How we know Hitler was right wing.

Didn't he say what he said after being elected, and not before? Therefore it meant that he is on a mission to fundamentally change America, and this after he was elected am I right ? His wife's words were right after he was elected also, this meaning the same as the above if you want to say it like that.

Just to be clear and all here, did I miss something in the way that you answered me ?

The actual quote was:

we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America

Which was said 5 days before the 2008 election.

It has been misquoted and taken out of context several times since, but that was in fact the quote.
Thanks, as I must have seen the out of context remarks then.. Hey I am all ears here, because I may have been sucking down some bad soup being spoon fed to me, so don't think that I am set in my ways, because I am not. I can be schooled also in life, but I will check behind my teacher, so always remember that... (smile)

Yes it could have been made in that time line to mean him being the first black President, in which would be understandable totally with this quote and time line.. Thanks
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Thanks, as I must have seen the out of context remarks then.. Hey I am all ears here, because I may have been sucking down some bad soup being spoon fed to me, so don't think that I am set in my ways, because I am not. I can be schooled also in life, but I will check behind my teacher, so always remember that... (smile)

Yes it could have been made in that time line to mean him being the first black President, in which would be understandable totally with this quote and time line.. Thanks

I was unreasonably confrontational in my response. I apologize.

Sometimes the first gut instinct on these type of thread is confrontation.

I'm more about fishing out the facts than anything else.

There is always a steady stream of exaggeration and misquoting coming from both ends of the political spectrum, some of which I have often been victim to myself, so it's completely understandable to have heard this quote said in the way you did.

I can't tell you how many misquotes I've heard about things George Bush said, for instance.
Wow, was it a mistake ? Even in light of the war, where it was done back then for security purposes, our government did this 40 years later ? I don't see it as a mistake myself, but a justifiable security issue during a terrible defeat at Perl Harbor by the Japanese forces, who yes were also supposed to be visiting us in Washington the day they hit us.

I still wonder was it by their (the Japanese Americans), request of restitution (doesn't sound like their style) or was it something that the government re-visited on it's own, where as it had decided to do this as a gesture of kindness, and this upon doing this for them, even though they had not requested it maybe, but you say they did ? Anyways I see it as not a mistake during the time period, but more of a security issue that had over road what the normal way of thinking would be in such a situation, but I am glad that it went down the way that it did with the restitution in kindness there of, because if the government sought to do such a thing on it's own, then it is doing what a good government is supposed to be doing, instead of what we have been seeing in a lot of things the government does or doesn't do these days, in which could be going a lot better, if even being done at all.

Honestly, personally I'm not really sure it was a mistake. Sometimes, in very unusual and terrible circumstances, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

However, I will say that a wrong was done to the individuals involved, even if it was for the right reasons.
I fucked that up. Fortunately,I am old enough that "Senior Moment" is a valid excuse.

I knew you knew, I wasn't good with FDR and his camps. It was a dark moment in this country.
You call it a dark moment, but the American Japanese understood it to be a necessary one in light of what had just happened, otherwise they knew that it would be hard for the Americans at that time, to not think that there could be those hiding among their population, in which could be spies, saboteur's or worse. I think the accommodations must have been A-OK, or they would be running around today wanting restitution from our government, and wanting vengeance on the white devils who did that to them, but it isn't like that is it, so why use this as some from of example like this, when it doesn't even fit the bill ? Oh I know, because it's just another way to break down and beat up on America isn't it ?

It was wrong, I don't think admitting being wrong is beating up or breaking down America. We were wrong about slavery, we were wrong about women's right and so on. How many Germans did we put into interment camps or Italians? We just put Japanese and it was based on color and race, no other reason. It was a sad day. The Japanese culture is not one to ask for reparations. So you are wrong there.

We are a strong nation, we are the greatest nation on God's green earth. But we make mistakes. Only the ignorant don't make mistakes and learn by them.
You call it a dark moment, but the American Japanese understood it to be a necessary one in light of what had just happened, otherwise they knew that it would be hard for the Americans at that time, to not think that there could be those hiding among their population, in which could be spies, saboteur's or worse. I think the accommodations must have been A-OK, or they would be running around today wanting restitution from our government, and wanting vengeance on the white devils who did that to them, but it isn't like that is it, so why use this as some from of example like this, when it doesn't even fit the bill ? Oh I know, because it's just another way to break down and beat up on America isn't it ?

