How Trump Can Win the Black Vote to Win the Election

Trump may get 5 to 8% of the black vote.
are you in effect saying that you personally think that 92 to 95% of blacks are total uneducated idiots?
talk about racist.
Your comment is typical of racist expressions of your ilk. You think that because blacks will not listen to your nonsense that they "are total uneducated idiots." I am quite willing to let anyone vote as they wish. What you miss is that what you are offering is offered in such a way that blacks apparently feel demeaned enough by your language to deny you the vote.
Why wouldn't black people vote for the GOP candidate? I mean....all hardworking Americans who don't earn enough to thrive and don't have generations of accumulated wealth to rely being told that they are lazy and shiftless. They love the way that scores of republican politicians have embraced racist overtones in their policy speeches, made blatant attempts to disenfranchise African American voters and totally ignored the mass incarceration issue that has devastated black families.

Of course.....Trump will win the black vote. Everyone knows that.
Trump: I'll bring back jobs to black communities
It is time that the black vote wakes up to the disaster that 16 our of 24 years of democrat presidents has brought them.

Bring back jobs and putting people back to work is the answer. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is just more of the same. I hope Trump wins and he brings so much work back to America his companies make millions.


Nevertheless, the auguries for Trump in this area are extremely good, certainly the best in recent years for a Republican, if he should choose to act upon them. And for the sake of all Americans, he should. In fact, he'd better.

The African-American community is in a miserable condition that has been getting worse for decades and has reached its nadir under Obama -- two-parent families disappearing, unemployment rates skyrocketing, incarceration rates catastrophic, drug addiction epidemic. We all look on in despair as gang members shoot children in the streets of Chicago and murders -- almost all black-on-black -- proliferate in Baltimore after years of decline.

What is to be done about all this? Hillary Clinton will certainly have plenty to say, but it will all be the same old disingenuous bilge. She can't be part of the solution because she -- like the Democratic Party she has served loyally for almost her entire life -- is part of the problem. For reasons of moral narcissism and political expediency, beginning with the Great Society that party has set up a system in black communities that has trapped African-Americans into a non-stop cycle of government dependency, turning them into what talk show host Larry Elder dubbed "victocrats," believers in perpetual victimhood, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if there ever was one. The #blacklivesmatter movement is only the most recent avatar.

Many black people -- just not the brilliant minds like Thomas Sowell and Elder -- know this. They are just constrained by the atmosphere in their communities, the evil influence and machinations of those like Reverend Al and Maxine Waters, against speaking up. Others have simply given up. It's hard to blame them. How do you break this cycle?

What the fuck are you talking about? President Obama has unemployment at debbie downing white shit for brain bastards would be all up in a hooch bowl, if some white motherfucker was in the white house, wouldn't ya? The GOP has never done a motherfuckin thing for blacks in this country but use our black ass's to Willie Horton you white bastards into voting for them, that's all. So why would any sane mf of color ever and I mean ever vote the GOP ticket? And if you fucks think that Trump is gonna open up the gates of heavan and bring back jobs to a country debating 12 bucks and hour, than you saps are more insane than last predicted....which was a second ago.

Save that shit for these hispanics, they identify more with you white fucks.,...nigga's ain't buying it

So, tell us how African Americans are better off now, after almost eight years of a (half) black President, with record number of blacks in the putridly racist Congressional Black Caucus, record number of black mayors and high ranking municipal and state officials everywhere, and with affirmative action more in force than ever?
So, tell us how African Americans are better off now, after almost eight years of a (half) black President, with record number of blacks in the putridly racist Congressional Black Caucus, record number of black mayors and high ranking municipal and state officials everywhere, and with affirmative action more in force than ever?

We need a White "Bwana" massa ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe a few more tax cuts for billionaires will "bring back jobs" waaaaaaaaaaaa hjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So, tell us how African Americans are better off now, after almost eight years of a (half) black President, with record number of blacks in the putridly racist Congressional Black Caucus, record number of black mayors and high ranking municipal and state officials everywhere, and with affirmative action more in force than ever?

We need a White "Bwana" massa ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe a few more tax cuts for billionaires will "bring back jobs" waaaaaaaaaaaa hjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Clearly this individual is clinically retarded. But hey, if you can't win the war of ideas, you can at least make sure that everyone is aware of your lacing IQ.

Here is a brilliant black man who won't be voting for a regressive. In this video he explains how the regressive liberals have enslaved black people to their vote plantation:

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Clearly this individual is clinically retarded. But hey, if you can't win the war of ideas, you can at least make sure that everyone is aware of your lacing IQ.

OK pedantic one you are just the Bomb LOL You are clinically an Asshole..that is correct an anal long colon....

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It is time that the black vote wakes up to the disaster that 16 our of 24 years of democrat presidents has brought them.

Bring back jobs and putting people back to work is the answer. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is just more of the same. I hope Trump wins and he brings so much work back to America his companies make millions.


