How to end black poverty and mass incarcerations

I do love the idea that they "survived" slavery...

The reason the "black families" didn't disintegrate under slavery was because some Southern white dude was keeping 20 of them in the same house but for 2 people.

This is the part where you tell us the Slaves stayed in the local Hilton
Christ you people are idiots.
Arent you a few centuries behind the current problem?

the issue here is not what the mean ole white people should or shouldnt have done back in the day

but rather what black people can do to help themselves in the 21st Century
No, the issue is when will whites stop denying that the problem still exists.
“The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits ever since 1994.
People make marriage vows, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, etc., but it's generally only the wealthier and better-off couples who are able to stay married, keep living in the same household, presumably with their children.

If the money isn't there to keep the roof over your heads, your marriage is over and the state offers sex-segregated communal housing to poor people, because a man who doesn't adequately support his wife is deemed worse than an infidel, and wife on her part is effectively a prostitute.

There's a marriage on paper, but if there isn't quire enough money to get by, the pimps and bosses fire the man from his work, foreclose on the home, and rape his wife, turn her out on the street, and raise the kids as bastards.
So money keeps a marriage together? You mean like the Clinton's marriage or those in Hollywood? LOL

Again, another Left wing lie, add money and all your problems go away apparently. That's why you throw money at virtually everything, and when you achieve the same undesrable results, you double down hoping to achieve a different result.

Statistically, those of faith have a better marriage. Trouble is, if you try to find statistics on marriage, you will more than likely see statistics that say those of faith have the same divorce rate as the rest of society. However, if you look at those who claim to be of faith and who routinely attend church, that is, those who take their faith seriously and try to put God in the center of their lives, the divorce rate is cut by more than half.

Is the divorce rate among Christians truly the same as among non-Christians? |
“The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals’ expansion of the welfare state.” – Thomas Sowell

Sowell has it backwards

Manufacturing abandoning the big cities destroyed black families. When the breadwinner no longer has employment, welfare steps in to feed the family.

Welfare is the solution not the cause
The reason blacks left to the cities, was to escape Jim Crow laws that were widely ignored in the cities.

In fact, most think that black turned away from the Republican party in the 1960's because LBJ signed the Civil Rights act, but that would be wrong. Again, another myth.

Before 1871, there were 21 straight Black elected to Congress as Republicans, but after that there were 43 straight democrat congressmen elected.

List of African-American United States Representatives - Wikipedia
Wrong. And I won't be debating with a white racist about this. The republican party had been fucking blacks over since slavery ended and then when Goldwater came along, that was the final straw.
The states with the highest rates of pregnancy among unwed teens are:

  1. New Mexico
  2. Arkansas
  3. Mississippi
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Texas
  6. Louisiana
For one, there seems to be an ironic correlation between states with conservative politics around sex education and contraception and high rates of teen pregnancy and birth.

The date was June 25, 1962. On that date it was decided that prayer should not be allowed in the public schools in the United States. Since that time and even before then, morals and values that this country once had have plumaged further and further

down hill. As a result of this act by the citizens and government in the United States at that time, morals that were once upheld by families and young people in this country have declined tremendously. Prayer being taken out of our schools, is this the reason our schools have become so violent?

Is it any wonder that single parent homes exponentially increased after the 1950's?

The welfare state coupled with an attack on morality was the trigger.
Welfare is what lead to single parent homes---not praying had nothing to do with it. Atheists btw tend to have fewer children than believers
I do love the idea that they "survived" slavery...

The reason the "black families" didn't disintegrate under slavery was because some Southern white dude was keeping 20 of them in the same house but for 2 people.

This is the part where you tell us the Slaves stayed in the local Hilton
Christ you people are idiots.
Arent you a few centuries behind the current problem?

the issue here is not what the mean ole white people should or shouldnt have done back in the day

but rather what black people can do to help themselves in the 21st Century

Just commenting on the quote in the OP.
you won't- can't because you're afraid = making YOU the idiot LIAR

So black people taking a word used to oppress them and recycling it into slang they use among themselves is no different than when racist dinosaurs like you use the word to undermine and put down black people from a perceived position of superiority? Do you not understand that context matters? You can't actually be that dense, can you?
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It funny how people who hate black people the most always think they know how to solve all their problems.

I totally agree...Malcolm was right wasn’t he IM2 rightwinger
What welfare has done is, it has allowed single women to be able to survive without a father in the household, that is, a household that is in poverty, but still surviving.

But if survival meant needing a father in the household, women simply would not have that option as an intentional choice and in such large numbers.

That's was the entire point of the "Great Society"!
you won't- can't because you're afraid = making YOU the idiot LIAR

So black people taking a word used to oppress them and turning into slang they use among themselves is no different than when racist old white people like you use the word to undermine and put down black people? Do you not understand that context matters? You can't actually be that dense, can you?
so they EMBRACE the word that is oppressive and derogatory!!!??
hahahahahhah THAT'S stupid's akin to complaining about cops killing blacks [ which they RARELY do ] and not about blacks who murder blacks [ which they do 8 times a DAY ] = wonder they graduate at lower levels and are where they are
so they EMBRACE the word that is oppressive and derogatory!!!??
hahahahahhah THAT'S stupid's akin to complaining about cops killing blacks [ which they RARELY do ] and not about blacks who murder blacks [ which they do 8 times a DAY ] = wonder they graduate at lower levels and are where they are

No, they took the word from you and made it their own. The implications when it's being used are not the same. If you weren't a moron I wouldn't need to explain this to you. You should be more open about your bigotry.
Trump had the Black community heading in the right direction. Biden has Klansman tendencies. Every American worker was better under Trump's America first policies, especially women and minorities. So the best path for Blacks is to bail on the Democrat party that enslaves them.
It funny how people who hate black people the most always think they know how to solve all their problems.

I totally agree...Malcolm was right wasn’t he IM2 rightwinger

“Our problems will never be solved by the white man”

I don’t see Malcolm X praising white conservatives. He distrusted all whites. appears he was quite clear as to which white man was the “worst enemy” of the negro. Read it again with intent to comprehend it.
so they EMBRACE the word that is oppressive and derogatory!!!??
hahahahahhah THAT'S stupid's akin to complaining about cops killing blacks [ which they RARELY do ] and not about blacks who murder blacks [ which they do 8 times a DAY ] = wonder they graduate at lower levels and are where they are

No, they took the word from you and made it their own. The implications when it's being used are not the same. If you weren't a moron I wouldn't need to explain this to you. You should be more open about your bigotry.
they EMBRACE that word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? very dumb...that would be like the Jews embracing genocide
they EMBRACE that word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? very dumb...that would be like the Jews embracing genocide

I can somewhat respect the brazen bigots that are open and unapologetic about their bigotry. Idiots like you are the worst though.
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