How White female feminist racist continue to harass blacks.

Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?

Try explaining the link between being an advocate for equality between the sexes and racism shown toward an African-American person by a European-descended female person. A lot of these incidents involve some bleached-blond right-wing "obedient" bibble blatherer.
Exactly. I've never faced racism from a feminist. I have enjoyed many a good times with feminists as well. And not just sexually.

This is because you are an authentic person. I cannot ever walk in another person's shoes. What I am, how I was born, is all I know. I cannot reject your experiences because i have never been there. If I have ever offended anyone, it was not intentional. I am just a human on this earth. Racism, sexism are subtle and somehow are communicated to us growing up. Two things I remember from childhood: in a hospital covered with blood from surgery Qnd a man, a black man, asked me what I was doing out of bed because I had climbed out of bed (I was a prisoner of those horrible crib beds in children's wards and I went up and over to get to the sink and wash up), carried me back to my bed, and got me help. At about the same time, a classmate told me that my friend Michelle was going to hell because she was Jewish, I took my anxiety to my beloved Father, and He said the most wisdom "don't believe everything you hear," still truth after sixty years.
Thank you. I try to be. I am not perfect but I try to do the best I can. I understand that women have been mistreated and sexism is no different than racism. Unfortunately for both of us, sellouts exist in each of our communities who help continue the maintenance of systemic sexism and racism.
Same with me. The only thing that I can say, like you, is that I try. Like I said, I can't walk in your shoes and you can't walk in mine. It's just impossible. What we can do is recognize our commonality and unite together as human beings. As the saying goes, all God's children. Who we are is determined by our individual genetic makeup and our geographic origins.

We all are caught between a rock and hard place. Fighting the prejudice that exists in our own country and realizing that we are blessed more than so many other people across the globe who must live in tents and walk miles to get clean water. I had a friend (may she rest in peace) who was half Vietnamese and half Lao, who came out of the refugee camps with her toddler daughters. I cannot imagine her experience. So many of us humans are on the move because they can't stay where they were born. My ancestors did it, too.
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Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?

Try explaining the link between being an advocate for equality between the sexes and racism shown toward an African-American person by a European-descended female person. A lot of these incidents involve some bleached-blond right-wing "obedient" bibble blatherer.
Exactly. I've never faced racism from a feminist. I have enjoyed many a good times with feminists as well. And not just sexually.

This is because you are an authentic person. I cannot ever walk in another person's shoes. What I am, how I was born, is all I know. I cannot reject your experiences because i have never been there. If I have ever offended anyone, it was not intentional. I am just a human on this earth. Racism, sexism are subtle and somehow are communicated to us growing up. Two things I remember from childhood: in a hospital covered with blood from surgery Qnd a man, a black man, asked me what I was doing out of bed because I had climbed out of bed (I was a prisoner of those horrible crib beds in children's wards and I went up and over to get to the sink and wash up), carried me back to my bed, and got me help. At about the same time, a classmate told me that my friend Michelle was going to hell because she was Jewish, I took my anxiety to my beloved Father, and He said the most wisdom "don't believe everything you hear," still truth after sixty years.
Thank you. I try to be. I am not perfect but I try to do the best I can. I understand that women have been mistreated and sexism is no different than racism. Unfortunately for both of us, sellouts exist in each of our communities who help continue the maintenance of systemic sexism and racism.
Same with me. The only thing that I can say, like you, is that I try. Like I said, I can't walk in your shoes and you can't walk in mine. It's just impossible. What we can do is recognize our commonality and unite together as human beings. As the saying goes, all God's children. Who we are is determined by our individual genetic makeup and our geographic origins.

We all are caught between a rock and hard place. Fighting the prejudice that exists in our own country and realizing that we are blessed more than so many other people across the globe who must live in tents and walk miles to get clean water. I had a friend (may she rest in peace) who was half Vietnamese and half Lao, who came out of the refugee camps with her toddler daughters. I cannot imagine her experience. So many of us humans are on the move because they can't stay where they were born. My ancestors did it, too.
Amen sister. Well said.
Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?

Let's be fair: Male or female, feminist or not, many people are understandably wary of certain folks.

Although it is not politically correct to say so (and it IS hurtful to say so), an unusually large number of young gentlemen from a certain group do commit terrible crimes of violence.

Most people (even those who loudly profess to be color blind) are very careful about choosing the neighborhood in which to live and the school to which to send their kids.

