How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

Self-awareness is LOST on these demented Marxist idiots as demonstrated above.

I said it was an opinion piece. I don't endorse it in any way. But have seen other countries move that direction. Sure does make the criminals shake violently if they think that it may become available. I know of at least one South American country that has gone that route. Then again, if you let your country get that much a shithole, it's going to take something drastic to bring it around.
For the same length of time that it's illegal to scream "FIRE" in a crowed place when there isn't a fire.
I disagree, banning free speech, especially political speech is too subjective and it can lead to more restrictions, we can disagree but banning is a problem.
Gah. Not hot on the idea of charging people. Americans do have the right to be conned by sociopathic, profoundly damaged orange con men. This is a profound sociological problem, not fixed with regulatory band aids.

While I'm not fond of over-litigation, some relief may be found through the courts, although that could also be considered a band aid. But at least it would be through existing legal means and not the establishment of new regs.

The Founders did not see this -- a literal group pathology -- coming, and they couldn't have. They tried to safeguard against tyrants, but this is just a different animal, so we're just not set up for a con of this size. And there's every chance he'll get away with it. There is no clear answer to this on the horizon.
How can you honestly say it wasn't? Because you were told it wasn't? Because people were smeared for reporting illegal things going on? You bet it was.

I hope to get an answer from you.
Trump himself knew he lost but because he's a crazed criminal lunatic he chose to lie about it knowing his willfully stupid MAGATS would believe him.

End of story.
Here is an opinion piece that would be very legal if any state were to enact it.

How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.

America faces unhinged autocracy if Donald Trump wins. But it could face consequences as bad or worse if he loses.

I got a better idea.

Have a voting system the people can have faith in that is transparent enough and secure enough that Americans can have believe it's correct and they won't deny it.

Have politicians in control that don't do things that look fishy like trying to allow non Americans to vote, letting foreigners that have expressed being anti American and want to change American politics like George soros, and so on.

Instead of punishing someone for denying an election maybe we should have something where people trust it and won't deny it.

The only ones that get punished will be the ones who aren't in control at the moment.
And it worked. They have more or less destroyed the country. We will need more than 4 years to fix it.
Trump betrayed this entire Country for his own gain when that coxsucker lied & continues to lie about the election results in 2020.

And he gets away with it because the willfully ignorant choose to play along.

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