How to get righties to wear masks

Your tirade against PPE…
You don't know shit about PPE.

My hard hat is PPE.

My composite-armored work boots are PPE.

My safety glasses are PPE.

My high-visibility vest is PPE.

My back-support belt is PPE.

My gloves are PPE.

A stupid mask that serves no purpose other than to give Gillettized, cowardly cretins such as yourself a false sense of protection from a horrendously-exaggerated danger is •NOT• PPE.
A mask isn't PPE?

Tell that to the guy in the paint spray booth.

Or a Doctor

Or a nurse

Or the guy shoveling coal in the hold of a ship. You stupid fuck
Since you know so much about ppe, are cloth, diy, or surgical masks the proper ppe for viruses?
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

You wing-nuts want to hear the truth? We could care less if you morons don't wear a mask. Stick with the other right-wing idiots and die. We could care less. It's when you try to come around us that we care if you don't wear a mask. Get it now?

There, now you heard the truth. Let's see if you idiots can handle the truth.

You wing-nuts want to hear the truth? No one gives a rat's ass what you care about. I know your religion of leftism tells you that your opinion and approval are hugely important to everyone, so that you can run around passing judgements on things, but the actual truth is that no amount of preaching the gospel of leftism will ever make you matter.

I suggest you try learning to care about something other than controlling other people.
LOL. Controlling other people? Is that what you call wearing masks so as not to spread disease? And you morons wonder why the world laughs at you.

I don't wonder at all. I'm well aware that the world is filled with fools. But I thank you for showing up to act as Exhibit A of that fact.
Since you know so much about ppe, are cloth, diy, or surgical masks the proper ppe for viruses?
They're better than nothing. And nothing is what you advocate
except, they don't help prevent one from getting it. It may look good to you as a fashion statement, but that's all it really is. just saying, you should actually get some facts.
Let's remember that viral load counts.

Anti-maskers act like one virus spore means death.

There is a lot of evidence that a small viral load can be be fought off by the body's immune system or results i only asymptomatic infection.

A larger viral load results in more serious infections and a large viral load results in severe infection.

Case in point, the Chinese doctor who identified the problem ended up dying from this horror. He was in his early 30s

So anything that lessens that viral load is a good thing. When a mask inhibits the expulsion of virus laden droplets, that helps people from getting hit with the full force of viral load

When your own mask catches SOME of the virus ...that helps protect YOU

Neither is 100% effective but both HELP protect.

Every time you dodge a DODGED A BULLET
I posted this last night, I watched the tv series the Resident, the episode had a new doctor coming in to start the episode. A nurse addressed her to find out why she had accepted a job there, and the new doctor told the nurse because the hospital she had been at, had shut down to lost finances. The nurse responds saying, that has happened all over the country. too fking funny. Hospitals closing because of lack of patients!!!!!!!!! just like we all have been saying, the hospitals weren't full of covid patients. all a ruse.
There is a lot of evidence that a small viral load can be be fought off by the body's immune system or results i only asymptomatic infection.
an ingenious way to promote a pandemic, call it asymptomatic. no symptoms but carrying it. Too fking funny. the fact is masks can't stop viral bacteria. just can't, one's mask is not suctioned to the face. you all are truly fked in the head.
Try to compose yourself, and focus upon substantive matters. Your impotence in controlling your naughty little snits will just get you in a tizzy.
I'll get right on it after I take a nap, shitlamp.
They're better than nothing. And nothing is what you advocate
Like a wall on the southern border is better than nothing, yet nothing is what you advocate? Like that?
Not "like" that at all.

The cost of a mask is pennies in material and almost zero in effort.

Your glorious wall costs tens of billions
There is a lot of evidence that a small viral load can be be fought off by the body's immune system or results i only asymptomatic infection.
an ingenious way to promote a pandemic, call it asymptomatic. no symptoms but carrying it. Too fking funny. the fact is masks can't stop viral bacteria. just can't, one's mask is not suctioned to the face. you all are truly fked in the head.
WTF is "viral bacteria" you fn idgit...
I posted this last night, I watched the tv series the Resident, the episode had a new doctor coming in to start the episode. A nurse addressed her to find out why she had accepted a job there, and the new doctor told the nurse because the hospital she had been at, had shut down to lost finances. The nurse responds saying, that has happened all over the country. too fking funny. Hospitals closing because of lack of patients!!!!!!!!! just like we all have been saying, the hospitals weren't full of covid patients. all a ruse.
Jesus. You base your opinions on TV shows?
There is a lot of evidence that a small viral load can be be fought off by the body's immune system or results i only asymptomatic infection.
an ingenious way to promote a pandemic, call it asymptomatic. no symptoms but carrying it. Too fking funny. the fact is masks can't stop viral bacteria. just can't, one's mask is not suctioned to the face. you all are truly fked in the head.
WTF is "viral bacteria" you fn idgit...
didn't you know a virus is bacteria? Why do you use anti bacterial lotion then? fk dude, this far too easy.
I posted this last night, I watched the tv series the Resident, the episode had a new doctor coming in to start the episode. A nurse addressed her to find out why she had accepted a job there, and the new doctor told the nurse because the hospital she had been at, had shut down to lost finances. The nurse responds saying, that has happened all over the country. too fking funny. Hospitals closing because of lack of patients!!!!!!!!! just like we all have been saying, the hospitals weren't full of covid patients. all a ruse.
Jesus. You base your opinions on TV shows?
where do you think ideas to tv shows come from? hahahahahahhahahahaha dude, tooo fking funny. So now you're going to tell me hollywood isn't demofk heaven?

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