How we know Hitler was right wing.

Oh yeah for decades Hitler's obsessed about his bowel movements I'm informed. (his addiction to chocolate might have had something to do with that, I note)

Then he ran into a quack Doctor who started shooting him up with speed and various harebrained combinations of drugs and other questionable stuff.

Naturally the speed made him feel better and he was quickly addicted and convinced that that doctor was the man to trust

Given that speed addiction makes people meglomaniacal, one might even posit that SPEED caused WWII.

So because, without WWII, Israel wouldn't exist, then neither would have 9/11. So speed made the whole muslim world go insane and eventually took out the World Trade Center!
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves.
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Oh yeah for decades Hitler's obsessed about his bowel movements I'm informed. (his addiction to chocolate might have had something to do with that, I note)

Then he ran into a quack Doctor who started shooting him up with speed and various harebrained combinations of drugs and other questionable stuff.

Naturally the speed made him feel better and he was quickly addicted and convinced that that doctor was the man to trust

Given that speed addiction makes people meglomaniacal, one might even posit that SPEED caused WWII.

yes he was taking speed through an eye drop solution

he also supplied the troops with pervitin
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.
And what do libs hate, and how are they to use the government, the military and other methods for their hatred as well ? All one has to do at any time is change the labeling or label's, but the hatred remains the same on either side dealt with.
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We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

He was really into eugenics and minimum wage laws, just like the Progressives of his day. He was racist, which is what Woodrow Wilson was.

Or maybe the reality of Hitler was, he was a madman that used whatever he could to get in and stay in power.
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves. This whole thread is ridiculous nonsense.

It does contain a lot of ridiculous nonsense, like that one Rottenheimer had going to make the opposite point, but this thread was put here to counter the revisionist mythmongering that "Hitler was a leftist". I think Rottensoiler put his ridiculous thread up in a desperate response to this one, but I found this one to be deeper. Of course the mythmongers are here too, so it runs the gamut from insightful history to lunatic fantasy.
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves. This whole thread is ridiculous nonsense.

It does contain a lot of ridiculous nonsense, like that one Rottenheimer had going to make the opposite point, but this thread was put here to counter the revisionist mythmongering that "Hitler was a leftist". I think Rottensoiler put his ridiculous thread up in a desperate response to this one, but I found this one to be deeper. Of course the mythmongers are here too, so it runs the gamut from insightful history to lunatic fantasy.

My bad. I thought this was the other thread. :redface: Too early in the morning for me. :eek:
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves.

Wrong. Only morons and dingbats like you "know" that.
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves. This whole thread is ridiculous nonsense.

It does contain a lot of ridiculous nonsense, like that one Rottenheimer had going to make the opposite point, but this thread was put here to counter the revisionist mythmongering that "Hitler was a leftist". I think Rottensoiler put his ridiculous thread up in a desperate response to this one, but I found this one to be deeper. Of course the mythmongers are here too, so it runs the gamut from insightful history to lunatic fantasy.

It's no surprise that you would agree with the dingbat Esmeralda who provides zero evidence to support her claims.
Good God you guys are still going on with this Hitler was right wing Hitler was left wing garbage that's sad.

If it's "garbage" then why are all the left-wing turds trying so furiously to knockdown the notion that Hitler was a left-winger?
Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves. This whole thread is ridiculous nonsense.

It does contain a lot of ridiculous nonsense, like that one Rottenheimer had going to make the opposite point, but this thread was put here to counter the revisionist mythmongering that "Hitler was a leftist". I think Rottensoiler put his ridiculous thread up in a desperate response to this one, but I found this one to be deeper. Of course the mythmongers are here too, so it runs the gamut from insightful history to lunatic fantasy.

It's no surprise that you would agree with the dingbat Esmeralda who provides zero evidence to support her claims.

The evidence has been presented over and over again in this thread; can't you read?

Your constant name calling says far more about you than it does about me. Your level of discussion reflects your level of intelligence. School children are the level of maturity of people who continually use name calling. I suppose it helps you to build yourself up because of your low self esteem, poor pathetic thing that you are.
Prior coming to this board, I had never heard anyone suggest Hitler was anything but right wing. This may be something to do with living in Europe where the awareness of fascism is so very high because it occured here, or maybe it's something our education system focuses on. Or maybe coincidence.

Either way, recently I've noticed two posters recently insist Hitler was left wing....and even liberal.

Here is SSDD:

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government

Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism.

In cases like this, I am not sure facts have a great deal of impact, but maybe it is interesting to discuss some of the features of Fascism anyway.

Let's start with some quotes from Hitler:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

In the American context, Hitler can be viewed as left-wing since Americans often view the political spectrum through the nature of government, where more government is left-wing and less government is right-wing. Because the Nazis used extreme government power to destroy individual rights and wage war, in this context, Hitler would be viewed as extreme left wing.
We know Hitler was right wing because he hated liberals, the free-press, blacks and minorities, Jews, communists, and homosexuals. Now Hitler was a patriot who believed greatly in nationalism, militarism and racism.

Everyone on the planet who has actually studied the Second World War knows the Nazis were ultra right wing fascists. The only ones these nutwings are convincing otherwise is themselves.

What Hitler was was a FASCIST...a fascist of his own unique variety, too,

Characterizing Hitler with the meaningless words "right" or "left" tell us nothing about Hitler and everything about the person making the claim.

His extreme authoritarianist government stripped the people of human rights, but his government STILL operated as a capitalistic economy.
Good God you guys are still going on with this Hitler was right wing Hitler was left wing garbage that's sad.

If it's "garbage" then why are all the left-wing turds trying so furiously to knockdown the notion that Hitler was a left-winger?

Probably the same reason the right does when people say he's a right winger the fact is he was a deranged psycho who has nothing in common with the right or left of Today.
Prior coming to this board, I had never heard anyone suggest Hitler was anything but right wing. This may be something to do with living in Europe where the awareness of fascism is so very high because it occured here, or maybe it's something our education system focuses on. Or maybe coincidence.

Either way, recently I've noticed two posters recently insist Hitler was left wing....and even liberal.

Here is SSDD:

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government

Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism.

In cases like this, I am not sure facts have a great deal of impact, but maybe it is interesting to discuss some of the features of Fascism anyway.

Let's start with some quotes from Hitler:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

In the American context, Hitler can be viewed as left-wing since Americans often view the political spectrum through the nature of government, where more government is left-wing and less government is right-wing. Because the Nazis used extreme government power to destroy individual rights and wage war, in this context, Hitler would be viewed as extreme left wing.

That premise itself is inoperative anyway. We tore that down long ago backthread.

AJ's link goes to a gainsaying thread put up by .... Rottenweiler. That tells us all we need to know about "just a fact".

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