How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow

What would you have done differently?

Give us specific actions and dates.
As soon as China reported it's first victim I'd have gotten tests ready to use,, have our great companies looking for cures hospitals ready and try not to bullshit the populace like trump did We need someone in the WH we trust and believe ,,The liar trump is a waste of human flesh

You would have gotten tests ready as soon as China reported their first victim? How, exactly?

You are just full of shit. Would you contend that all of Europe is run by liars and wastes of flesh?
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
If trump handled the virus in a timely way without all his BS the markets wouldn't have had such great volatility and downward movement in the dow

What would you have done differently?

Give us specific actions and dates.
As soon as China reported it's first victim I'd have gotten tests ready to use,, have our great companies looking for cures hospitals ready and try not to bullshit the populace like trump did We need someone in the WH we trust and believe ,,The liar trump is a waste of human flesh

You would have gotten tests ready as soon as China reported their first victim? How, exactly?

You are just full of shit. Would you contend that all of Europe is run by liars and wastes of flesh?
In their minds......that is Trumps fault as well...........They became the epicenter......not us..........but still it's it's it's like this.
According to Edward, all of Europe is run by liars and wastes of flesh. Particularly Italy.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
Kick rocks libturd.
According to Edward, all of Europe is run by liars and wastes of flesh. Particularly Italy.
Trump is an Evil stupid that he was able to shift the epicenter to Europe because he was so brilliant..........

Wait a minute............are they saying he sucks routine or is evil and Brilliant now..........I get confused.
I said last week the DOW is heading into the 14-15 range. Could be wrong, heck, it may drop even more. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. Many things that were "important" two weeks ago are no longer truly relevant, including the stock market.

A depression all hangs on how long things are shut down. Regardless, there will be so many bankruptcies, all while fucks like Bezos and Waltons corner an even greater portion of the market.

The 2008-09 recession was a walk in the park compared to what's coming. On the bright side, if this doesn't get out of hand we should see swift recovery.
Edward posts about tests like it’s just a matter of want to.

I am pretty sure he doesn’t work for the FDA.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

what lies???

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

You just proved your false narrative to be false, you idiot.

Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump

You tell me....
According to Edward, all of Europe is run by liars and wastes of flesh. Particularly Italy.
Trump is an Evil stupid that he was able to shift the epicenter to Europe because he was so brilliant..........

Wait a minute............are they saying he sucks routine or is evil and Brilliant now..........I get confused.

He is a moron, but he stole the election from HIllary while spending 1/4 the amount HIllary did.

He took $100k in Russian Facebook ads and beat Hillary’s $1.4 billion. :21:

But he’s stupid.:113:
Unfortunately, I don't think there is much the Government can do. You're right g5000. There is no blaming anymore. It's a world wide issue that everyone is dealing with. Stores and restaurants are all closed. Employees are being laid off. It's a really bad situation and I do believe there is a bi-partisan effort to try and help. I just don't see what can be done right now.
Edward posts about tests like it’s just a matter of want to.

I am pretty sure he doesn’t work for the FDA.
Perhaps he's the guy at the CDC who screwed up the test kits sent to private labs that didn't work.......And doesn't want people to know his Socialist .....cough't job screwed the hell up.

That's alright.............JUST YELL WHO was going to give us the test kits......TRAMP REFUSED........psst......don't let the public know that WHO said that the U.S. has always done it's own because it's always had the capabilities to do so.

TRAMP SUCKS.........yawn.
That socialized medicine in Italy is sure kicking ass, isn’t it, LIbs?
I'm really tired you you you Tramp supporters.............Really..........IT WOULD HAVE XENONPHOBIC TO BAN TRAVEL TO CHINA....

How dare you RACIST DO THAT................BAN FLIGHTS from the EPICENTER OF THE VIRUS.......

What are we to do.........with these Racist Travel Banners.
Who knows where it goes. I just ask that you save a few good Canadians please once all this settles down. We are in FAR worse shape than you economically. We bleed too and many of us are funny and stuff.
That socialized medicine in Italy is sure kicking ass, isn’t it, LIbs?
I'm really tired you you you Tramp supporters.............Really..........IT WOULD HAVE XENONPHOBIC TO BAN TRAVEL TO CHINA....

How dare you RACIST DO THAT................BAN FLIGHTS from the EPICENTER OF THE VIRUS.......

What are we to do.........with these Racist Travel Banners.

The TDS fools were ready to blast Trump for overreacting, then they shifted to underreacting overnight.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
Well, thank Odin and Thor that you finally stopped the nonsense I-told-you-so on Trump. You were giddy for no less than 10 days.

I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, like throwing money around, it can't.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
I really have no idea what Trump actually believes beyond the post-WWII alliances and global trade have hurt us. I wouldn't say he's 100% wrong. I'm sure he was lying on the birther shit just to be relevant and attract customers and brand names. But really what we're going to pay the penalty for is his pandering to his assault on instiutions. He declared war on the Deep State, long before McCabe and the Russian Spy at Trump Towers. Every grievance people had in life, he traced to "the deep state keeping you down."

Even today he's not actually assembling scientists who know what they're doing. We still have Azar and his odd side kick Verma (who complained of a hostile work environment) and Redfield who thinks God sent Aids to Gays. Fauci seems to be the only holdover from other administrations, and he's there simply from grit and doggedness.

We're stuck with an incompetent medical and scientific response.
That socialized medicine in Italy is sure kicking ass, isn’t it, LIbs?
I'm really tired you you you Tramp supporters.............Really..........IT WOULD HAVE XENONPHOBIC TO BAN TRAVEL TO CHINA....

How dare you RACIST DO THAT................BAN FLIGHTS from the EPICENTER OF THE VIRUS.......

What are we to do.........with these Racist Travel Banners.

The TDS fools were ready to blast Trump for overreacting, then they shifted to underreacting overnight.
Yes they did............It's how they roll.

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