How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

‘Eight feet’ becomes eight yards – whatever LEO determines.

Only if you allow it.

And it’s naïve to believe that ‘taking a step back’ is viable; that’s not how human nature works – ignorant of and intimidated by the law, private citizens will refrain from recording at all to be safe, as intended by Republican lawmakers.

90 shots fired becomes OK, only if we allow it.
Then you get the lawyers to handle it. Going against a cop in the field is always a losing proposition. He is armed, he deals with whatever situation you are in daily and his actions are presumed to be justified. It's not bootlicking to de-escalate a situation by cooperating and not making a bad situation worse. Ninety percent of the people shot by cops have your attitude and if they had used their brains rather than their balls, could have walked away.

NO, we do not simply allow them to violate our rights and hope the courts can straighten it out. We film and condemn, condemn, condemn and sue and demand they are held accountable until they are. And if they are not, burn things down.

Again, you forget, the Supreme Court ruled we can now be armed.
Did you bother to read the article? The law bans people filming police within EIGHT FEET. People that close are interfering with the police and endangering themselves, the suspect and the officer. Beyond eight feet it’s still legal to film.

It also means the person interacting with police would have to turn off their cameras.
when you tape/observe anything and report it to other people thats called reporting,,,

And when you are there to participate in criminal activities as a form of protest, and when cops show up to arrest you all, you claim "press" to avoid personal arrest, and then harass the cops as they are arresting your friends, while filming them with the intent of posting it out of context packaged with lies to inflame and divide the country in the service of a marxist political agenda,

it should NOT be called reporting. imo.
Has this law passed yet? Is it law?

‘First Amendment advocates are considering their options in response to an Arizona law signed last week making it a crime to record video police officers from closer than 8 feet away.


"There is zero evidence in the record that this law actually addresses a problem," said K. M. Bell, an attorney for the ACLU of Arizona. "We are investigating all possible options for addressing this unconstitutional law."

Bell said there were several specific problems with the law, including that it was overly broad. It limits what people can do on their phones while near a police officer, which amounts to a First Amendment violation, Bell said.

"This is a content-based restriction, because I can stand 3 feet from an officer and play Angry Birds, but I can't stand 3 feet away and record them," Bell said.’

And content-based restrictions are un-Constitutional.

This law is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist – save for the problem conservatives have with holding law enforcement responsible for the crimes they commit.
We did hear of bad cops before cell phones.

There are many links and stories about riots in the 60s. I remember those days because as a white kid living in black neighborhoods, I felt the black anger on by body probably every week or so. Many of the riots were triggered by police abuse of black people and it was a real problem.

Yes, there was police corruption before cell phones. The first cellular system turned on around 1985. Phones back then didn't have cameras. The first camera phones happened around 2000-is but cellular companies charged you a dollar a picture to get the images off your phone. So the modern handheld-supercomputer cellular phone we know today is about 12, maybe 14, years old.

Now, for the first time, people have the ability to watch the watchers, to police the police. It is a great day for liberty and civil rights. Anyone who treasures liberty should be defending recording police.
Hahaha…see what you’re doing? This is full leftist shit….You’re engineering a retarded narrative based on something (police brutality) that may occur .000002% of the time while shoving a camera in a cops face will instigate and escalate a situation 100% of the time.…it’s just plain ignorance.
Leftists tell us white supremacy is this nations biggest problem while blacks spend their weekends…EVERY WEEKEND, kiling eachother in all dark shitholes all across America…..are you sure you shouldn’t be talking shit about black criminality…wouldn’t that be better use of your time and energy?
What you don't respect is the Constitution, liberty, freedom, and innocent people. What you do respect is totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Yes, being a cop is a hard job. Anyone who thinks not being able to secretly beat people up makes the job too hard should quit being a cop.
I respect the constitution well enough to know better than to support any form of todays Democratic party. Todays Democratic party has gone so far-left over the cliff extremist. While I would like to protect our country and the constitution, you band of whacko's are hell bent on taring it all down. Stick your Woke where it don't belong!
And when you are there to participate in criminal activities as a form of protest, and when cops show up to arrest you all, you claim "press" to avoid personal arrest, and then harass the cops as they are arresting your friends, while filming them with the intent of posting it out of context packaged with lies to inflame and divide the country in the service of a marxist political agenda,

it should NOT be called reporting. imo.
thank the lord your opinion means shit,,
The obvious solution here is that body cameras recording every second of every minute of every hour of every shift should simply be a Federal mandate, and being on duty without one, or the wearer deactivating or disabling one should be a Federal felony with about ten years mandatory prison time and a fine of at least ten million dollars.
The Federal Government doesn't have the power to order state and local police to wear body cameras. The States do.

What should happen is that the States should mandate it and failure to activate the camera should mean that when it's he-said, he-said, then the Judge should order the jury that the word of the non-cop should carry more weight and the cop's word less weight. This is whether there is a criminal case or civil case or both.
NO, we do not simply allow them to violate our rights and hope the courts can straighten it out. We film and condemn, condemn, condemn and sue and demand they are held accountable until they are. And if they are not, burn things down.

Again, you forget, the Supreme Court ruled we can now be armed.

You're right; we document, we study, we read and watch, we complain in our communities, we complain in protests, we complain to our representatives and in the courts.

We do everything possible to avoid violence, including burning it down. We suffer it for as long as we can, along with suffering many other things. Perhaps we suffer it for generations. Hopefully, we're teaching our children about liberty so they remember.

But, yes, you are right. The time may come when it is too much for too long.
The irony is LEO should welcome the public monitoring of police activities, sworn officers should always assume they’re being observed.

And as public servants and agents of the state, sworn officers should have no objection to being observed.
The Federal Government doesn't have the power to order state and local police to wear body cameras. The States do.

What should happen is that the States should mandate it and failure to activate the camera should mean that when it's he-said, he-said, then the Judge should order the jury that the word of the non-cop should carry more weight and the cop's word less weight. This is whether there is a criminal case or civil case or both.
They can simply make being on duty without a body camera a Federal crime. An alternative is to simply require the states to make it a felony or lose all Federal funding.

Or do both.
Hahaha…see what you’re doing? This is full leftist shit….You’re engineering a retarded narrative based on something (police brutality) that may occur .000002% of the time while shoving a camera in a cops face will instigate and escalate a situation 100% of the time.…it’s just plain ignorance.
Leftists tell us white supremacy is this nations biggest problem while blacks spend their weekends…EVERY WEEKEND, kiling eachother in all dark shitholes all across America…..are you sure you shouldn’t be talking shit about black criminality…wouldn’t that be better use of your time and energy?
This is weapon grade stupid.
The irony is LEO should welcome the public monitoring of police activities, sworn officers should always assume they’re being observed.

And as public servants and agents of the state, sworn officers should have no objection to being observed.
Yet cops fight body cameras tooth and nail.

Which is why they simply need to be a Federal mandate.

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