How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.
He kisses trumps butt just like you do bri You like the pos trump lying to your face????
Didn't all you douchebags say we should listen to Fauci?
Yes bri about the virus not about his defense of your orange idiot
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.
He kisses trumps butt just like you do bri You like the pos trump lying to your face????
Didn't all you douchebags say we should listen to Fauci?
Yes bri about the virus not about his defense of your orange idiot
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
What are you even talking about?
LOL and here I always thought you were one of the smart republicans

One of the fragmentary points you sort of make, is that we are in a recession now, because of the virus.

So, what lie did Trump tell, that if he had not told, would have prevented that, what with the pandemic and all?
There might not be any prevention for it but there certainly would have been less havoc if the AH reacted in a timely fashion

THat you for admitting that neither Trump, nor any of his "lies" are responsible for the recession.

So, during the upcoming election, when dem attack Trump on the economy, I can count on you to support my defense of him on that issue?

Obviously you can still oppose him on every policy and express dislike for him personally, but you will work with me to defend him on the false charge of blaming him for the economy?

IMHO he's done everything he could to ensure a good economy What this virus is doing is NOT his fault I find fault only for his lateness in attacking it

Leadership in managing disasters and emergencies can minimize the damage inflicted by an event whilst lack of successful leadership exacerbates the impact. Leaders should have certain skills and abilities in order to manage catastrophes based on the environmental conditions, organizations they lead, scope of the disaster. This study provides an overview of the leadership competencies and traits that are necessary for disaster management. A conceptual framework for leadership was provided throughout the research.

Trump's words, deeds and tweets provided a false security to our people; honesty would have alleviated much of the panic. The Markets needed to be shut down, not for an hour a day when it was crashing, but for weeks if necessary, and it has been necessary.

Uncertainty is a virus onto itself, and chaos seems to define the Executive Office; too often trump has sabotaged The Congress and intimidated and/or fired those who opinions differed from his own.

Consider this:

For weeks, President Donald Trump has minimized the coronavirus, mocked concern about it and treated the risk from it cavalierly. On Tuesday he took to the White House podium and made a remarkable assertion: He knew it was a pandemic all along.

“This is a pandemic,” Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

This is what Trump has actually said over the past two months:

On Jan. 22, asked by a CNBC reporter whether there were “worries about a pandemic,” the president replied: “No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Trump now claims he always knew the coronavirus would be a pandemic

Most of us saw trump's efforts to protect himself and his reelection by lying at the dog and pony show yesterday. The damage he has done to the security of Americans and to our economy for lying is impossible to evaluate, but it is clear leadership is lacking in the Executive Office; even the VP has done nothing but to praise the President.

We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
The lies have been going on for many years. Decades and longer. The costs of social security..... we were lied to. The costs of medicare..... we were lied to. Just two of the programs. And the people pay into them! Trump was elected because of lie after lie. What you are seeing is what our political class wrought. And now the potential despot potentates like Cuomo and Newsom show themselves. They have always been more hidden in our nation. But show themselves at times. The swamp is full of their minions who do the deeds to push the final solution on us all. Now they are suggesting to chip us or put tattoos on us to track us with this disease.

Calling Governors who in desperate times use desperate measures is both unfair and incredibly stupid! Mayors and Governors are acting rationally and quickly to prevent further exposure of Covid-19 to their constituents; much unlike the lack of leadership in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government's, initial and lasting reaction to assure the nation to go out and play (doubt that, you have not paid attention to trump's comments, nor did you watch Rep. Nunes comments on Fox News yesterday).
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Ouch. Shit. The stock market is now below where it was when Trump took office.

I have not dared look at my 401(k) since February.
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.

Now who should be held accountable for the collapse of the WORLD ECONOMY?


Now of course you will disagree and blame Trump but in the end China Government caused the World to come to a grinding halt and they deserve to have their feet held to the fire!
There really needs to be an Eyeroll tag for posts in addition to the Winner, Agree, Informative, Thank You, and Funny And Agree tags.
Didn't all you douchebags say we should listen to Fauci?
Yes bri about the virus not about his defense of your orange idiot
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.

