a link to just one plan, which I am neither endorsing nor rejecting; just showing you that the GOP has offered alternatives:

I have been assuming for some time now that rating a post as "funny" and then making no response to it is leftspeak for "You kicked my ass, I'm too big a poltroon to admit it, I want to pretend I'm lofty and above it all instead". Maybe we should just get you guys a white flag-waving emoji and be done with it.
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.

"Single-payer" healthcare isn't an achievement, it's a step towards Communism.

I'm on "Single payer" healthcare. I'm single, and I pay for my healthcare.
I wish the Republicans would offer something. I'm more in the governmental single payer camp but what you posted looks like it could be viable and at the very least we could have an actual debate about ideas rather than just shitting on the other guy, like the post above mine.

Perhaps if you tried actually LOOKING to see what the GOP is offering, rather than just taking the media's word that there isn't anything, you might be a bit more informed and the debate could take place.
The gop is offering something other than health care savings accts?

The GOP has offered lots of suggestions, from various groups within the party. Some common themes are tax breaks to incentive the uninsured to get insured, allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines to increase competition and choice, the HSAs you mention (which I find pretty amazing, just FYI; I love mine), creation of high risk pools within states, Association Health Plans to allow those who do not currently qualify for the good group rates large employers can get to purchase insurance as a group . . . Here's a link to just one plan, which I am neither endorsing nor rejecting; just showing you that the GOP has offered alternatives:
That's the ticket

Let people pay for their own healthcare without the gummit or their employers' help.

Why not? I pay for all my other life essentials without help from the government or my employer. Do you suppose my employer has a benefit package where they funnel their own money into buying me groceries every week, or send a check to the electric company to keep the lights on? No, I pay for all of that 100% out of the money that I earn, with no middleman. Why not, instead of paying me XYZ dollars + benefits, just pay me more money and let me buy my own damned benefits? The raise would actually constitute less money spent on keeping me around on their part, and would ultimately give ME a lot more choice about the benefits.
Medicare for all achieves it. Takes the profit motive out of health care. The primary motivation needs to be keeping people healthy and caring for them when they are not.

Oh for fuck's sake. Profit is not the problem with health care. What do you want, an all volunteer health care corps?

Nope. Dummy. Non profit organizations pay people who work for them. Try harder.

Yes, and I definitely want my emergency appendectomy performed by a glorified Red Cross worker.

Japan. Canada. France. Germany.

Pay attention. The rest of the world has it figured out. Dumbass.

Since YOU aren't figuring it out, DUMBASS, let me put it more clearly: I don't want my appendix removed in any of THOSE countries, either. You think they're gonna be so much better for your care, YOU go there. All they have "figured out" from my standpoint is how to have a country I don't want to live in and a healthcare system I don't want to patronize.

Stop trying to make the rest of us live in YOUR utopia when we don't want it.
That's the ticket

Let people pay for their own healthcare without the gummit or their employers' help.

That's the most important thing to change to get us back to sanity regarding health care.

Yeah. That works everywhere its used. Great plan.
chickens. We can barter with chickens. Africa here we come.

Yeah man. And unskilled people have no right to get cancer anyway. That shit is for rich folk!

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