How to cash in on dead Americans.

Let's no one pretend any politician won't fundraise off anything.

The question is, is Benghazi being pushed solely for Republicans' political gain, ie fundraising? Given the hard right's extremely selective style of outrage over this exact topic, I would say yes.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Sandy Hook.
If I remember correctly the money donated for Sandy Hook was given to the people of New Jersey and NOT to any party to use for political purposed. Of course the money could have been given to christie and in that case God knows where it ended up. However, we can be sure of one thing, it did not end up in the pockets of the Democratic party.
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

No you appear to be the stupid one, it's the job of that committee to get republicans elected, they include fund raising request with every piece of mail or email regardless of the subject of the mail. Furthermore if you are so naive to think the dems don't do the exact same thing? No political campaign committee sends anything out that is just informational, every bit of it is to inspire people to give them money. So get off your high horse unless you can prove this is unique to republicans.

"... trying to politicize a tragedy is a very poor reflection on YOU. "

That quote is from you, about a year ago, when the old shoe was on the other old foot, partisan-wise.

I guess you were blessed with double-jointed principles.

Only you could remotely connect the two comments, try reading again the portion I put in bold letters. BTW your dear leader politicized Benghazi when he started lying about it to get reelected. But you already knew that didn't you.

Sorry for the delayed response my power went out for almost 5 hours.
If your post can be believed the are asking for donations to help fight liberals, and this would have what to do with Benghazi? Did liberals kill the ambassador?
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

No you appear to be the stupid one, it's the job of that committee to get republicans elected, they include fund raising request with every piece of mail or email regardless of the subject of the mail. Furthermore if you are so naive to think the dems don't do the exact same thing? No political campaign committee sends anything out that is just informational, every bit of it is to inspire people to give them money. So get off your high horse unless you can prove this is unique to republicans.
So, you are good with the republicans using the Americans killed in Benghazi to make money for the coming election? You are good with them using dead people? How about if the Democrats were to start using the dead Americans to make money for their party. Is that okay. If you accept the republicans doing that do you have a problem with Democrats doing the same thing. Furthermore, I provided a link showing that the republicans are using Benghazi for money making purposes and you said that the Democrats do the same thing. Do you have any proof of that or are you just passing wind. I am betting it is wind.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Sandy Hook.
If I remember correctly the money donated for Sandy Hook was given to the people of New Jersey and NOT to any party to use for political purposed. Of course the money could have been given to christie and in that case God knows where it ended up. However, we can be sure of one thing, it did not end up in the pockets of the Democratic party.

So you're too fucking stupid to actually know anything but somehow we need to suffer not only your stupidity but a large font to make your stupid stand out.

Thanks for that.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Hey bitch. Axelrod used the Newtown Massacre to raise funds.

Explain your double standard.
I never saw or heard that reported and if you think I will take your word for this you deserve to be captured by the men with the butterfly nets. Provide a link to prove it. But even it what you say is true, does that justify republicans using dead Americans to call for campaign donations? Doesn't the republican party claim they are above such behavior?Are you good with the gop using murdered Americans? If what you say is true I would gladly and loudly condemn Axelrod for his actions. Will you condemn the gop for theirs?
Oh, and by the way, I have refrained from name calling. However, if you are so immature that you need to call names I will lower myself to your level.
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

No you appear to be the stupid one, it's the job of that committee to get republicans elected, they include fund raising request with every piece of mail or email regardless of the subject of the mail. Furthermore if you are so naive to think the dems don't do the exact same thing? No political campaign committee sends anything out that is just informational, every bit of it is to inspire people to give them money. So get off your high horse unless you can prove this is unique to republicans.
So, you are good with the republicans using the Americans killed in Benghazi to make money for the coming election? You are good with them using dead people? How about if the Democrats were to start using the dead Americans to make money for their party. Is that okay. If you accept the republicans doing that do you have a problem with Democrats doing the same thing. Furthermore, I provided a link showing that the republicans are using Benghazi for money making purposes and you said that the Democrats do the same thing. Do you have any proof of that or are you just passing wind. I am betting it is wind.

Read it again, real slow, maybe you'll understand better. I hope I put it in a font you can read. You do understand that statement includes both parties and the fucking green party for that matter.
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Considering Obama cashed in on them by putting out a phoney story to explain benghazi to get elected, you really don't have room to talk.

And even if he hadnt done that: Wellstone Memorial.
I know the crazies at fox are spewing that 24/7 but it has yet to be proven. By the way, how much money did Obama make? Was he tying his story to donations to him or the party. I don't remember seeing any tie-ins between Obama, Benghazi, and asking for donations. Find some links to prove your point.
Now I am not very sure what you are posting about when you mention the "Wellstone Memoria." Are you speakiing of the memorial service because if I recall correctly those who spoke called for votes to continue Wellstones work. The did not call for financial donations. If I am wrong, prove me wrong.
But even if they did, do you believe it was the right thing to do? Do you approve of using dead Americans to raise campaign money?
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The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

If your post can be believed the are asking for donations to help fight liberals, and this would have what to do with Benghazi? Did liberals kill the ambassador?
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

Answer this, was Benghazi the exclusive subject in that email? Let's see how honest you are.
Get your vaseline and get yourself ready you arrogant but idiotic asshole. Prepare yourself for battle when you walk in this room.

Eat this and I hope you choke on your hypocrisy.