Now who should be held accountable for the collapse of the WORLD ECONOMY?


Now of course you will disagree and blame Trump but in the end China Government caused the World to come to a grinding halt and they deserve to have their feet held to the fire!
There really needs to be an Eyeroll tag for posts in addition to the Winner, Agree, Informative, Thank You, and Funny And Agree tags.

Really smart ass?

Pathetic idiots like the OP and you have done nothing but complain about Trump failures while never holding China Government accountable for their failure to alert the WHO back in December when it was fucking clear that China had a possible Pandemic on their hands that spread from their worthless fucking country around the World killing thousands so far!

It is idiots like toy blaming Trump for killing the World Economy while ignoring the damn fact that China Government fully knew what was happening and caused a World Wide Economic collapse!

So tell me asshole what would you have done to force China Government to tell the WHO in December that a second and more deadly form of SARS was spreading through China and the World should prepare for a possible Pandemic?

Come on asshole step right up and tell us?

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark by Chinag Government and the Pandemic caused the financial collapse but the only fucking person in your worthless whore of a damn life that should be held accountable is Trump because of your pathetic hatred for the asshole!

So fuck off for once and just admit you are too fucking stupid and close minded to see the truth the reason why our economy collapsed is not because of Trump but your fucking love for that worthless Chinese Government!

China could nuke us and you would blame Trump for not bending over and letting China to fuck him in the ass!
Ouch. Shit. Oil has dropped to 23 dollars a barrel.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead.

Well Impeach Trump for that because it is his fault that the World is in a Pandemic and causing the World Economy to collapse...

Can't blame China Government because if you did then you would have to admit reality which those like you hate!
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.

Now who should be held accountable for the collapse of the WORLD ECONOMY?


Now of course you will disagree and blame Trump but in the end China Government caused the World to come to a grinding halt and they deserve to have their feet held to the fire!
There really needs to be an Eyeroll tag for posts in addition to the Winner, Agree, Informative, Thank You, and Funny And Agree tags.

Really smart ass?

Pathetic idiots like the OP and you have done nothing but complain about Trump failures while never holding China Government accountable for their failure to alert the WHO back in December when it was fucking clear that China had a possible Pandemic on their hands that spread from their worthless fucking country around the World killing thousands so far!

It is idiots like toy blaming Trump for killing the World Economy while ignoring the damn fact that China Government fully knew what was happening and caused a World Wide Economic collapse!

So tell me asshole what would you have done to force China Government to tell the WHO in December that a second and more deadly form of SARS was spreading through China and the World should prepare for a possible Pandemic?

Come on asshole step right up and tell us?

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark by Chinag Government and the Pandemic caused the financial collapse but the only fucking person in your worthless whore of a damn life that should be held accountable is Trump because of your pathetic hatred for the asshole!

So fuck off for once and just admit you are too fucking stupid and close minded to see the truth the reason why our economy collapsed is not because of Trump but your fucking love for that worthless Chinese Government!

China could nuke us and you would blame Trump for not bending over and letting China to fuck him in the ass!
Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease inside our borders, not China. Idiot.
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.

Now who should be held accountable for the collapse of the WORLD ECONOMY?


Now of course you will disagree and blame Trump but in the end China Government caused the World to come to a grinding halt and they deserve to have their feet held to the fire!
There really needs to be an Eyeroll tag for posts in addition to the Winner, Agree, Informative, Thank You, and Funny And Agree tags.

Really smart ass?

Pathetic idiots like the OP and you have done nothing but complain about Trump failures while never holding China Government accountable for their failure to alert the WHO back in December when it was fucking clear that China had a possible Pandemic on their hands that spread from their worthless fucking country around the World killing thousands so far!

It is idiots like toy blaming Trump for killing the World Economy while ignoring the damn fact that China Government fully knew what was happening and caused a World Wide Economic collapse!

So tell me asshole what would you have done to force China Government to tell the WHO in December that a second and more deadly form of SARS was spreading through China and the World should prepare for a possible Pandemic?

Come on asshole step right up and tell us?

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark by Chinag Government and the Pandemic caused the financial collapse but the only fucking person in your worthless whore of a damn life that should be held accountable is Trump because of your pathetic hatred for the asshole!

