How will the Cleveland police deal with the BLM terrorists this week?.

I'd hate to be a cop right now. Sitting in the cross hairs of BLM terrorists and no support from our president, attorney general or any democrats.
This stands to be a week of total anarchy in Cleveland that will not allow the republicans to assemble peacefully.

.But, but, conservatives "love" the second amendment to arm virtually ANYONE who wants a gun to kill people; after all we all reap what we sow and violence coupled with firearms is as American as apple pie.

I'm good with anyone being armed. Abuse the right and i'm also fine with your dumbass getting ventilated.
Opposition is not threat. Pointing out to politicians that they will lose their jobs if they support that which NRA members are opposed to is not a threat, but simple business.

By accident, you stumbled unto the truth....The NRA is NOT supposed to be a business

Nonsense. They are in the business of supporting Constitutional rights, and they do a damn site better job of it than the ACLU.

but often DOES act as the extension propaganda arm of the gun manufacturers.

All they do is forward the Constitution for the corporate benefit of all America. I am a member because they agree with me, not because I agree with them.
i hope that they will have giant fork lifts to remove cars blocking roads,,then just dumping the cars into the ditches

Cleveland Riot Control:


It's peeeeeepooole!

To this day that's a running joke wh my buddies .

Did Green Day get thier name from that movie?

Hmm ... dunno. (Billy runs for the browser)
The Cleveland Police will be overwhelmed with the numbers. Let's go Obama for once in 8 years step up and be a leader. Give the order, National Guard.
The Cleveland Police should have NO presence whatsoever. The security should be handled-entirely-by the Secret Service and the Ohio National Guard. The policy should be announced in advance: rioters will be shot.

lol, a conservative throws states rights under the bus.

Man bites dog!

Hmmmm ...

National Guard is not state?

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