How to get righties to wear masks

I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.

Yes, we care for EVERYONE's freedom and liberty. As you know, freedom and liberty are not FREE.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Yes, we care for EVERYONE's freedom and liberty. As you know, freedom and liberty are not FREE.
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?
Just wear your mask covidiot
wear your fucking mask ya fucking covidiot

If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

The winter spike in respiratory virus infections occurs for several reasons.

Respiratory viruses tend to spread easier in low humidity.

And viral load has an effect too. People tend to stay indoors longer
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

And of course you are simply lying again, as is usual with you low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted morons.

All of intelligent people in this forum know that Trump did not say the virus is a hoax or suggest that people should inject themselves with disinfectant.

You're an idiot.

You're a lying moron, just like your dear leader.
Dotard compared the virus to other hoaxes.

In the wake of the criticism, Trump said at a press conference on Feb. 29 that he used the term “hoax” to refer not to coronavirus itself but to Democrats’ criticism of how his administration had responded to it.

Asked if he regretted using that particular word, he replied “No. No. No. Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them not… I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax. That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about.
Was the impeachment a hoax?
Was Russia a hoax?
If Dotard is comparing the virus to other hoaxes, he calling the virus, a hoax.

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. … Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Then why did the CDC (and Lysol) have to put out this statement?

The CDC tweeted, "Household cleaners and disinfectants can cause health problems when not used properly." While Lysol took a more firm stance in response to "recent speculation and social media activity."

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstances should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion, or any other route.)"'t-drink-bleach
B-a-a-a-ah. B-a-a-a-ah...

Drink the lysol, like your dear leader said.
And you keep taking your Trump centerfold to the john with you....when are you going to let him go wacko?
I take Dotards center fold to the john, because I never know when I'm going to run out of Trump toilet paper.
I'll let go when the Trump cult stops lying.

And we'll start caring when you start saying something intelligent.
I take Dotards center fold to the john, because I never know when I'm going to run out of Trump toilet paper.
I'll let go when the Trump cult stops lying.
That's some seriously demented TDS right there.


The Trump cult are the ones with TDS, they praise, defend and still support the traitor.

Let me guess, the cops moved you on from the street corner you usually shout at.
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?

You decide what is best for you and your family and I'll do the same for my family. I don't care what you do or don't do, and you have no business caring what I do.

Show us all where you have conclusive studies that cloth masks are effective in preventing the spread of a virus. You cannot, but I have numerous studies proving that their only use is to make the wearer FEEL GOOD.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Do you want to see more righties wearing masks? My opening post suggests ways to get righties to wear masks, which of my suggestions do you think is a bad idea?
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?

You decide what is best for you and your family and I'll do the same for my family. I don't care what you do or don't do, and you have no business caring what I do.

Show us all where you have conclusive studies that cloth masks are effective in preventing the spread of a virus. You cannot, but I have numerous studies proving that their only use is to make the wearer FEEL GOOD.
I'm no doc so I'll just trust Fauci and feel good. Your other point is too simplistic. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business, however, once you walk outside it is a public issue. I won't go to a store that doesn't require masks, that is my business. If that store requires you to wear a mask to enter because of people like me, that is your problem, not mine.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Yes, we care for EVERYONE's freedom and liberty. As you know, freedom and liberty are not FREE.
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?

Not an issue. You're trying to impose your will on me although I am not trying to do the same to you.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Do you want to see more righties wearing masks? My opening post suggests ways to get righties to wear masks, which of my suggestions do you think is a bad idea?
I don't believe in censoring info, period. As for masks, my understanding (as a layman) is that viruses travel in droplets that are stopped by masks. Would you let a surgeon operate on you without a mask?
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

The winter spike in respiratory virus infections occurs for several reasons.

Respiratory viruses tend to spread easier in low humidity.

And viral load has an effect too. People tend to stay indoors longer
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

And of course you are simply lying again, as is usual with you low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted morons.

All of intelligent people in this forum know that Trump did not say the virus is a hoax or suggest that people should inject themselves with disinfectant.

You're an idiot.

You're a lying moron, just like your dear leader.
Dotard compared the virus to other hoaxes.

In the wake of the criticism, Trump said at a press conference on Feb. 29 that he used the term “hoax” to refer not to coronavirus itself but to Democrats’ criticism of how his administration had responded to it.

Asked if he regretted using that particular word, he replied “No. No. No. Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them not… I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax. That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about.
Was the impeachment a hoax?
Was Russia a hoax?
If Dotard is comparing the virus to other hoaxes, he calling the virus, a hoax.

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. … Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Then why did the CDC (and Lysol) have to put out this statement?

The CDC tweeted, "Household cleaners and disinfectants can cause health problems when not used properly." While Lysol took a more firm stance in response to "recent speculation and social media activity."

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstances should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion, or any other route.)"'t-drink-bleach
B-a-a-a-ah. B-a-a-a-ah...

Drink the lysol, like your dear leader said.
And you keep taking your Trump centerfold to the john with you....when are you going to let him go wacko?
I take Dotards center fold to the john, because I never know when I'm going to run out of Trump toilet paper.
I'll let go when the Trump cult stops lying.

