How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes

Judging by the news this week of the talks between North and South Korea's leaders, it appears that exiling Trump and his Administration officials from the negotiation may be not only among the best ways to do negotiate with tyrants, but also how to keep unwanted tyrants like Trump, ones who also are profligate liars, out of negotiations.
Seems like a win-win deal is in the making and Trump, the self-proclaimed "great negotiator," as it were, has nothing to do with it.
Thanks to Trump Iran and NK regimes are on the verge of collapse.

Funny how 8 years of ass kissing led to bullies only growing stronger.
Thanks to Trump Iran and NK regimes are on the verge of collapse.
You keep thinking that....
Sorry, I missed your links about how Obama's capitulation brought peace to anything.
We have more debt to fund more alleged war on terrorism.
You keep thinking that....
Sorry, I missed your links about how Obama's capitulation brought peace to anything.
This thread's not about Obama or anything he did or didn't do, or how well he did/didn't do those things.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about, dufus.
How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes

Not my problem your butt twitches talking about the foreign policy failures of the Obama Error.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about
  • What in your title or OP bids anyone to remark on Obama?
  • What about my pointing out that the "Koreas" have engaged in negotiations with one another has anything to do with Obama?
While you may not comprehend the irrationality of relative privation, I do.
So your response is to provide a graphical non-answer to the questions posed and point about relative privation. Yes, keep doing that....That graphic says nothing about "how to negotiate," let alone how to do so with tyrannical regimes.

Moreover, you've in your OP asserted that Trump knows how to negotiate with tyrannical regimes, yet he's neither effected negotiations with tyrannical regimes or any other kind of regimes.

How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes...Reagan knew it. So does Trump.
  • He's been substantively excluded from the now begun negotiations between "the Koreas."
  • He's failed to get the DPRK to agree to negotiate terms for dispensing with their nuclear weapons program.
  • He's not gotten KJU to any sort of negotiation table.
  • He's not negotiated a trade deal with the PRC.
  • He hasn't renegotiated NAFTA.
  • He didn't renegotiate the terms of the TPP; he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He didn't renegotiate the Paris Accord, he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He's convinced the Palestinians that the U.S. is not a credible or equitable negotiation moderator in their ongoing dispute with Israel, thus ensuring that for the foreseeable future, the U.S. will not so much as be at the negotiation table between those parties.
  • He wants to renegotiate the US-South Korea bilateral deal, yet, as far as we know, that's gone nowhere other than his contemplating withdrawing from it, which fell by the wayside when KJU began to "act up."
  • He negotiated deals to acquire several NJ casinos and they went belly-up. I guess that happened because Trump negotiated really good deals for himself.....
  • He hasn't negotiated successfully with Mexico to get them to pay for his wall.
  • He didn't negotiate successfully with AL voters to effect a win for Roy Moore.
I'm sorry, but successful negotiation requires that one actually get to the negotiating table with other parties, not pissing them off by insulting them and blustering about the "size of one's 'button.' " (Perhaps Rubio was on the right track and what Trump's got between his legs is indeed button-sized." That would, after all explain Trump's preoccupation with size....) Successful negotiation also requires that upon getting there, a favorable outcome results for all parties present.

What Trump knows how to do is issue fiats, yet doing that is also something against which he railed.

You need a Costco size tub of Preparation PH for all that butt hurt Trump keeps giving you freaks.

Really pisses you off to see terrorist regimes on the run.
And Trump is chasing them is icing on the cake.
This thread's not about Obama or anything he did or didn't do, or how well he did/didn't do those things.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about, dufus.
How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes

Not my problem your butt twitches talking about the foreign policy failures of the Obama Error.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about
  • What in your title or OP bids anyone to remark on Obama?
  • What about my pointing out that the "Koreas" have engaged in negotiations with one another has anything to do with Obama?
While you may not comprehend the irrationality of relative privation, I do.
So your response is to provide a graphical non-answer to the questions posed and point about relative privation. Yes, keep doing that....That graphic says nothing about "how to negotiate," let alone how to do so with tyrannical regimes.