In email from chief campaign advisor David Axelrod that urges supporters to watch President Obama’s moving address to the community of Newtown, Conn., there are two links that open a page with a video player featuring the president’s speech and two donate buttons asking for $15-$1,000 for his campaign.

SICK? Obama White House Raises Money Off of Newtown Massacre | The Gateway Pundit

Left-wing nutjobs are blissfully ignorant of their own massive hypocrisy
First of all you use The Gateway Pundit, an ultra right sewer site. They are a blog site and not a news site. I used NBC for my link. Second, I tried to go to the links but only one worked. I did not see a single message asking for donations. Perhaps you could post the link that shows the Democratic party was using Newtown to ask for money. But, even if they did commit a morally reprehensible act does that make it okay for the gop to do the same thing. Are we playing "He started it." Do you feel it is okay to use Americans who were killed in a terrorist attack to solicit money? Are you good with that?
you provided propaganda; an opinion piece

that you dont know the difference says alot about you

you're a JOKE
The article was stating facts. However, since you seem to be incapable of recognizing facts there is a website you could check to see if I am correct or not. Of course that would take some work on your part, wouldn't it?

You provide nothing. You do not add to the conversation. You only use talking points.

What use are you to any debate?
Apparently you are so dense you lack the ability to recognize facts when you see them. That is probably fallout from watching fox news.
If your post can be believed the are asking for donations to help fight liberals, and this would have what to do with Benghazi? Did liberals kill the ambassador?
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

Answer this, was Benghazi the exclusive subject in that email? Let's see how honest you are.
No, it wasn't. However it was very clear that you could become a Benghazi Watchdog by sending money to the republican national committee. In other words they were using the deaths of Americans to try to encourage people to send money to the gop. I answered your question, now you answer mine: Do you feel it is acceptable for the gop to use the deaths of Americans to ask for donations to the republican party.
OKTexas, I am curious. Are you really so naive as to think that the money will not be used to elect republicans? Do you really think that it is acceptable to use the deaths of Americans to raise campaign donations?

Answer this, was Benghazi the exclusive subject in that email? Let's see how honest you are.
No, it wasn't. However it was very clear that you could become a Benghazi Watchdog by sending money to the republican national committee. In other words they were using the deaths of Americans to try to encourage people to send money to the gop. I answered your question, now you answer mine: Do you feel it is acceptable for the gop to use the deaths of Americans to ask for donations to the republican party.

Consider they were not using the deaths themselves, but the investigation that your dear leader has been stonewalling for a year and a half, you bet your ass. Any more questions. BTW the donations were going to the republican congressional committee, not the RNC.
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No you appear to be the stupid one, it's the job of that committee to get republicans elected, they include fund raising request with every piece of mail or email regardless of the subject of the mail. Furthermore if you are so naive to think the dems don't do the exact same thing? No political campaign committee sends anything out that is just informational, every bit of it is to inspire people to give them money. So get off your high horse unless you can prove this is unique to republicans.
So, you are good with the republicans using the Americans killed in Benghazi to make money for the coming election? You are good with them using dead people? How about if the Democrats were to start using the dead Americans to make money for their party. Is that okay. If you accept the republicans doing that do you have a problem with Democrats doing the same thing. Furthermore, I provided a link showing that the republicans are using Benghazi for money making purposes and you said that the Democrats do the same thing. Do you have any proof of that or are you just passing wind. I am betting it is wind.

Read it again, real slow, maybe you'll understand better. I hope I put it in a font you can read. You do understand that statement includes both parties and the fucking green party for that matter.
So the bottom line is that you feel it is perfectly okay for the republican party to use the murder of Americans to raise money for political reasons. What a wonderful American you are. While, you appear to be from texas so what else can I expect.
So, you are good with the republicans using the Americans killed in Benghazi to make money for the coming election? You are good with them using dead people? How about if the Democrats were to start using the dead Americans to make money for their party. Is that okay. If you accept the republicans doing that do you have a problem with Democrats doing the same thing. Furthermore, I provided a link showing that the republicans are using Benghazi for money making purposes and you said that the Democrats do the same thing. Do you have any proof of that or are you just passing wind. I am betting it is wind.

Read it again, real slow, maybe you'll understand better. I hope I put it in a font you can read. You do understand that statement includes both parties and the fucking green party for that matter.
So the bottom line is that you feel it is perfectly okay for the republican party to use the murder of Americans to raise money for political reasons. What a wonderful American you are. While, you appear to be from texas so what else can I expect.

Read the post above. BTW I've served in a combat zone, how about you?
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Ron, I want to tell you something sonny, I escorted a whole C-141 load of American remains back form Vietnam in August 1970 and have personally made 4 family notifications of a soldiers death. I don't and never will make lite of any dead American.

Now that being said, you are doing exactly what you are going on about the republicans for doing. You are trying to make political hay over 4 dead Americans. Try to excuse it anyway you want, you know I'm correct.
What the problem is with the GOP raising money off this round of Benghazi investigations is that that is the only reason they're having this round of investigations,

well, okay, that and the fact that they had to throw in the towel on Obamacare repeal, and they're looking worse and worse on minimum wage opposition, and they are on the wrong side of background check legislation, and they're beginning to feel the heat on voter rights suppression, and nothing they are doing is moving the gender gap problem in their favor,

and then there was the political debacle of Clive Bundy,

and then, of course, there is the fear of Hillary Clinton.

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