How to Leave a Liberal Speechless

Liberals hate America as founded.
Correct, we do. Slavery was abhorrent. I know you're old enough to remember it, but the rest of us don't like it.

Slavery is and was abhorrent. Consider America’s tenure with legalized slavery was small compared to the rest of the nations; some of which continue the practice today. America, comparatively, had the moral compass to cease slavery. Also, America is often attacked morally on Slavery because America is majority White; but - again, America had the morality to cease Slavery while today, anywhere you find Slavery legalized in the World is in non-White Nations.

For this, America is Exceptional.

You're insane.
You are an ignorant product of brainwashing by the government school system.

It's sad what they've done to the nation
Liberals hate America as founded.
Correct, we do. Slavery was abhorrent. I know you're old enough to remember it, but the rest of us don't like it.
Slavery is was global since men could create civilizations. It isn't unique to the USA and it was in virtually every country in the Americas and prior to those countries all of the native tribes were involved in slavery.

The old slavery defence... It wasn't that bad because everyone was at it...

Actually the US version of slavery was one of the worst in history... US had 'Born a slave', most (nearly all)others allowed children to escape slavery. US was also much later and there has been far more successful at integration into society...
Slaves is the USA had better living conditions than poor Irish in Ireland. 500,000 slaves died building the Great Wall of China. They tossed their bodies in the wall and covered them up. Learn history.
It's clear that Death Angel is racist. Odd that conservatives won't call him out on it when it's blatantly obvious.

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Oh, hell... we're ALL racist... I'm racist... you're racist... the rest of the posters on this board and the Internet at-large are ALL racist...

And by that I mean that we are more concerned with the welfare and future of those of our own race than we are that of others...

And by that I mean that we all tend to marry within our own race, that we tend to associate with those of our own race...

And by that I mean that we all tend to live surrounded by our own race, that we feel most comfortable amongst our own race...

That is all part of the Human Condition and there is nothing whatsoever wrong or shameful or unnatural about any of that...

What IS wrong or shameful (even if it is oftentimes 'natural') in our society, is to let that 'condition' CONTROL our interactions with OTHER races...

To illustrate...

I am White... I married White... I live amongst Whites... I'm more concerned with Whites and their issues than I am those of other races...

But I do not wish ill or harm to other races... I support equality for other races (no more)... I wish others well... but I don't take $hit from others about being White...

And I don't work AGAINST them either, just because a better equality for them means they get their fair share of the pie... so long as I still get mine.

I am also content to "stay off their side" and let them do their own work on the way to a better present and future... keeping a watch over a level playing field...

To that extent, I am "racist"... as are most people... even those of considerable goodwill... and I am content that it be so.
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Oh, hell... we're ALL racist... I'm racist... you're racist... the rest of the posters on this board and the Internet at-large are ALL racist...
Imo? If you're not talking about humans being deliberately marginalized due to their skin color, then you're not really addressing racism.
It's clear that Death Angel is racist. Odd that conservatives won't call him out on it when it's blatantly obvious.

View attachment 473600
Oh, hell... we're ALL racist... I'm racist... you're racist... the rest of the posters on this board and the Internet at-large are ALL racist...

And by that I mean that we are more concerned with the welfare and future of those of our own race than we are that of others...

And by that I mean that we all tend to marry within our own race, that we tend to associate with those of our own race...

And by that I mean that we all tend to live surrounded by our own race, that we feel most comfortable amongst our own race...

That is all part of the Human Condition and there is nothing whatsoever wrong or shameful or unnatural about any of that...

What IS wrong or shameful (even if it is oftentimes 'natural') in our society, is to let that 'condition' CONTROL our interactions with OTHER races...

To illustrate...

I am White... I married White... I live amongst Whites... I'm more concerned with Whites and their issues than I am those of other races...

But I do not wish ill or harm to other races... I support equality for other races (no more)... I wish others well... but I don't take $hit from others about being White...

And I don't work AGAINST them either, just because a better equality for them means they get their fair share of the pie... so long as I still get mine.

I am also content to "stay off their side" and let them do their own work on the way to a better present and future... keeping a watch over a level playing field...

To that extent, I am "racist"... as are most people... even those of considerable goodwill... and I am content that it be so.
It's time to get a grip on reality, bro.
...Imo? If you're not talking about humans being deliberately marginalized due to their skin color, then you're not really addressing racism.
But I wasn't talking about that at ALL...

I was talking about the Racist nature of Man...

I was talking about good people doing what they can not to let it control their interactions with others...

I am neither under any particular obligation nor do I feel particularly obligated to actively combat racism...

I'll leave that to those impacted by it or who DO feel obliged to actively engage on the subject...

If you are a member of a minority then I wish you well on your multi-generational journey towards equality...

But I don't feel any particular compulsion to jump on your bandwagon...

Be content that most folks in this country outside your own demographic aren't particularly inclined to band together and work against you...
How to Leave a Liberal Speechless

Tell them Donald Trump was a good President.
...Imo? If you're not talking about humans being deliberately marginalized due to their skin color, then you're not really addressing racism.
But I wasn't talking about that at ALL...

I was talking about the Racist nature of Man...
Yeah, racism... only not racism?
I was talking about good people doing what they can not to let it control their interactions with others...

I am neither under any particular obligation nor do I feel particularly obligated to actively combat racism...

I'll leave that to those impacted by it or who DO feel obliged to actively engage on the subject...

If you are a member of a minority then I wish you well on your multi-generational journey towards equality...

But I don't feel any particular compulsion to jump on your bandwagon...
Yep, the notion that you may be privileged in many ways simply due to your skin color sure does piss you off.
Be content that most folks in this country outside your own demographic aren't particularly inclined to band together and work against you...
So be content with being discriminated against, marginalized, and with racists. Got it.
...Yep, the notion that you may be privileged in many ways simply due to your skin color sure does piss you off...
Doesn't pi$$ me off in the slightest... I enjoy it... and intend to keep it that way.

...So be content with being discriminated against, marginalized, and with racists. Got it.
Nope. Didn't say that at all. Best of luck in your journey and outcomes. Just don't expect me to care much one way or another.
Okay, so I should care about your privilege to not care?.. the exact same as my own?.. Wha tf ever!
It's not a "privilege"... it's a "right"... not to care much one way or another... most folks outside your group have got better things to do and worry about.

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