Moreover, you've in your OP asserted that Trump knows how to negotiate with tyrannical regimes, yet he's neither effected negotiations with tyrannical regimes or any other kind of regimes.

How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes...Reagan knew it. So does Trump.
  • He's been substantively excluded from the now begun negotiations between "the Koreas."
  • He's failed to get the DPRK to agree to negotiate terms for dispensing with their nuclear weapons program.
  • He's not gotten KJU to any sort of negotiation table.
  • He's not negotiated a trade deal with the PRC.
  • He hasn't renegotiated NAFTA.
  • He didn't renegotiate the terms of the TPP; he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He didn't renegotiate the Paris Accord, he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He's convinced the Palestinians that the U.S. is not a credible or equitable negotiation moderator in their ongoing dispute with Israel, thus ensuring that for the foreseeable future, the U.S. will not so much as be at the negotiation table between those parties.
  • He wants to renegotiate the US-South Korea bilateral deal, yet, as far as we know, that's gone nowhere other than his contemplating withdrawing from it, which fell by the wayside when KJU began to "act up."
  • He negotiated deals to acquire several NJ casinos and they went belly-up. I guess that happened because Trump negotiated really good deals for himself.....
  • He hasn't negotiated successfully with Mexico to get them to pay for his wall.
  • He didn't negotiate successfully with AL voters to effect a win for Roy Moore.
I'm sorry, but successful negotiation requires that one actually get to the negotiating table with other parties, not pissing them off by insulting them and blustering about the "size of one's 'button.' " (Perhaps Rubio was on the right track and what Trump's got between his legs is indeed button-sized." That would, after all explain Trump's preoccupation with size....) Successful negotiation also requires that upon getting there, a favorable outcome results for all parties present.

What Trump knows how to do is issue fiats, yet doing that is also something against which he railed.

You need a Costco size tub of Preparation PH for all that butt hurt Trump keeps giving you freaks.

Really pisses you off to see terrorist regimes on the run.
And Trump is chasing them is icing on the cake.

You just keep thinking that....
Two of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had: Ronaldus Magnus and Donaldus Magnus.

Trump’s taking a HUGE hit on his bizarre tweet in the USA and all over the world.
If they ever weren’t sure he is fucking crazy this confirmed it.
Many attribute it to how whacked out in the head he is because of Michael Wolff’s Book.
He set up a table in the White House and dozens of staff talked to him about how they view Donald Trump.
One thing everyone agreed with is how stupid he is.
Gary Cohn, Reince Preibus, HR McMaster etc all said he is “ dumb as shit, a dope, an idiot.”etc.

Everything we’ve been saying about this imbecile was confirmed by the PEOPLE THAT SEE HIM EVERY DAY in the White House.

This is revelatory.
You keep thinking that....
Sorry, I missed your links about how Obama's capitulation brought peace to anything.
This thread's not about Obama or anything he did or didn't do, or how well he did/didn't do those things.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about, dufus.
How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes

Not my problem your butt twitches talking about the foreign policy failures of the Obama Error.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about
  • What in your title or OP bids anyone to remark on Obama?
  • What about my pointing out that the "Koreas" have engaged in negotiations with one another has anything to do with Obama?
While you may not comprehend the irrationality of relative privation, I do.
So your response is to provide a graphical non-answer to the questions posed and point about relative privation. Yes, keep doing that....That graphic says nothing about "how to negotiate," let alone how to do so with tyrannical regimes.

Moreover, you've in your OP asserted that Trump knows how to negotiate with tyrannical regimes, yet he's neither effected negotiations with tyrannical regimes or any other kind of regimes.

