How Will We Pay For This Massive Hurricane and Tropical Storm in Texas?

How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?

You mean a state which is full of Republicans who think healthcare should all be about insurance? Shouldn't Texas just get the money from their insurance?

People are losing homes, jobs and life

But we can always count on the alt-left to bring politics into everything.

This is hilarious.

When people are losing their lives because they can't get healthcare, many on the right are unsympathetic. They demand health insurance so people can leech of the healthcare industry. They want the poorest to not be able to get this healthcare. When Trump says he wants to change healthcare to make 24 million people lose coverage, the right are joyful.

When people are losing their homes and their jobs to bad recessions, the right right don't demand that regulation come in. In fact when Trump says he's getting rid of such regulations that would limit recessions like this, there are many on the right who are joyful.

Then you have the audacity to turn around and say that the left want to bring politics into everything. I'm sorry, what the FUCK are you talking about? You bring politics into everything and then when it's inconvenient for your argument, you try and pull that trick out of the book "don't talk about this, because it's insensitive", when you'd have no fucking problem talking about it when it's about people dying because they can't get health coverage, or they're losing everything so some billionaire can make a few more billions.

And obviously you would lose your life without shelter. No, I'm not buying you a house no matter how much you beg. (Although it is wonderful seeing you with your hand out begging)

Health care is provided to everyone. You can actually get a job (strange as that might sound) and buy your own.

No matter how much you work, or how much you make, those on the Texas coast couldn't pay off the hurricane.

God I'm tired of whiners.

Get a damn job. You might look less pathetic
How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?

You mean a state which is full of Republicans who think healthcare should all be about insurance? Shouldn't Texas just get the money from their insurance?

People are losing homes, jobs and life

But we can always count on the alt-left to bring politics into everything.

This is hilarious.

When people are losing their lives because they can't get healthcare, many on the right are unsympathetic. They demand health insurance so people can leech of the healthcare industry. They want the poorest to not be able to get this healthcare. When Trump says he wants to change healthcare to make 24 million people lose coverage, the right are joyful.

When people are losing their homes and their jobs to bad recessions, the right right don't demand that regulation come in. In fact when Trump says he's getting rid of such regulations that would limit recessions like this, there are many on the right who are joyful.

Then you have the audacity to turn around and say that the left want to bring politics into everything. I'm sorry, what the FUCK are you talking about? You bring politics into everything and then when it's inconvenient for your argument, you try and pull that trick out of the book "don't talk about this, because it's insensitive", when you'd have no fucking problem talking about it when it's about people dying because they can't get health coverage, or they're losing everything so some billionaire can make a few more billions.

And obviously you would lose your life without shelter. No, I'm not buying you a house no matter how much you beg. (Although it is wonderful seeing you with your hand out begging)

Health care is provided to everyone. You can actually get a job (strange as that might sound) and buy your own.

No matter how much you work, or how much you make, those on the Texas coast couldn't pay off the hurricane.

God I'm tired of whiners.

Get a damn job. You might look less pathetic

Well, everyone can get a job and buy insurance, and the state can get insurance from the taxes people have given them. So fuck Texas, they didn't have insurance, so what? They should have thought about that BEFORE.

Why should North Dakota, which doesn't suffer from Hurricanes, have to pay for idiots in Texas who didn't bother to get insurance before the Hurricane?
How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?

You mean a state which is full of Republicans who think healthcare should all be about insurance? Shouldn't Texas just get the money from their insurance?

People are losing homes, jobs and life

But we can always count on the alt-left to bring politics into everything.

This is hilarious.

When people are losing their lives because they can't get healthcare, many on the right are unsympathetic. They demand health insurance so people can leech of the healthcare industry. They want the poorest to not be able to get this healthcare. When Trump says he wants to change healthcare to make 24 million people lose coverage, the right are joyful.

When people are losing their homes and their jobs to bad recessions, the right right don't demand that regulation come in. In fact when Trump says he's getting rid of such regulations that would limit recessions like this, there are many on the right who are joyful.

Then you have the audacity to turn around and say that the left want to bring politics into everything. I'm sorry, what the FUCK are you talking about? You bring politics into everything and then when it's inconvenient for your argument, you try and pull that trick out of the book "don't talk about this, because it's insensitive", when you'd have no fucking problem talking about it when it's about people dying because they can't get health coverage, or they're losing everything so some billionaire can make a few more billions.

And obviously you would lose your life without shelter. No, I'm not buying you a house no matter how much you beg. (Although it is wonderful seeing you with your hand out begging)

Health care is provided to everyone. You can actually get a job (strange as that might sound) and buy your own.

No matter how much you work, or how much you make, those on the Texas coast couldn't pay off the hurricane.

God I'm tired of whiners.

Get a damn job. You might look less pathetic

Well, everyone can get a job and buy insurance, and the state can get insurance from the taxes people have given them. So fuck Texas, they didn't have insurance, so what? They should have thought about that BEFORE.

Why should North Dakota, which doesn't suffer from Hurricanes, have to pay for idiots in Texas who didn't bother to get insurance before the Hurricane?

Equating a natural disaster with health insurance?

Are you friggen nuts?

What the hell was I thinking. Of course you are
You mean a state which is full of Republicans who think healthcare should all be about insurance? Shouldn't Texas just get the money from their insurance?

People are losing homes, jobs and life

But we can always count on the alt-left to bring politics into everything.

This is hilarious.

When people are losing their lives because they can't get healthcare, many on the right are unsympathetic. They demand health insurance so people can leech of the healthcare industry. They want the poorest to not be able to get this healthcare. When Trump says he wants to change healthcare to make 24 million people lose coverage, the right are joyful.

