How will Republicans attract younger voters?

Republicans the party of blue hairs . That's why faux news works on them . They are scared old people motivated by fear the rightttards feed them .solyndra , fast and furious , Bengazie, IRS , Ebola , all fucking lies on and on nothing but fear mongering ass holes . The party of the dead and dying . That's why they turned out! fear .. Now let's see you dumbass put up a worthwhile Candadate to run for President !!

wow, what left wing site did you get that off of?
You see how they think of the senior citizens in this country

All mine & the truth !!
All Bs in eyes of everyone else. you might want to get a clue

Truth hurts huh !!
How will Republicans attract more young voters?

By fielding candidates with Hot Bods and Impressive Minds and Big Hearts who won't suck-up to the Corporatists?
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

What incentive do young people have to vote Republican

Republicans show themselves to be petty and out of touch with their attitudes towards gays
They show themselves to be vindictive with their attitudes towards young women, birth control and rape

Mostly, they are indifferent towards the struggles of young people with paying for education and finding jobs.......if you young people weren't so lazy, you could find jobs

You laid out the incentive to oppose Democrats perfectly. Groups are to be bought. When government doesn't give you free things like birth control, then they are "indifferent" to you. Nothing actually comes for free from government, it all comes with a price. The Republicans need to be the party that helps you by not screwing you.

You are correct.......Republicans treat everyone the same

It is not their fault that you are not a rich, white, male, heterosexual christian

So what do you think makes rich, white, male, heterosexual christians superior exactly since you think in an equal system they will do the best? Again you show you're the true racist.
What makes them superior is that they have rise,no to the top and have the Republican Party do everything possible to keep them there
How do Republicans do that?
How will Republicans attract more young voters?

By fielding candidates with Hot Bods and Impressive Minds and Big Hearts who won't suck-up to the Corporatists?

Like Palin and Cruz?
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.

Is that why we Jews and others who are educated and successful voted for Obama in 2008 n 2012 (Jews vote over 70 percent for him in 2008 and 2012)

You talk about "we Jews" the same way Jake Starkey talks about "we Republicans"
How will Republicans attract more young voters?

By fielding candidates with Hot Bods and Impressive Minds and Big Hearts who won't suck-up to the Corporatists?

Like Palin and Cruz?
Don't know about Cruz.

Sarah is (or was?) a Hot Bod.

Can't speak to the size of her Heart.

As to her Mind being Impressive, well...

It's not like I nominated either of those, in my own chatter...
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

No, we'll make up fake wars on women, promise them free rubbers and cell phones, tell them that they're special and give them trophies for last place. That oughtta do it.
because thats much worse than starting a war-for-profit resulting in 4,500+ dead? :eusa_think: :eusa_doh:
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

With money.

The CURRENT GOP is in absolute control of Corporations. They will repeat anything and everything they have to by their donors because their message isn't working. Everyone hates taxes!..........The smart have to sit down and think about which taxes are necessary and which aren't while listening to the CHILDREN say "all taxes are stupid" even thought his Country was founded on taxation.. The Constitutionalists hate the words of it.
Actually, I think the corporations are losing control of of the current GOP. Corporations want smart workers. You can get the GOP to change laws to fuck over the GOP base but you can't get those lazy asses to work and learn something. That's why corporations want educated immigrants. And we aren't talking a dozen or a hundred. We are talking tens of thousands at least. And the GOP base is so damn dumb. So ignorant. With their heads so buried in the sand, they don't even know it. What is wrong with those people? And why does their ignorance give them such confidence?

Companies lay off thousands then demand immigration reform for new labor

"Actually, I think the corporations are losing control of of the current GOP" You are 100% wrong.

You see Corporations that use to only fund the Right, funding the Left today.

I see Corporations funding both parties and have a strong influence on their actions.

We can ALL Literally research who donated to a President. Though it's hard today because we haven't passed a funding exposure law yet, the truth always ends up coming out.

We all see future Presidents give great speeches before they are Presidents, then we see them turn their back on their promises. Even Bush had a good speech before he layed a big turd on our Economy and Citizens.

But when the time comes, the President is in a battle of satisfying his or her agenda vs. satisfying their donors vs. satisfying their party......
Any young person who likes old, white, christian, straight men will like Republicans
Oh Gawd, yet another delusional Communist/Progressive 'The Republicans will never win another Election again' post. So boring.

Uh hey wankers, you just took a historical beating at the Polls? Remember? It was only a few weeks ago. So, the Republicans will attract young voters and win many Elections in the future. Case closed. Moving on...

That cracks me up, because a Republican was just President SIX years ago for EIGHT years.
talking points and parrots are sad
And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
So what's your point? You like Republicans/ You hate Republicans? You're all over the place. What the hell are you talking about?

how many times do I need to explain my point ? ... take notes, and keep up.

So they rape Taxpayers and spend big, but you as a Communist/Progressive still hate them? You're a very confused Communist. You should be praising the Republicans.

I didn't vote for Obama, but YOU are an IDIOT ... grow up.

So which is it, you like Republicans or you hate Republicans? You do seem confused.

neither, you MORON.

Ok, here's your chance. What would you have liked the Republicans to do regarding the budget? Your answer will reveal what and who you really are.
The nutters can't help themselves. Every couple of weeks, one of em feels compelled to post the old tired 'Republicans will never win another Election again' thread. They're deranged. Waddayagunnado right?

Which is hilarious given the shellacking they just got.

the house just passed a $3T spending bill ... the shellacking RW's gave taxpayers .. funny huh?

What is your point?

other than you're an idiot?

in public, the Republicans were busy telling the country they would put the country on the right path trying to get elected ...

in private, the Republicans were busy shellacking taxpayers with a 3T$ spending bill ...

what part of that are you too stupid to understand?

in private, the Republicans were busy shellacking taxpayers with a 3T$ spending bill ...

And if they fought for spending cuts, you'd whine that they were heartless and wanted to kill granny.

Oh Gawd, yet another delusional Communist/Progressive 'The Republicans will never win another Election again' post. So boring.

Uh hey wankers, you just took a historical beating at the Polls? Remember? It was only a few weeks ago. So, the Republicans will attract young voters and win many Elections in the future. Case closed. Moving on...

That cracks me up, because a Republican was just President SIX years ago for EIGHT years.
talking points and parrots are sad
And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.
That cracks me up, because a Republican was just President SIX years ago for EIGHT years.
talking points and parrots are sad
And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

I guess I should call you a COmmunist nutter or something like that...or more appropriately, an idiot teaper who has destroyed the GOP with hate politics and the failure to understand battles versus wars.
That cracks me up, because a Republican was just President SIX years ago for EIGHT years.
talking points and parrots are sad
And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

I guess I should call you a COmmunist nutter or something like that...or more appropriately, an idiot teaper who has destroyed the GOP with hate politics and the failure to understand battles versus wars.

You are a delusional little Communist nutter. I just call em like i see em.

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