And we'll start caring when you start saying something intelligent.

Of course, like your fat, orange dear leader?

July 4 2019

“In June of 1775 the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander-in-chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown,” Trump said.
“Our Army manned the air, it rammed (?) the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”
Coulda been a "genius" like Dotard.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Yes, we care for EVERYONE's freedom and liberty. As you know, freedom and liberty are not FREE.
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?
Not an issue. You're trying to impose your will on me although I am not trying to do the same to you.
Yes I am. That's the problem with living with other people, they limit your freedom and liberty. You're not free to murder or at liberty to drive 100 mph on my street.
I take Dotards center fold to the john, because I never know when I'm going to run out of Trump toilet paper.
I'll let go when the Trump cult stops lying.
That's some seriously demented TDS right there.


The Trump cult are the ones with TDS, they praise, defend and still support the traitor.

Let me guess, the cops moved you on from the street corner you usually shout at.

Just like your fat, orange, dear leader...........................guessed wrong............... "

…when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.
President Trump
February 26 2020.
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?

You decide what is best for you and your family and I'll do the same for my family. I don't care what you do or don't do, and you have no business caring what I do.

Show us all where you have conclusive studies that cloth masks are effective in preventing the spread of a virus. You cannot, but I have numerous studies proving that their only use is to make the wearer FEEL GOOD.
I'm no doc so I'll just trust Fauci and feel good. Your other point is too simplistic. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business, however, once you walk outside it is a public issue. I won't go to a store that doesn't require masks, that is my business. If that store requires you to wear a mask to enter because of people like me, that is your problem, not mine.

So we agree. We'll both agree with Fauci too, you'll agree with one Fauci and I'll agree with the other.

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.

by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
I don't believe it. Rightwingers seem to care more for their freedoms than for other people's lives. Except for abortion of course.
Do you want to see more righties wearing masks? My opening post suggests ways to get righties to wear masks, which of my suggestions do you think is a bad idea?
I don't believe in censoring info, period. As for masks, my understanding (as a layman) is that viruses travel in droplets that are stopped by masks. Would you let a surgeon operate on you without a mask?
The belief that masks stop viruses is pure faith. A layman should be able to look up the average droplet size of normal breathing, the size of a virus, and the size of the holes or pores of masks to see if they are small enough to trap the viruses and droplets. Without knowing this basic information, one can only have faith that politically motivated mask propaganda is correct. One does not need to be a doctor or scientist to see how a colander strains pasta.
Would you let a surgeon operate on you without a mask?
The problem with your surgeon comparison is that surgeons have been wearing masks for decades before covid culture, and they wear them to reduce bacteria transmission. Bacteria is 1000 times larger than viruses. If you want to comment on the covid culture of surgeons, keep it to surgeons who voluntarily wear bacteria masks in the grocery store to protect themselves from viruses.
Don't worry, Trump cultists. Raging about how the whole world is conspiring against you doesn't make you look crazy at all. Really it doesn't. It's totally normal to scream that everyone is conspiring against you. Obviously, only you and a few other elite freedom fighters know the RealTruth, and we are all so blessed to be the beneficiaries of your wisdom.

And maybe the nice orderly will bring you some pudding today.
Don't worry, Trump cultists. Raging about how the whole world is conspiring against doesn't make you look crazy at all. Really it doesn't. It's totally normal to scream that everyone is conspiring against you. Obviously, only you and a few other elite freedom fighters know the RealTruth, and we are all so blessed to be the beneficiaries of your wisdom.

And maybe the nice orderly will bring you some pudding today.

"I wouldn't be so paranoid if every one wasn't against me".
I doubt anyone would disagree. The problem comes when your freedom and liberty and my freedom and liberty come into conflict. You may feel you have the freedom and liberty to choose to wear a mask or not while at the same time I may feel you are endangering me and my family by not wearing a mask when we are forced to come into contact at a workplace or store. Whose freedom and liberty should prevail?

You decide what is best for you and your family and I'll do the same for my family. I don't care what you do or don't do, and you have no business caring what I do.

Show us all where you have conclusive studies that cloth masks are effective in preventing the spread of a virus. You cannot, but I have numerous studies proving that their only use is to make the wearer FEEL GOOD.
I'm no doc so I'll just trust Fauci and feel good. Your other point is too simplistic. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business, however, once you walk outside it is a public issue. I won't go to a store that doesn't require masks, that is my business. If that store requires you to wear a mask to enter because of people like me, that is your problem, not mine.

So we agree. We'll both agree with Fauci too, you'll agree with one Fauci and I'll agree with the other.

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.

by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Do recommendations change as data is collected? I'd certainly hope so. Can we do better than go with the latest recommendations? I really doubt it.
Don't worry, Trump cultists. Raging about how the whole world is conspiring against doesn't make you look crazy at all. Really it doesn't. It's totally normal to scream that everyone is conspiring against you. Obviously, only you and a few other elite freedom fighters know the RealTruth, and we are all so blessed to be the beneficiaries of your wisdom.

And maybe the nice orderly will bring you some pudding today.

"I wouldn't be so paranoid if every one wasn't against me".
I always wear a mask in public.....don't want anyone to think I'm a Republican.

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