So fuck off for once and just admit you are too fucking stupid and close minded to see the truth the reason why our economy collapsed is not because of Trump but your fucking love for that worthless Chinese Government!

China could nuke us and you would blame Trump for not bending over and letting China to fuck him in the ass!
Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease inside our borders, not China. Idiot.


Holy shit are you that pathetic?

China withheld information for over a month about a virus and it spread and it is Trump fault it came into the U.S.?

Is it Trump fault that it spread in Iran and Italy?

So it was Obama fault for not preventing the Swine Flu then, right?

What am I saying it could never been his fault because Obama is a Democrat!

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here and you sir are pathetic to even write that he was but as usual you are pathetic!

Where did the Coronavirus originated and why did your Chinese Government keep the world in the Dark until mid January about the dangers of the Virus?
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.
In fairness, I was definitely not predicting a recession. I don't make predictions like that. I was merely pointing out current factual data, which flew directly in the face of the ridiculous propagandizing being done by talk radio, and therefore Trump and the Trumpsters. On a macro scale, all things considered, it wasn't nearly as good as they were saying.

Until this thing hit, I saw clear sailing for a while, continued decent growth, continued market growth.
Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Just imagine if these Moon Bat idiots elect Biden instead of Trump. Biden who was part of the administration that completely mismanaged the H1N1epitdemic and thousands of Americans died. We do idiot things as a country but that would be the worse.
The economy was showing signs of a recession even before China Government failure to contain the Coronavirus and if you disagree then look back on Mac1958 , Golfing Gator and Toro threads and posts about this subject.
In fairness, I was definitely not predicting a recession. I don't make predictions like that. I was merely pointing out current factual data, which flew directly in the face of the ridiculous propagandizing being done by talk radio, and therefore Trump and the Trumpsters. On a macro scale, all things considered, it wasn't nearly as good as they were saying.

Until this thing hit, I saw clear sailing for a while, continued decent growth.

I didn't, and saw a bump in October or November and possible collapse next year but that is hindsight...
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

what lies???

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

You just proved your false narrative to be false, you idiot.

Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?
Yes bri about the virus not about his defense of your orange idiot
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
Trump Has No Idea Who Fired His Pandemic Response Team › 2020/03/14 › trump-says-no-idea-pandemic-respo...

4 days ago - President Donald Trump denied on Friday that he was in any way responsible for his administration’s failure to make coronavirus testing widely available, and professed to have absolutely no idea who had disbanded the White House pandemic response team two years ago (John Bolton ...
Once again Dems are trying to use this to make political gains. Americans should not allow them to play these games.
Trump Has No Idea Who Fired His Pandemic Response Team › 2020/03/14 › trump-says-no-idea-pandemic-respo...

4 days ago - President Donald Trump denied on Friday that he was in any way responsible for his administration’s failure to make coronavirus testing widely available, and professed to have absolutely no idea who had disbanded the White House pandemic response team two years ago (John Bolton ...
Once again Dems are trying to use this to make political gains. Americans should not allow them to play these games.
If we prove that the unqualified mental midget in our WH was late to the party why is that a bad thing?? We need to rid ourselves of this garbage his family and his ass kissers in the Senate for the good of the country
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
The media generated hysteria has killed it. Only a total fucking douche would blame Trump for the market decline.
You are such a despicable sleazy weasel. He commented about the cause of the delays in testing. If he's not competent to comment about that, how is he competent to comment about anything having to do with the virus? He's the head of NIAID, you fucking moron.
Sorry Bri I grow weary listening to his herd of weasels surrounding him protecting the pos from all the lies all his mis directions
I'm sure you do hate it whenever anyone posts the facts and cuts your sleazy dishonest accusations to ribbons and shows you to be the sleazebag that you are.'re the kettle calling everyone black
How's trumps beautiful stock market ??? Does the buck stop at his door or just Dems doors?
considering its not his stock market and youre suffering from severe TDS,,, I dont care,,,

no matter what happens or what he does or doesnt do you are going to whine like a little bitch,,,,so continue,,,

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