They did demand restitution.

And, over forty year after the event, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 was signed by President Ronald Reagan. With it, the U.S. government formally acknowledged its mistake, apologized, and provided token financial restitution of $20,000 to each of the affected families.

Thank you LWC, I stand corrected. Thank you.
I knew you knew, I wasn't good with FDR and his camps. It was a dark moment in this country.
You call it a dark moment, but the American Japanese understood it to be a necessary one in light of what had just happened, otherwise they knew that it would be hard for the Americans at that time, to not think that there could be those hiding among their population, in which could be spies, saboteur's or worse. I think the accommodations must have been A-OK, or they would be running around today wanting restitution from our government, and wanting vengeance on the white devils who did that to them, but it isn't like that is it, so why use this as some from of example like this, when it doesn't even fit the bill ? Oh I know, because it's just another way to break down and beat up on America isn't it ?

It was wrong, I don't think admitting being wrong is beating up or breaking down America. We were wrong about slavery, we were wrong about women's right and so on. How many Germans did we put into interment camps or Italians? We just put Japanese and it was based on color and race, no other reason. It was a sad day. The Japanese culture is not one to ask for reparations. So you are wrong there.

We are a strong nation, we are the greatest nation on God's green earth. But we make mistakes. Only the ignorant don't make mistakes and learn by them.

Actually Germans in "The Bund" were also rounded up and interned, many of them were also deported after the war.

At the start of World War II, under the authority of the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, the United States government detained and interned over 11,000 German enemy aliens, as well as a small number of German-American citizens, either naturalized or native-born. Their ranks included immigrants to the U.S. as well as visitors stranded in the U.S. by hostilities. In many cases, the families of the internees were allowed to remain together at internment camps in the U.S. In other cases, families were separated. Limited due process was allowed for those arrested and detained.

The population of German citizens in the United States – not to mention American citizens of German birth – was far too large for a general policy of internment comparable to that used in the case of the Japanese in America.[23] Instead, German citizens were detained and evicted from coastal areas on an individual basis. The War Department considered mass expulsions from coastal areas for reasons of military security, but never executed such plans.[24]
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You call it a dark moment, but the American Japanese understood it to be a necessary one in light of what had just happened, otherwise they knew that it would be hard for the Americans at that time, to not think that there could be those hiding among their population, in which could be spies, saboteur's or worse. I think the accommodations must have been A-OK, or they would be running around today wanting restitution from our government, and wanting vengeance on the white devils who did that to them, but it isn't like that is it, so why use this as some from of example like this, when it doesn't even fit the bill ? Oh I know, because it's just another way to break down and beat up on America isn't it ?

It was wrong, I don't think admitting being wrong is beating up or breaking down America. We were wrong about slavery, we were wrong about women's right and so on. How many Germans did we put into interment camps or Italians? We just put Japanese and it was based on color and race, no other reason. It was a sad day. The Japanese culture is not one to ask for reparations. So you are wrong there.

We are a strong nation, we are the greatest nation on God's green earth. But we make mistakes. Only the ignorant don't make mistakes and learn by them.

Actually Germans in "The Bund" were also rounded up and interned, many of them were also deported after the war.

At the start of World War II, under the authority of the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, the United States government detained and interned over 11,000 German enemy aliens, as well as a small number of German-American citizens, either naturalized or native-born. Their ranks included immigrants to the U.S. as well as visitors stranded in the U.S. by hostilities. In many cases, the families of the internees were allowed to remain together at internment camps in the U.S. In other cases, families were separated. Limited due process was allowed for those arrested and detained.

