How will Republicans attract younger voters?

And your ilk would have called that same Republican a RINO if he were running today.

The tea party has destroyed the GOP...unless true Conservatives handle the hate problem that was feverishly introduced by teapers when a black man became President-Elect...there may be another 8 years of a liberal government.

Of course...when that happens...Staph will be ready to roll! It's an American Spring! Maybe 5 dozen will show up in 2017


Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.
Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

I guess I should call you a COmmunist nutter or something like that...or more appropriately, an idiot teaper who has destroyed the GOP with hate politics and the failure to understand battles versus wars.

You are a delusional little Communist nutter. I just call em like i see em.
If you say so...when you are maimed in the revolution started by the teapers when Hildebeast is elected...I will rejoice and look toward 2020 without the teapers.
Yeah sure, the Republican Party has been destroyed. Yet it somehow just managed to pull off its most historic victories in a century. Y'all Communists some loony halfwits. :cuckoo:
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.

You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

I guess I should call you a COmmunist nutter or something like that...or more appropriately, an idiot teaper who has destroyed the GOP with hate politics and the failure to understand battles versus wars.

You are a delusional little Communist nutter. I just call em like i see em.
If you say so...when you are maimed in the revolution started by the teapers when Hildebeast is elected...I will rejoice and look toward 2020 without the teapers.

Seriously, you do sound very confused. Who do you support for the next President?
1. I am not a liberal.
2. Not historic. It is almost a given that the opposing party will win lameduck, midterm elections. It is the same as Obama's re-election...was that a mandate...a win of historic proportions?

Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.

You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.
Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

I guess I should call you a COmmunist nutter or something like that...or more appropriately, an idiot teaper who has destroyed the GOP with hate politics and the failure to understand battles versus wars.

You are a delusional little Communist nutter. I just call em like i see em.
If you say so...when you are maimed in the revolution started by the teapers when Hildebeast is elected...I will rejoice and look toward 2020 without the teapers.

Seriously, you do sound very confused. Who do you support for the next President?

That is because you think I am a liberal for stating the truth about the midterm elections!

I am leaning towards Rand Paul...but if Huckabee throws his hat in the ring, he might be my first choice. I also like Herman Cain.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

WTF are you talking about? The Democrat Party lost 14% of the young vote in the last election cycle versus 2012.

Do you even check any of this stuff out before you post drivel?
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

WTF are you talking about? The Democrat Party lost 14% of the young vote in the last election cycle versus 2012.

Do you even check any of this stuff out before you post drivel?

We're talking rederp here.
Bullshite. The recent victories were historic for the Party. It won the most in almost a century. Do your own research if you don't believe me. The Republican Party has not been 'destroyed.' That's just Communist nutter wishful thinking.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.

You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
No, it is reality. The wishful thinking is thinking that there is some sort of mandate...the same as the liberals thought Obama had a mandate in 2012. But go rough shot...shut down the government, continue with the hate politics...introduce bills that will be vetoed...maintain that reputation of a do nothing Congress.

You can't see past your own nose. You are historically ignorant, politically ignorant and you think we won a war when the lameduck midterm elections was a very insignificant battle.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.

You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Let's keep in mind...Obama, arguably the worst President in history, was elected TWICE. ..thanks to hate and vitriol by the tea party.

There is no is what has hapened. Again, you gotta see the big picture. Dems are laughing at you because they realize it is a war...not a 2 year battle. The Dems are laughing at you as they pervert the Constitution and justify EO's and liberalism by pointing to teaper idiocy and reactionism.

But we will see..lead or shut up. Gridlock or success. Gridlock might make you and the tea party fanatics happy, but in the end...the people who count (the MASSIVE voting block of dems and Cons who are moderate), despise it.
That is what you don't understand...midterm elections, filled with zealots as the moderates stayed home. The argument that a low turnout by the moderates can be made because of voter fatigue with Congress (what is the approval rating)...not Obama.
So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? Which is it?
The existent of the tea party in the GOP has destroyed it. They are knee jerk reactionaries who are full of hate and vitriol. So yes, the GOP has been destroyed in the sense that teapers have perverted true conservative values and replaced them with hate and vitriol.

You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Let's keep in mind...Obama, arguably the worst President in history, was elected TWICE. ..thanks to hate and vitriol by the tea party.

