How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps


Gold Member
May 28, 2012
Buttlick Kentucky
How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps: Nunes destroys his credibility and his committee

How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps: Nunes destroys his credibility and his committee

No matter what you did today, you’re bound to have had a better day than Devin Nunes. Presented with information that people involved with the Trump campaign—including possibly Donald Trump—may have been caught chatting as part of an FBI probe, Nunes’ actions were to:

1) run screaming to Paul Ryan.

2) inform the people caught up in the criminal investigation.

3) hold a press conference.

Nunes is having a kick ass time with the information and the documentation that was handed to him. He now is going to investigate the investigators.

Nunes will find out just like Senator Grassley determined 4 years ago when these allegations and papers were presented and given to him, that it's bull crud....
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on. This particular investigation which saw individuals unmasked was not part of the Russian investigation. No Russian links. No foreign links.
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.

I'm sure he apologized with barely controlled snickering.

He played it spot on because he knows what a weasle Schiff is. Winning!
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on. This particular investigation which saw individuals unmasked was not part of the Russian investigation. No Russian links. No foreign links.

The nsa spies on everybody. You, me, even that waste of human skin Donald trump.
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on. This particular investigation which saw individuals unmasked was not part of the Russian investigation. No Russian links. No foreign links.
That is the point. Trump is crazy for saying he was spied on, as the dems provide shit they got from spying. But the Russians, with no evidence of even with the spying is supposed to be the story.
Obama had a better day than no one.

Legacy Destroyed.

Treason Trial to be Broadcast on Pay Per View

How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps: Nunes destroys his credibility and his committee

How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps: Nunes destroys his credibility and his committee

No matter what you did today, you’re bound to have had a better day than Devin Nunes. Presented with information that people involved with the Trump campaign—including possibly Donald Trump—may have been caught chatting as part of an FBI probe, Nunes’ actions were to:

1) run screaming to Paul Ryan.

2) inform the people caught up in the criminal investigation.

3) hold a press conference.
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Nunes is having a kick ass time with the information and the documentation that was handed to him. He now is going to investigate the investigators.


lol only in t-rump land

Oh he most certainly is launching an investigation. Haven't you been paying attention?

And bear in mind the questioning of Trey Gowdy of Comey and Rogers. It was very telling when he asked both men if those in Obama's inner circle and Obama himself would have access to the names that were "unmasked".

By James Rosen
• Published March 23, 2017

" Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News.

Classified intelligence showing incidental collection of Trump team communications, purportedly seen by committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and described by him in vague terms at a bombshell Wednesday afternoon news conference, came from multiple sources, Capitol Hill sources told Fox News.

The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretappedhim in a series of now-infamous tweets posted on March 4.

The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources.

The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration."

More at link:

Potential 'smoking gun' showing Obama administration spied on Trump team, source says
Nunes admitted that investigations revealed that the Obama administration spied on an opposition candidate who was an American citizen. Doesn't that enhance his credibility and destroy Obama's credibility?

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