How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes...Reagan knew it. So does Trump.
  • He's been substantively excluded from the now begun negotiations between "the Koreas."
  • He's failed to get the DPRK to agree to negotiate terms for dispensing with their nuclear weapons program.
  • He's not gotten KJU to any sort of negotiation table.
  • He's not negotiated a trade deal with the PRC.
  • He hasn't renegotiated NAFTA.
  • He didn't renegotiate the terms of the TPP; he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He didn't renegotiate the Paris Accord, he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He's convinced the Palestinians that the U.S. is not a credible or equitable negotiation moderator in their ongoing dispute with Israel, thus ensuring that for the foreseeable future, the U.S. will not so much as be at the negotiation table between those parties.
  • He wants to renegotiate the US-South Korea bilateral deal, yet, as far as we know, that's gone nowhere other than his contemplating withdrawing from it, which fell by the wayside when KJU began to "act up."
  • He negotiated deals to acquire several NJ casinos and they went belly-up. I guess that happened because Trump negotiated really good deals for himself.....
  • He hasn't negotiated successfully with Mexico to get them to pay for his wall.
  • He didn't negotiate successfully with AL voters to effect a win for Roy Moore.
I'm sorry, but successful negotiation requires that one actually get to the negotiating table with other parties, not pissing them off by insulting them and blustering about the "size of one's 'button.' " (Perhaps Rubio was on the right track and what Trump's got between his legs is indeed button-sized." That would, after all explain Trump's preoccupation with size....) Successful negotiation also requires that upon getting there, a favorable outcome results for all parties present.

What Trump knows how to do is issue fiats, yet doing that is also something against which he railed.

Seth Meyers brings it every night. Makes mincemeat of Trump but he does make it so damn easy. It’s like he wears a “ kick me” sign on his back.
Stephen Colbert is also hilarious and very very poignant.
Trump is the country’s tackling dummy.
This thread's not about Obama or anything he did or didn't do, or how well he did/didn't do those things.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about, dufus.
How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes

Not my problem your butt twitches talking about the foreign policy failures of the Obama Error.
Don't be telling me what my thread is about
  • What in your title or OP bids anyone to remark on Obama?
  • What about my pointing out that the "Koreas" have engaged in negotiations with one another has anything to do with Obama?
While you may not comprehend the irrationality of relative privation, I do.
So your response is to provide a graphical non-answer to the questions posed and point about relative privation. Yes, keep doing that....That graphic says nothing about "how to negotiate," let alone how to do so with tyrannical regimes.

Moreover, you've in your OP asserted that Trump knows how to negotiate with tyrannical regimes, yet he's neither effected negotiations with tyrannical regimes or any other kind of regimes.

How to Negotiate with Tyrannical Regimes...Reagan knew it. So does Trump.
  • He's been substantively excluded from the now begun negotiations between "the Koreas."
  • He's failed to get the DPRK to agree to negotiate terms for dispensing with their nuclear weapons program.
  • He's not gotten KJU to any sort of negotiation table.
  • He's not negotiated a trade deal with the PRC.
  • He hasn't renegotiated NAFTA.
  • He didn't renegotiate the terms of the TPP; he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He didn't renegotiate the Paris Accord, he merely withdrew the U.S. from it.
  • He's convinced the Palestinians that the U.S. is not a credible or equitable negotiation moderator in their ongoing dispute with Israel, thus ensuring that for the foreseeable future, the U.S. will not so much as be at the negotiation table between those parties.
  • He wants to renegotiate the US-South Korea bilateral deal, yet, as far as we know, that's gone nowhere other than his contemplating withdrawing from it, which fell by the wayside when KJU began to "act up."
  • He negotiated deals to acquire several NJ casinos and they went belly-up. I guess that happened because Trump negotiated really good deals for himself.....
  • He hasn't negotiated successfully with Mexico to get them to pay for his wall.
  • He didn't negotiate successfully with AL voters to effect a win for Roy Moore.
I'm sorry, but successful negotiation requires that one actually get to the negotiating table with other parties, not pissing them off by insulting them and blustering about the "size of one's 'button.' " (Perhaps Rubio was on the right track and what Trump's got between his legs is indeed button-sized." That would, after all explain Trump's preoccupation with size....) Successful negotiation also requires that upon getting there, a favorable outcome results for all parties present.