There is no is what has hapened. Again, you gotta see the big picture. Dems are laughing at you because they realize it is a war...not a 2 year battle. The Dems are laughing at you as they pervert the Constitution and justify EO's and liberalism by pointing to teaper idiocy and reactionism.

But we will see..lead or shut up. Gridlock or success. Gridlock might make you and the tea party fanatics happy, but in the end...the people who count (the MASSIVE voting block of dems and Cons who are moderate), despise it.

Personally, i don't see gridlock as a bad thing. The less they do, the better off we all are. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing Congresses.' When they start doing something, that's when the problems begin.

And Obama won because he was seen as pandering to the Entitlement douchebags and loony White Communists. Unfortunately, that's the winning ticket in America today. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but for now it is what it is. The Communists and Entitlement douchebags do currently rule the day. But we'll see what the future holds.
paulitician said:
Personally, i don't see gridlock as a bad thing. The less they do, the better off we all are. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing Congresses.' When they start doing something, that's when the problems begin.
Gridlock as opposed to obstruction...maybe, a big maybe. The narrative has to match the actions and counter the finger pointing and accusations of the dems. is a Do-Nothing-Congress that puts America in harms way.
And Obama won because he was seen as pandering to the Entitlement douchebags and loony White Communists. Unfortunately, that's the winning ticket in America today. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but for now it is what it is. The Communists and Entitlement douchebags do currently rule the day. But we'll see what the future holds.
Not really, that is the teaper narrative to justify why the GOP lost. What entitlements did Obama campaign on in 2012? What entitlements will the GOP take away? Obamacare? What entitlements have they ever taken away?

This Congress is a test...what will they do, how will they politicize it and what will the narrative be? Lead or get out is the message I see from the American people. The GOP has to prove that they can lead.
Last edited:
You hating a particular political party, doesn't mean that Party has been 'destroyed.' It just means you hate it and don't support it. The Republicans just slaughtered the Democrats in recent Elections. It's far far from being 'destroyed.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Let's keep in mind...Obama, arguably the worst President in history, was elected TWICE. ..thanks to hate and vitriol by the tea party.

There is no is what has hapened. Again, you gotta see the big picture. Dems are laughing at you because they realize it is a war...not a 2 year battle. The Dems are laughing at you as they pervert the Constitution and justify EO's and liberalism by pointing to teaper idiocy and reactionism.

But we will see..lead or shut up. Gridlock or success. Gridlock might make you and the tea party fanatics happy, but in the end...the people who count (the MASSIVE voting block of dems and Cons who are moderate), despise it.

Personally, i don't see gridlock as a bad thing. The less they do, the better off we all are. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing Congresses.' When they start doing something, that's when the problems begin.
Gridlock as opposed to obstruction...maybe, a big maybe. The narrative has to match the actions and counter the finger pointing and accusations of the dems. is a Do-Nothing-Congress that puts America in harms way.
And Obama won because he was seen as pandering to the Entitlement douchebags and loony White Communists. Unfortunately, that's the winning ticket in America today. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but for now it is what it is. The Communists and Entitlement douchebags do currently rule the day. But we'll see what the future holds.
Not really, that is the teaper narrative to justify why the GOP lost. What entitlements did Obama campaign on in 2012? What entitlements will the GOP take away? Obamacare? What entitlements have they ever taken away?

This Congress is a test...what will they do, how will they politicize it and what will the narrative be? Lead or get out is the message I see from the American people. The GOP has to prove that they can lead.

You vastly over-estimate the average American intellect. It's mostly all about Freebies. What's the Freebie situation look like? That's how many Americans see things. They could care less about 'Leading.'
That is what you fail to understand, I don't hate the GOP in anyway...they used to be true conservatives and above the fray until the tea party was introduced. Now the GOP has been reduced to knee jerk reactions, hate politics, and obstruction. No leaders, no leading...just self victimization and nonsense rhetoric.

And again, you have to see past your own little nose...a victory, without a doubt. Historic or a mandate...not really. The election had one of the lowest turnouts...not a true indicator of the mood of the nation. Simply a battle was won and with the tea party involved...more than likely an opportunity to lose the war.

So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Let's keep in mind...Obama, arguably the worst President in history, was elected TWICE. ..thanks to hate and vitriol by the tea party.