Nevertheless, the auguries for Trump in this area are extremely good, certainly the best in recent years for a Republican, if he should choose to act upon them. And for the sake of all Americans, he should. In fact, he'd better.

The African-American community is in a miserable condition that has been getting worse for decades and has reached its nadir under Obama -- two-parent families disappearing, unemployment rates skyrocketing, incarceration rates catastrophic, drug addiction epidemic. We all look on in despair as gang members shoot children in the streets of Chicago and murders -- almost all black-on-black -- proliferate in Baltimore after years of decline.

What is to be done about all this? Hillary Clinton will certainly have plenty to say, but it will all be the same old disingenuous bilge. She can't be part of the solution because she -- like the Democratic Party she has served loyally for almost her entire life -- is part of the problem. For reasons of moral narcissism and political expediency, beginning with the Great Society that party has set up a system in black communities that has trapped African-Americans into a non-stop cycle of government dependency, turning them into what talk show host Larry Elder dubbed "victocrats," believers in perpetual victimhood, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if there ever was one. The #blacklivesmatter movement is only the most recent avatar.

Many black people -- just not the brilliant minds like Thomas Sowell and Elder -- know this. They are just constrained by the atmosphere in their communities, the evil influence and machinations of those like Reverend Al and Maxine Waters, against speaking up. Others have simply given up. It's hard to blame them. How do you break this cycle?
Maybe Trump can show how many blacks he has personally hired through the years....maybe show how many blacks Trump International has in executive positions
Here is a black man who won't be voting for a regressive. In this video he explains how the regressive liberals have enslaved black people to their vote plantation:

The GOP is simply the Saviors of the Blacks...why just a few more tax cuts for billionaires will bring a "Flood of high paying jobs" woooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo
Why wouldn't black people vote for the GOP candidate? I mean....all hardworking Americans who don't earn enough to thrive and don't have generations of accumulated wealth to rely being told that they are lazy and shiftless. They love the way that scores of republican politicians have embraced racist overtones in their policy speeches, made blatant attempts to disenfranchise African American voters and totally ignored the mass incarceration issue that has devastated black families.

Of course.....Trump will win the black vote. Everyone knows that.

Why anyone belongs to either party is the question. At least the Republicans didn't promise the world and deliver nothing but pain and suffering.
Here is a black man who won't be voting for a regressive. In this video he explains how the regressive liberals have enslaved black people to their vote plantation:

The GOP is simply the Saviors of the Blacks...why just a few more tax cuts for billionaires will bring a "Flood of high paying jobs" woooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo

Maybe that is why they have only elected eight blacks to high level government positions in the last 100 years
So, tell us how African Americans are better off now, after almost eight years of a (half) black President, with record number of blacks in the putridly racist Congressional Black Caucus, record number of black mayors and high ranking municipal and state officials everywhere, and with affirmative action more in force than ever?

We need a White "Bwana" massa ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe a few more tax cuts for billionaires will "bring back jobs" waaaaaaaaaaaa hjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Clearly this individual is clinically retarded. But hey, if you can't win the war of ideas, you can at least make sure that everyone is aware of your lacing IQ.

OK pedantic one you are just the Bomb LOL You are clinically an Asshole..that is correct an anal long colon....

Exactly what is this chart supposed to show?

That liberal hand outs and single mother sponsored households keep black people unemployed?

I would have to agree. Look at the unemployment rate before the "war on poverty" and there would not have been such a disparity.
Here is a brilliant black man who won't be voting for a regressive. In this video he explains how the regressive liberals have enslaved black people to their vote plantation:

Zo is the man.
Why wouldn't black people vote for the GOP candidate? I mean....all hardworking Americans who don't earn enough to thrive and don't have generations of accumulated wealth to rely being told that they are lazy and shiftless. They love the way that scores of republican politicians have embraced racist overtones in their policy speeches, made blatant attempts to disenfranchise African American voters and totally ignored the mass incarceration issue that has devastated black families.

Of course.....Trump will win the black vote. Everyone knows that.

The problem Republicans have with the black community is that many are politically ignorant. Go to the ghetto sometime and talk with blacks. Listen to what their car radios are tuned into; it certainly isn't a news or talk radio station.

The more informed blacks do vote Republican because they look back and realize that their plight is because of Democrats.

Black unemployment is over twice than it is for whites today while in the meantime, Democrats want to usher in foreigners to take away their jobs and have been quite successful at it. Democrats take the black vote for granted. This is why they fought the School Voucher program that helped many black children get a better education, but again, because Democrats take their vote for granted, they stuck up for their buddies in the teachers union. When was the last time you heard a Democrat address the real problem in the black community which is broken families? Over 70% of black children born are out of wedlock, and poverty is directly related to single-parent homes.

Once the black community gets educated on politics and history, they will leave the plantation they have been stuck on in the last five decades or so.

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