how we ketch gators in floriday

Gators can be deadly in or near the water.

In a garbage can, not so much.

Gator deaths are extremely rare.
The last one I can remember was in Texas when a missouri transplant got drunk and against everyone's warning went swimming off the dock that the gator was known to hang out under. There were even signs on the dock warning people not to swim there.
If I remember correctly it was a big one,around 10 to 11 foot long.
The gator took him under and did a few death rolls and that was the last they saw of him until divers found him stuffed under a bank on the shoreline.
On land as long as you see them first you can easily outrun one.

Ah here it is....
Gator deaths are extremely rare.
The last one I can remember was in Texas when a missouri transplant got drunk and against everyone's warning went swimming off the dock that the gator was known to hang out under. There were even signs on the dock warning people not to swim there.
If I remember correctly it was a big one,around 10 to 11 foot long.
The gator took him under and did a few death rolls and that was the last they saw of him until divers found him stuffed under a bank on the shoreline.
On land as long as you see them first you can easily outrun one.

Ah here it is....
You can survive a gator bite on land. They can't do their death roll there.

But in Florida, if you don't see any small dogs on the shore of a lake, then there's gators in there.

We see a shitload of the smaller ones when fishing Palmer Lake,an Oxbow lake off the Trinity river.
The big ones only come out at night. You can tell how big they are at night by how far apart the eyes are,during the day you look at how far apart their eyes are and how far it is from the tip of his nose to his eyes.
This about as big as you'll see during the day. He's about 6 foot.
That was sick, taunting that pig with treats to get him near the gator.
Really was sick for sure. Just like in life what you gator libturds do to the young blank slates

So why did you watch even though I warned you

Makes you wet n wild eh?

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