The population of German citizens in the United States – not to mention American citizens of German birth – was far too large for a general policy of internment comparable to that used in the case of the Japanese in America.[23] Instead, German citizens were detained and evicted from coastal areas on an individual basis. The War Department considered mass expulsions from coastal areas for reasons of military security, but never executed such plans.[24]
Thanks for the add, because for a minute there I could have sworn that papa was trying to paint the nation as racist in concerns of it's actions pertaining to the Japanese during that time period.. Oh my bad, because that is exactly what he was doing.. :eusa_whistle:
You call it a dark moment, but the American Japanese understood it to be a necessary one in light of what had just happened, otherwise they knew that it would be hard for the Americans at that time, to not think that there could be those hiding among their population, in which could be spies, saboteur's or worse. I think the accommodations must have been A-OK, or they would be running around today wanting restitution from our government, and wanting vengeance on the white devils who did that to them, but it isn't like that is it, so why use this as some from of example like this, when it doesn't even fit the bill ? Oh I know, because it's just another way to break down and beat up on America isn't it ?

It was wrong, I don't think admitting being wrong is beating up or breaking down America. We were wrong about slavery, we were wrong about women's right and so on. How many Germans did we put into interment camps or Italians? We just put Japanese and it was based on color and race, no other reason. It was a sad day. The Japanese culture is not one to ask for reparations. So you are wrong there.

We are a strong nation, we are the greatest nation on God's green earth. But we make mistakes. Only the ignorant don't make mistakes and learn by them.

Actually Germans in "The Bund" were also rounded up and interned, many of them were also deported after the war.

At the start of World War II, under the authority of the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, the United States government detained and interned over 11,000 German enemy aliens, as well as a small number of German-American citizens, either naturalized or native-born. Their ranks included immigrants to the U.S. as well as visitors stranded in the U.S. by hostilities. In many cases, the families of the internees were allowed to remain together at internment camps in the U.S. In other cases, families were separated. Limited due process was allowed for those arrested and detained.

The population of German citizens in the United States – not to mention American citizens of German birth – was far too large for a general policy of internment comparable to that used in the case of the Japanese in America.[23] Instead, German citizens were detained and evicted from coastal areas on an individual basis. The War Department considered mass expulsions from coastal areas for reasons of military security, but never executed such plans.[24]
Italian Americans were interned during WWII as well.

Italian Internment WWII
Sorry guys, I really only heard about the Japanese. It looks like we had huge issues back then and made some big mistakes.
I've read plenty of books on the subject, jackass. Once again, your pretension of intellectual superiority is the source of amusement. Why don't you try reading something than the swill published by pinko intellectuals? Perhaps then you might not sound like such an arrogant jerk, and you might actually know something.

If you had read any of the major books written about the Holocaust or WWII, you would know that:

- Hitler was right wing

- authors like Kershaw, Pleshakov, Overy and Marris as not "pinkos".

You mean if I swallowed all the pinko propaganda on the subject. And, yes, they are pinkos. There is absolutely no evidence that Hitler was right-wing other than the opinions of a gang of pinko intellectuals. The tangible evidence all runs in the opposite direction.


No, I do not mean propaganda of any kind.

I mean reading good, solid obective and unbiased history. Take some of the books I have recommened and read reviews. Read what other people say about them. You won't see anyone complaining about 'pinko' propaganda, because that is just a fantasy.

This is a pretty easy decision for you -

If you read solid, objective history, you will understand why Hitler was right wing.

Is that why you won't read them?
Wrong about what? Hitler was neither right or left, he was an authoritarian and a mental case which transcended political affiliation.

That is possibly true, but then there have been several other Fascist regimes, such as those of Romania, Hungary, Spain and Italy.

What political theory does it to provide a system of classification and definiton for different poitical theories, and there have bee plenty of examples of fascism to find one.
If you had read any of the major books written about the Holocaust or WWII, you would know that:

- Hitler was right wing

- authors like Kershaw, Pleshakov, Overy and Marris as not "pinkos".

You mean if I swallowed all the pinko propaganda on the subject. And, yes, they are pinkos. There is absolutely no evidence that Hitler was right-wing other than the opinions of a gang of pinko intellectuals. The tangible evidence all runs in the opposite direction.


No, I do not mean propaganda of any kind.

I mean reading good, solid obective and unbiased history. Take some of the books I have recommened and read reviews. Read what other people say about them. You won't see anyone complaining about 'pinko' propaganda, because that is just a fantasy.

