How to end inflation.

Great. Have a good night’s sleep. But you mistake my contempt of your transparent fraud for “fear” of your faux “question.” 👍

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Your fear of the questions is palpable. It is a no win question for you. If you admit to voting for other than Repubs then you risk the ire of your tribe, if you admit you never did then your post is a joke.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Your fear of the questions is palpable. It is a no win question for you. If you admit to voting for other than Repubs then you risk the ire of your tribe, if you admit you never did then your post is a joke.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that. And remember, your transparency makes your efforts worthless. 👏
A sudden 25% cut would send the economy into a depression that would make the last one look wimpy.

Have to be smart about it.

Start with 3% per year for 5 years. Let the Departments choose what to cut each year.

Once we have an across the board 15% cut then we make more specific cuts. I do agree that the Dept of Ed needs to be the first to be done away with completely.
Negative, you never make cuts tomorrow that you can make today.

All those cat-fight .gov shut-downs should give you a clue on how much .gov operations really mean in the grand scheme of things. Our free enterprise system will pick-up the slack and even flourish.

Other than leftist and RINO rending of garments as they see their pet programs go by the wayside as agency funding is picked apart and sent to more worthy departments/agencies it won't matter.

I would also freeze wages for anyone above a maxxed-out G12......Way too many in middle and upper management that does not do squat. Meaningless "TPS Report" type of shit goes on all the time. So yeahh, if they would just leave that would be great.

Hopefully the cuts would cull many of them anyway if thy have a good agency head.....Most of the GS-12 drones could step-up and do their jobs and not miss a beat.

Oh, and no more Fauci-type 400K+ .gov salaries either......Go and be a "rock star" someplace else.
Reagan increased debt to combat inflation.
Big difference between then and now. Reagan brought high interest rates down. Interest rates are so low now that investments are in the toilet. Banks are choked with money that no one will borrow even at low rates. Biden infused the banking system with yet more money than it needs.

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