There is no is what has hapened. Again, you gotta see the big picture. Dems are laughing at you because they realize it is a war...not a 2 year battle. The Dems are laughing at you as they pervert the Constitution and justify EO's and liberalism by pointing to teaper idiocy and reactionism.

But we will see..lead or shut up. Gridlock or success. Gridlock might make you and the tea party fanatics happy, but in the end...the people who count (the MASSIVE voting block of dems and Cons who are moderate), despise it.

Personally, i don't see gridlock as a bad thing. The less they do, the better off we all are. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing Congresses.' When they start doing something, that's when the problems begin.
Gridlock as opposed to obstruction...maybe, a big maybe. The narrative has to match the actions and counter the finger pointing and accusations of the dems. is a Do-Nothing-Congress that puts America in harms way.
And Obama won because he was seen as pandering to the Entitlement douchebags and loony White Communists. Unfortunately, that's the winning ticket in America today. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but for now it is what it is. The Communists and Entitlement douchebags do currently rule the day. But we'll see what the future holds.
Not really, that is the teaper narrative to justify why the GOP lost. What entitlements did Obama campaign on in 2012? What entitlements will the GOP take away? Obamacare? What entitlements have they ever taken away?

This Congress is a test...what will they do, how will they politicize it and what will the narrative be? Lead or get out is the message I see from the American people. The GOP has to prove that they can lead.

You vastly over-estimate the average American intellect. It's mostly all about Freebies. What's the Freebie situation look like? That's how many Americans see things. They could care less about 'Leading.'
What freebies? You have fallen to propaganda. How many people do you know who are n food stamps? If you know any of they even vote?
So the Party has or hasn't been destroyed? So far, you haven't proven it's been 'destroyed' in any way. You just continue bleating on & on about how much you hate Tea Partiers. Fact is, the Republican Party just enjoyed massive historic victories.

So like i said, just because you hate a particular party, doesn't mean it's been destroyed. I despise the Communist/Progressive assholes who run the Democratic Party, but i realize the Party is far far from being 'destroyed.' Merely wishing for something to be so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Let's keep in mind...Obama, arguably the worst President in history, was elected TWICE. ..thanks to hate and vitriol by the tea party.

There is no is what has hapened. Again, you gotta see the big picture. Dems are laughing at you because they realize it is a war...not a 2 year battle. The Dems are laughing at you as they pervert the Constitution and justify EO's and liberalism by pointing to teaper idiocy and reactionism.

But we will see..lead or shut up. Gridlock or success. Gridlock might make you and the tea party fanatics happy, but in the end...the people who count (the MASSIVE voting block of dems and Cons who are moderate), despise it.

Personally, i don't see gridlock as a bad thing. The less they do, the better off we all are. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing Congresses.' When they start doing something, that's when the problems begin.
Gridlock as opposed to obstruction...maybe, a big maybe. The narrative has to match the actions and counter the finger pointing and accusations of the dems. is a Do-Nothing-Congress that puts America in harms way.
And Obama won because he was seen as pandering to the Entitlement douchebags and loony White Communists. Unfortunately, that's the winning ticket in America today. Hopefully that'll change in the near future, but for now it is what it is. The Communists and Entitlement douchebags do currently rule the day. But we'll see what the future holds.
Not really, that is the teaper narrative to justify why the GOP lost. What entitlements did Obama campaign on in 2012? What entitlements will the GOP take away? Obamacare? What entitlements have they ever taken away?

This Congress is a test...what will they do, how will they politicize it and what will the narrative be? Lead or get out is the message I see from the American people. The GOP has to prove that they can lead.

You vastly over-estimate the average American intellect. It's mostly all about Freebies. What's the Freebie situation look like? That's how many Americans see things. They could care less about 'Leading.'
What freebies? You have fallen to propaganda. How many people do you know who are n food stamps? If you know any of they even vote?

who cares.. they suck the system dry and take from hard working people.
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.

Is that why we Jews and others who are educated and successful voted for Obama in 2008 n 2012 (Jews vote over 70 percent for him in 2008 and 2012)

Yeah.....look at all Obama has done for Israel. :thup:
That is what you don't understand...midterm elections, filled with zealots as the moderates stayed home. The argument that a low turnout by the moderates can be made because of voter fatigue with Congress (what is the approval rating)...not Obama.
Anything to not admit his policies is what caused Democrats to get their asses handed to them.

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