How to live a long life.

Perhaps. I just bought pizza, Ritz crackers, cheese spread, and ice cream along with the broccoli, carrots, and celery. I also love Kwik Trip donuts.

Then about 100 times more healthy than yours.
100%, but it was you that made the wild generalization about people who eat bacon
It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I love bacon too, but only have it once every two or three years. My sister ate bacon all the time. She died. Most anything you eat is ok as long as you chew it up good. That's the missing key to health.
It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I love bacon too, but only have it once every two or three years. My sister ate bacon all the time. She died.

everyone dies. one of the cold hard facts of life
Then about 100 times more healthy than yours.
But, are you 100 times more healthy than me? ;) Of course we can't really compare ourselves unless we are the same age. My younger friends and family marvel at my health and vitality. Of course, I have my aches and pains as well.
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But, are you 100 times more healthy than me? ;)

based upon your own words my food choices are. I do not know anything else about you, for all I know you are an ultra marathoner that climbs mountains on the weekends
based upon your own words my food choices are. I do not know anything else about you, for all I know you are an ultra marathoner that climbs mountains on the weekends
I actually don't do any exercises except occasionally walking. My job provides all the exercise I can stand.
Perhaps. I just bought beer, pizza, Ritz crackers, cheese spread, and ice cream along with the broccoli, carrots, and celery. I also love Kwik Trip donuts. :biggrin:

However, I am kind of a health freak (I chew my food 75 times before swallowing).
I have already lived a long life and I eat bacon, but am a lifetime exercise nut. Today it is water aerobics.
I actually don't do any exercises except occasionally walking. My job provides all the exercise I can stand.

I hear ya. Reminds me of my step father who was a runner when him and my mom meet. I was then (still am) and we would often be in the same races, I could smoke him at anything under 10k, at 10k it was pretty even and anything longer he would take me.

Once he retired from being a scientist and moved to NC and had his own farm with a milk cow and all he very quickly gave up running as his day to day life on the farm was more than enough exercise.

I spend my work day in front of 3 computer screens, so I get my exercise outside of work
Perhaps. I just bought beer, pizza, Ritz crackers, cheese spread, and ice cream along with the broccoli, carrots, and celery. I also love Kwik Trip donuts. :biggrin:

However, I am kind of a health freak (I chew my food 75 times before swallowing).
Forgot to add grapefuit and bananas.
  • Wow
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Find out why people die prematurely, and avoid that.
Find out why people live a long life, and do that.

You're welcome. :)
How long do you want to live?
Anything past 70 is gravy.
Anything past 80 is soup.
Anything past 90 is gruel.
Anything past 100 is hydration.
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