That is just the brutal reality of living in the United States in these times.
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Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?
Black people are shooting each other at an alarming rate. Innocent children are being killed in their own yard, and you want me to get upset because of some guy being asked where he lives? What the fuck is wrong with you?
All the White Prog women need to get into the poorer black areas and live there. To prove their true beliefs. if justice doe come of their stupidity, they will get their commuppence for helping to destroy a nation out of pure stupid pride. A modern depression will not be to kind to them.
Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?

If these black males want to stop this crap from these white feminists they need to do the same thing we white Men do to them... slap them in the face, kick them in the balls, and move on.,
Many white female feminist racist incidents go unreported. The woman with the dog in Central park New York, was reported , but many incidents go unreported. A white female recently blocked a black male resident from the entrance of a building demanding that he tell her what floor he lived on and demanded to know his name. When are these white female racist incidents going to be reported by the news media.!!?

If these black males want to stop this crap from these white feminists they need to do the same thing we white Men do to them... slap them in the face, kick them in the balls, and move on.,
a woman with balls?.....what kind of "woman" are you talking about....not that there is anything wrong with that.....
a woman with balls?.....what kind of "woman" are you talking about....not that there is anything wrong with that.....

There isn’t anything wrong with it... there’s EVERYTHING wrong with it.

These feminists have a sort of genetic mutation and mental health issue that makes them believe they’re men... up to and including reacting to crotch trauma the same way a real Man does.
a woman with balls?.....what kind of "woman" are you talking about....not that there is anything wrong with that.....

There isn’t anything wrong with it... there’s EVERYTHING wrong with it.

These feminists have a sort of genetic mutation and mental health issue that makes them believe they’re men... up to and including reacting to crotch trauma the same way a real Man does.
one of them type of woman would probably kick your ass....
Thank you. I try to be. I am not perfect but I try to do the best I can. I understand that women have been mistreated and sexism is no different than racism. Unfortunately for both of us, sellouts exist in each of our communities who help continue the maintenance of systemic sexism and racism.
Do you support race/sex based Affirmative Action ?
Same with me. The only thing that I can say, like you, is that I try. Like I said, I can't walk in your shoes and you can't walk in mine. It's just impossible. What we can do is recognize our commonality and unite together as human beings. As the saying goes, all God's children. Who we are is determined by our individual genetic makeup and our geographic origins.

We all are caught between a rock and hard place. Fighting the prejudice that exists in our own country and realizing that we are blessed more than so many other people across the globe who must live in tents and walk miles to get clean water. I had a friend (may she rest in peace) who was half Vietnamese and half Lao, who came out of the refugee camps with her toddler daughters. I cannot imagine her experience. So many of us humans are on the move because they can't stay where they were born. My ancestors did it, too.
In America, uniting TOGETHER as human beings, might begin with nationwide aboliton of of race and sex-based Affirmative Action.
I am aware of the other side of Sexism very well. I have studied discrimination against men since 1996.

-- men are discriminated in divorce
-- men get 63% more time for the same crime
-- male victims of Domestic Violence are treated like offenders
-- men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by Media and Universities

-- male bashing and misandry is common in the Media and Social Media
I agree with Liberals and Progressives on almost every issue except their misandry and lack of sympathy for men who experience abuse/discrimination.

I support Welfare and help for people in need. I oppose guns -- in USA 1999-2016, about 572,000 people died by guns. I oppose Racism and White Supremacy. America was never great! -- USA is a nation of Slavery, Genocide, Mass Incarceration.

I have been attacked by both Conservatives and Progressives. Progressives are more vicious.
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I agree with Liberals and Progressives on almost every issue except their misandry and lack of sympathy for men who experience abuse/discrimination.

I support Welfare and help for people in need. I oppose guns -- in USA 1999-2016, about 572,000 people died by guns. I oppose Racism and White Supremacy. America was never great! -- USA is a nation of Slavery, Genocide, Mass Incarceration.

I have been attacked by both Conservatives and Progressives. Progressives are more vicious.
Damn right progressives are more vicious. They'll murder an innocent defenseless human being in the womb and never bat an eye.
Damn right progressives are more vicious. They'll murder an innocent defenseless human being in the womb and never bat an eye.

I am neither Conservative nor Progressive. I am among Liberals rejected by Mainstream Left. Progressives would cancel us. Conservatives may mock us sometimes but they give us their online platforms -- like Parler.

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