When people are losing their homes and their jobs to bad recessions, the right right don't demand that regulation come in. In fact when Trump says he's getting rid of such regulations that would limit recessions like this, there are many on the right who are joyful.

Then you have the audacity to turn around and say that the left want to bring politics into everything. I'm sorry, what the FUCK are you talking about? You bring politics into everything and then when it's inconvenient for your argument, you try and pull that trick out of the book "don't talk about this, because it's insensitive", when you'd have no fucking problem talking about it when it's about people dying because they can't get health coverage, or they're losing everything so some billionaire can make a few more billions.

And obviously you would lose your life without shelter. No, I'm not buying you a house no matter how much you beg. (Although it is wonderful seeing you with your hand out begging)

Health care is provided to everyone. You can actually get a job (strange as that might sound) and buy your own.

No matter how much you work, or how much you make, those on the Texas coast couldn't pay off the hurricane.

God I'm tired of whiners.

Get a damn job. You might look less pathetic

Well, everyone can get a job and buy insurance, and the state can get insurance from the taxes people have given them. So fuck Texas, they didn't have insurance, so what? They should have thought about that BEFORE.

Why should North Dakota, which doesn't suffer from Hurricanes, have to pay for idiots in Texas who didn't bother to get insurance before the Hurricane?

Equating a natural disaster with health insurance?

Are you friggen nuts?

What the hell was I thinking. Of course you are

No healthcare, higher chance of dying.

Natural disaster, higher chance of dying.

Are you making an argument that things shouldn't be compared because you don't find them convenient.

Of course you are.
People are losing homes, jobs and life

But we can always count on the alt-left to bring politics into everything.

This is hilarious.

When people are losing their lives because they can't get healthcare, many on the right are unsympathetic. They demand health insurance so people can leech of the healthcare industry. They want the poorest to not be able to get this healthcare. When Trump says he wants to change healthcare to make 24 million people lose coverage, the right are joyful.

When people are losing their homes and their jobs to bad recessions, the right right don't demand that regulation come in. In fact when Trump says he's getting rid of such regulations that would limit recessions like this, there are many on the right who are joyful.

Then you have the audacity to turn around and say that the left want to bring politics into everything. I'm sorry, what the FUCK are you talking about? You bring politics into everything and then when it's inconvenient for your argument, you try and pull that trick out of the book "don't talk about this, because it's insensitive", when you'd have no fucking problem talking about it when it's about people dying because they can't get health coverage, or they're losing everything so some billionaire can make a few more billions.

And obviously you would lose your life without shelter. No, I'm not buying you a house no matter how much you beg. (Although it is wonderful seeing you with your hand out begging)

Health care is provided to everyone. You can actually get a job (strange as that might sound) and buy your own.

No matter how much you work, or how much you make, those on the Texas coast couldn't pay off the hurricane.

God I'm tired of whiners.

Get a damn job. You might look less pathetic

Well, everyone can get a job and buy insurance, and the state can get insurance from the taxes people have given them. So fuck Texas, they didn't have insurance, so what? They should have thought about that BEFORE.

Why should North Dakota, which doesn't suffer from Hurricanes, have to pay for idiots in Texas who didn't bother to get insurance before the Hurricane?

Equating a natural disaster with health insurance?

Are you friggen nuts?

What the hell was I thinking. Of course you are

No healthcare, higher chance of dying.

Natural disaster, higher chance of dying.

Are you making an argument that things shouldn't be compared because you don't find them convenient.

Of course you are.

No dimwit,

A hurricane is an unavoidable NATURAL DISASTER. IT CAN KILL YOU

If you are too damn lazy to get a job and buy health insurance. It's your fault. Those that ACTUALLY have a disability and cannot work can go on Medicaid or go to the Hospital WHERE THEY WILL BE CARED FOR.

see the difference.

Prolly not, you're kinda dense
How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?
Either Texas or the wall.
How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?
Simple solution in paying for Harvey, cut welfare money from minorities and use it towards the rebuilding process.

How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’
How the heck are we going to pay for the powerful Hurricane and tropical storm that has devasted Texas and may cause even more damage in neighboring states? There have been some huge numbers being discussed, but how will we know until it is all over? How will the expenses effect the budget, taxes, etc.?
Simple solution in paying for Harvey, cut welfare money from minorities and use it towards the rebuilding process.

How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
Simple solution in paying for Harvey, cut welfare money from minorities and use it towards the rebuilding process.

How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
There are liberals and Democrats who don't want to help disaster victims? Can you prove that?
How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
There are liberals and Democrats who don't want to help disaster victims? Can you prove that?
We went through this after Hurricane Sandy. Republican Senators, including the Senators from Texas, didn't want to help out. It got a lot of publicity. Folks asked how the Texas Senators would respond when Texas needed help.
Simple solution in paying for Harvey, cut welfare money from minorities and use it towards the rebuilding process.

How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
I'm waiting:

Remember how Bush and the GOP helped disaster victims get homes after Katrina?

Show us where Democrats do this.
How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
There are liberals and Democrats who don't want to help disaster victims? Can you prove that?

I'm not sure what this has to do with anything. I didn't even say there were liberals or Democrats who don't want to help disaster victims.
How about just kill minorities, and then sell their meat and their bones, or use them for medical experiments and things like that, and use that money to give to rich Texans so that they can drive through in another large gas guzzling 4x4 and see the damage for themselves, and then go home and put on a big party to raise money for the poor people, and then funnel it back into their own pockets?

I mean, it's the American way.
No....that's what the Democrat way.

Oh please, this is an adult discussion.
Not when conservatives ‘participate.’

Well, I don't think this is about left or right, there are people like this on both sides.
I'm waiting:

Remember how Bush and the GOP helped disaster victims get homes after Katrina?

Show us where Democrats do this.

I'm glad your waiting. Keep waiting. Still has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

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