How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

At this point I am just grateful that at last we are hearing what science and medicine think, & hope we let them run this vires & leave the politics out of it.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.
Yes. For a long time we've know liberals, the Media, and politicians

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.
Well they they aren' buy something SOLID.....Like Georgia Pacific ......Kimberly Clark.........Toilet Paper Sales have gone up should have bought low.....LOL

Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.
Yes.....back in the day Comon core taught the test to hide that most kids don't care about math and teaching the test made people believe they actually give a rip.
These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.
Lies expensive...........Yes........the Impeachment was on when this happened....and the Lies there instead of doing the job they were paid to do.....they played the Impeachment Lie Game........all the while the Virus was in full bloom.......Oh well they said..........Trump hurt or feelings and it was more important for a Circus to come to town than worry about something that could kill Walmart shoppers.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Yes yes............we must duct tape the mouths of all Liberals and their Media immediately ...........and ban the Op from spreading more here.

You are quite correct........ban yourself and SAVE AMERICA.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
Thank you.........but I have some toilet paper....and everyone knows that Toilet paper is the key to fighting the Coronavirus.

Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow
If a Frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped.

They panic is someone farts..........and you think he could have stopped it as the whole world shut down from going Postal over a virus.

We should have done what Obama did............Hey guys it's an emergency's cool though some people will die and the Media will cover it up and say look at me Golfing....

Those were the days ......the days when they could just ignore it.......and say OH WELL........and the Media swoons.
As for Favci, he would not be allowed to be the spokes person for the administration if he said anything negative about Trump. his priority seems to be addressing the virus problem.
At this point I am just grateful that at last we are hearing what science and medicine think, & hope we let them run this vires & leave the politics out of it.
and hope they do it soon Dow is about the same as it was on trumps inauguration day Trumps beautiful DOW
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

What are you even talking about?
LOL and here I always thought you were one of the smart republicans

There is no such thing. Just like there is no such thing as a rational or honest Rethugicon. Doesn't exist.
As for Favci, he would not be allowed to be the spokes person for the administration if he said anything negative about Trump. his priority seems to be addressing the virus problem.
The Real problem is that crrzy Panic is making the People batshit crazy ....running to stores in mass.....hundreds there.........fighting over Toilet paper..............this while the gov't says..........stay at home....avoid crowds............Then they run out.........OMFG.........NO TOILET PAPER.

We've had pandemics and survived...........many died in other times......and they didn't destroy the entire economy of Planet earth for it.
At this point I am just grateful that at last we are hearing what science and medicine think, & hope we let them run this vires & leave the politics out of it.
and hope they do it soon Dow is about the same as it was on trumps inauguration day Trumps beautiful DOW
As I notice the tone of TDS Glorified in the fact that the Dow is down and people are getting they can say TRUMP SUCKS..............

On the edge of your seat too I bet.........looking for BODY COUNTS........

Your candidate still does your policies............Your whole Campaign is I HATE TRUMP........That's it........and you were completely fked..........until this Pandemic came you hope to Capitalize on this Americans suffer..............

Face it dude.............YOU SUCK.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow

What would you have done differently?

Give us specific actions and dates.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow

What would you have done differently?

Give us specific actions and dates.
Edward, you sensible OP, seems to have really triggered Bratpat and some others on here. Same old know nothing crowd still shook by current events.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
WHO considers 'airborne precautions' for medical staff after study shows coronavirus can survive in air
What were the NOBLE DEMS doing on January 21st of this year.....and what happened that was important.

And then what did Trump do 10 days later......while these same Dems were still doing the same thing they were 10 days earlier.

We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
Yes! Let's stop accepting the lies, and dispense with Leftist media talking points. So glad we at last found common ground... I'd nearly given up hope...'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow

What would you have done differently?

Give us specific actions and dates.
As soon as China reported it's first victim I'd have gotten tests ready to use,, have our great companies looking for cures hospitals ready and try not to bullshit the populace like trump did We need someone in the WH we trust and believe ,,The liar trump is a waste of human flesh
I havE never seen a group of "adults" whine so much about virtually everything.
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We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

What are you even talking about?
LOL and here I always thought you were one of the smart republicans

One of the fragmentary points you sort of make, is that we are in a recession now, because of the virus.

So, what lie did Trump tell, that if he had not told, would have prevented that, what with the pandemic and all?

We were overdue, everyone knew, capital knew, it was just scrambling to hoard as much as it could until the next crash and subsequent socialism required to prop up our version of what we call capitalism. Now we cannot bear to deal with that, so we blame instead.

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