What Trump knows how to do is issue fiats, yet doing that is also something against which he railed.

Seth Meyers brings it every night. Makes mincemeat of Trump but he does make it so damn easy. It’s like he wears a “ kick me” sign on his back.
Stephen Colbert is also hilarious and very very poignant.
Trump is the country’s tackling dummy.

I agree with you; however, I included Meyers' video because of it contains multiple instances in one video of Trump decrying the use of fiat and other Trump remarks that illustrate assertions and themes in my posts 7 and 19 whereby I asserted that Trump's negotiating acumen and adroitness remains to be see for preponderantly with regard to his stated goals and since he's become POTUS, he's hardly been at the negotiating table. Meyers' remarks are, for my purposes in post 19, just there -- I don't much know what he said for scanned the video for Trump's remarks, not Meyers' -- but I'm glad you, perhaps others enjoyed his comments.

Analysis for other folks' benefit:
The sort of information below is mostly irrelevant to me in this thread's thematic context -- that Trump knows how to negotiate -- because as noted in post, 19, there are myriad things that Trump, the self-proclaimed great negotiator, could have negotiated for, or at least tried to do so, and that he has neither tried to nor successfully done so. Consequently, relativism isn't even needed to show that the man is anything but one who knows how to negotiate, and certainly not as well as he thinks or would have others believe.

At about the 1:40 (?) mark in the video, Trump states
Executive orders sort of came about more recently nobody ever head of executive orders. Than all of a sudden Obama, because he couldn't get anybody to agree with him he starts signing them like they're butter.
Ignoring Trump's doltishly inapt use of the "like butter" metaphor, the facts of the matter are:
If one is to accept as so Trump's implication that presidents issue executive orders because they cannot get anybody to agree with them -- i.e., they are a poor negotiator -- there are a whole lot of former POTUSes who couldn't get a whole lot of people to agree with them. Of course, Trump being Trump, there's nearly nothing he posits expressly or tacitly that one should accept as so.

Now, do I care abstractly how many executive orders a POTUS issues? No. I wouldn't care about or write about Trump's were he not to have made such a big deal about his predecessors' use of them. Truly, as with darn near all of my ridicule of Trump, it is Trump's own words and their astounding incoherence, his deeds and their inanity, and the recurrent incongruity between his words and deeds that give rise to my criticism and disdain. Frankly, were he to sit down, heed his subject-matter betters and shut up -- something Reagan was very good at doing, though Ronny hadn't nearly Trump's hubris, and he had governing experience -- I wouldn't have much to say about him. Neither would many others.

Indeed, Trump could conceivably be construed as a decent POTUS were he America's puppet president, a frontman as it were, rather than trying to be its actual leader. Alas, rather than being the frontman for other folks' good or reasonable ideas, he' insists on "frontin' " and advancing his own hairbrained ideas. You've read Shakespeare, right? You know what a tragic flaw is. Well, that's Trump's.

Executive orders sort of came about more recently nobody ever head of executive orders. Than all of a sudden Obama, because he couldn't get anybody to agree with him he starts signing them like they're butter.
It is also worth noting that, as with his "who knew" remark about healthcare, when Trump says things like "nobody ever heard of," "nobody knew," "who knew," etc., what he is doing is at once attributing to "everyone else" the same degree of subject matter ignorance that he has on the matter of which he then speaks, and then absolving himself for not knowing and not having bothered to find out. That wouldn't be something to talk about but for Trump's bromidic attestions about his acumen and scholastic performance.​
“Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: We win; they lose.”
- President Ronald Reagan
It was, unnecessary. We merely needed more Faith in Capitalism and inform the Communists, our way is better and we don't care what you do your Nation-State.

We should have, abstained and just said no, to a Warfare-State.
You have to go to a university to learn to be that stupid.

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