This is a pretty easy decision for you -

If you read solid, objective history, you will understand why Hitler was right wing.

Is that why you won't read them?

I've read many books on Hitler and other rulers and countries of that time. Most of what I read has nothing to do with right or left. He took aspects of both sides and came up with his own government. He was a dictator and a mad man, he used policies that Progressives and Conservatives used. How anyone can get left or right, shows a partisan person, who can't be objective.
I've read many books on Hitler and other rulers and countries of that time. Most of what I read has nothing to do with right or left. He took aspects of both sides and came up with his own government. He was a dictator and a mad man, he used policies that Progressives and Conservatives used. How anyone can get left or right, shows a partisan person, who can't be objective.

It depends on the focus of the book, of course, because some books focus very much on the things like the camps and less on the politics in the background, but I suspect if you go back and check any history books they will have talked about right wing politics. It's hard to imagine a book on Stalin would not mention he was left wing - likewise here with Hitler, Franco, Antonescu and Mussolini.

And certainly there entire books focusing on the politics and political theory - Ian Kershaw's 'Nazi Dictatorship' being one I'd recommend.
I've read many books on Hitler and other rulers and countries of that time. Most of what I read has nothing to do with right or left. He took aspects of both sides and came up with his own government. He was a dictator and a mad man, he used policies that Progressives and Conservatives used. How anyone can get left or right, shows a partisan person, who can't be objective.

It depends on the focus of the book, of course, because some books focus very much on the things like the camps and less on the politics in the background, but I suspect if you go back and check any history books they will have talked about right wing politics. It's hard to imagine a book on Stalin would not mention he was left wing - likewise here with Hitler, Franco, Antonescu and Mussolini.

And certainly there entire books focusing on the politics and political theory - Ian Kershaw's 'Nazi Dictatorship' being one I'd recommend.

Fiscally, they were liberal, opposed capitalism, pro eugenics, pro minimum wage, expansion on pension programs, national corporations. Followed liberal economic Keynesian policies. In other areas they followed the right.

I personally consider him nuts, no right, no left.
Ok, but what about the Nazi parties 25 references made towards policy changes that to be made in which someone posted here ? Does these include the propaganda as well within those policies or were they spot on in what the Nazi's were all about ?

That's all a big lie for propaganda purposes. You see, whenever the Nazis said anything favorable about socialism, they were lying. But if they said they preferred not to use the word in the Party name or something equally uninformative, then it's proof they were die-hard capitalists, even though they said they hated capitalism. But even though they kept this hatred for socialism a secret from the entire world, the pinko intellectuals know beyond dispute that Nazis really hated socialism.
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I mean reading good, solid obective and unbiased history.

Except you haven't posted any of that. Everyting you have posted so far has been a bit shy on actual observed and recorded fact and pretty long on telling the reader what the historian thinks and suggesting to the reader what he or she should think.
Hitler was on drugs, so it's a wonder that he accomplished what he did. When I do drugs, I can't find my shoes.

Oh you'd be able to find them if you were shooting up amphetamines.

Those were primary ingredients in the miracle drugs Hitler was taking.

I doubt Hitler would have lasted much longer given how long he was addicted to speed.

His CNS was already giving out on him when Berlin fell.
Hitler was on drugs, so it's a wonder that he accomplished what he did. When I do drugs, I can't find my shoes.

Oh you'd be able to find them if you were shooting up amphetamines.

Those were primary ingredients in the miracle drugs Hitler was taking.

I doubt Hitler would have lasted much longer given how long he was addicted to speed.

His CNS was already giving out on him when Berlin fell.

apparently that had been going on for sometime

he had the shakes pretty bad
Oh yeah for decades Hitler's obsessed about his bowel movements I'm informed. (his addiction to chocolate might have had something to do with that, I note)

Then he ran into a quack Doctor who started shooting him up with speed and various harebrained combinations of drugs and other questionable stuff.

Naturally the speed made him feel better and he was quickly addicted and convinced that that doctor was the man to trust

Given that speed addiction makes people meglomaniacal, one might even posit that SPEED caused WWII.
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