How to cash in on dead Americans.

The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Holey smokes whats this

Elizabeth warren cashes in on Benghazi

say it aint so

Democrats are acting like they never raised a dime off the bodies of dead children in Sandy Hook.
Considering Obama cashed in on them by putting out a phoney story to explain benghazi to get elected, you really don't have room to talk.

And even if he hadnt done that: Wellstone Memorial.
Thank you. I was looking for that information the other day and for the life of Me, couldn't remember the event name.

Its bookmarked now!
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fund raising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fund raising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fund raising - NBC News

Dems fundraiser on Sandy Hook

FLASHBACK: When Democrats Raised Money Off the Newtown School Shooting | Washington Free Beacon

:dunno: And that justifies the republicans?

Wrong is wrong - Why does it take the sociopath to point that out?
and OKTexas since he seems to think so highly of this.

Fuck off commie, if you can't understand what I wrote that's your problem not mine, both parties try to leverage anything the can to raise money, no one has the high ground here.

No, both parties don't do it. I do hope the Democrats to step out of this round of political theatre. It is about time Republicans stand in the middle of this all by themselves. Let it go down in history as the time the Republicans were the ones to finally split the government. Democrats do not have to play this game any longer. No more, "well they showed up too" Let Republicans stand alone.
Democrats did not fabricate a scandal out of Sandy Hook that lasted a year and a half and cost taxpayers $14 million.

Both parties are gross when it comes to fundraising, but Benghazi is a new low
In games with rules both sides have to play within certain parameters. There are no rules in politics, very few anyway. Both parties do not play the game the same way. The side that plays to the lowest standards wants to claim both side do it. Both political parties do not do it and one does not hear the Democratic party claiming, "They do it too."

Rachel Maddow has part of her segment on the Benghazi scandal. Apparently the Democrats might send a single member just to have access to documents and such. I say, why bother? Republicans can have a little family photo of the event all to themselves.
Rachel Maddow explains Benghazi flap by way of Monty Python: ?Burn the witch! Burn her!?
Funny that the US-haters are okay with every gun grabber on the planet using the deaths of kids killed at unprotected, defenseless schools to fund gun grabbing.
Funny that the US-haters are okay with every gun grabber on the planet using the deaths of kids killed at unprotected, defenseless schools to fund gun grabbing.

What is it exactly you are trying to say? That you disagree with the Republicans trying to score political points off the death of 4 Americans? I fully agree.
Gee. How can I top that? Oh I know. Just how many millions of unborn children have died since 1973? And what is one of the key columns of the Democratic campaign? Pro-abortionism.

Hows that for cashing in on death? Hmm?
It's a good thing Rep. Roskam was able to get that ethics investigation dropped before he as assigned to the Benghazi committee. It would not be good to have time conflicts when one is being investigation for accepting all expense paid vacations from the Taiwanese government.
Gee. How can I top that? Oh I know. Just how many millions of unborn children have died since 1973? And what is one of the key columns of the Democratic campaign? Pro-abortionism.

Hows that for cashing in on death? Hmm?

And here it is. This has nothing to do with Benghazi. It is thousands of individuals who have an ax to grind for one reason or another and will take whatever bone the Republican party throws out for them.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Holey smokes whats this

Elizabeth warren cashes in on Benghazi

say it aint so


You have a URL on that site? Because I will show you exactly what you already know.
Well, I agree with one thing she says whole heartedly.
[ame=]Susan Brooks for Congress 2012-1st Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Hey, lookie, we also have the guy that shutdown the federal government, Rep. Jim Jordan.

Jordan has been a critic of Speaker John Boehner's plan to raise the debt ceiling. In 2010, he was chair of the Republican Study Committee, and during the U.S. government shutdown of 2013, he was still considered its most powerful member. That group was the primary proponent and executor of the Republican Congressional strategy to force a government shutdown, in order to force changes in the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

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Funny that the US-haters are okay with every gun grabber on the planet using the deaths of kids killed at unprotected, defenseless schools to fund gun grabbing.
You will fail to understand this. Wanting to curb gun violence is not an indication that a person hates the US just as making guns easier to obtain is not proof of a love of the US.

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