How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Because socialism doesn't sell in the US
and the Left has to try to sell that they and Papa Obama are "center"

You know what sells in the US?

Not letting your grandma starve to death.

And letting the government take care of her because you don't want to.

Fact is, if you were really against socialism, make that the GOP platform that we will immediately put an end to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits... All of it.

All the middle class entitlements you guys avoid talking about when you scream about "Welfare".

Because at the end of the day, it's still taking money from one group and giving it to another.

But you won't do that, because you'd get run out on a rail.

So you try to pretend that some "socialism" is okay and other socialism isn't.
Your arrogance is astounding!

Do you really think you know what my position is on taxes? Do you really think you know what my position is on cutting spending? Hell, your not even smart enough to have figured out that I don't support either party and you've been told that plenty of time. But, now you know what my position on taxes is? Spending cuts? Abortion? Welfare? Social Security? Affirmative Action? Privatizing the PO? etc etc etc.

You are the epitome of arrogance.

Guy, I don't care about your personal position, and generally, you seem like a bit of a nutter, to be honest. I was speaking of generalities of where the conservative/Republican movement has gone south. (literally and figuratively).

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

So, this is why you support Obama? Isn't that what I have been saying all along? You are in fact a socialist. Why don't you have the balls to announce it to the world?


See, now your attributing things to my personal position when I was making a blanket statement.

Fact is, when you work for people who cheat you at every oppurtunity and all you have to do to get goodies is vote for the nice man with a "D" after his name, you are going to do that.

This is where the conservative movement has fouled up. They simply took people like my Dad who voted for Nixon and Eisenhower and Reagan for granted and didn't worry about their concerns when the big corporations were gutting the middle class.

Again, I'm voting for Obama because I hate Romney and the Cult he Rode in on. But I also see the larger dynamic.

The GOP has not won an honest presidential election since 1988. And when hispanics flip Texas from Red to Blue, they'll never win another one.

Unless they get right with working people, and soon.

You don't care about my position as long as you can tell me what it is.

Your arrogance is astounding.

You made a blanket statement of why you support Obama. You said

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

That is the basics behind socialism. It is also extremely anti-American. Why are you so afraid of admitting that you and the President are socialists? Is it because you realize that Socialism is a failed economic and morally bankrupt system, but by god as long as you get even with those evil Capitalist pigs, you don't give a shit what happens to the future of this country?

Socialism—defined as a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production—was the tragic failure of the twentieth century. Born of a commitment to remedy the economic and moral defects of capitalism, it has far surpassed capitalism in both economic malfunction and moral cruelty.

Socialism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

You said yesterday that you were 50? If Socialism is allowed to take root in this nation neither of us will live to see its collapse. Do you really not give a shit about your children and grandchildren as long as you get even with those damned Capitalist pigs?

I don't disagree with everything you have said i.e. cutting spending and raising taxes on the rich. But, by god, I don't give a shit if Warren Buffet or Bill Gates have more money than they can ever spend. Who gives a shit? Besides you?

Even Obama doesn't give a shit since he sees himself as one of them. He's using you as a damned tool and you are letting him get away with it.

I think the main to remember is that this is a question of partisanship, not of what is best for America.

It is better to have a right wing candidate in power and live in a poor, backwards nation than to have a Democratic candidate in power and live in a wealthier and forward-thinking nation.

The alternative would be to choose the candidate not by party, but by quality.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's economy is terrible. If you're going to go off topic then at least make sense.

The ecomony was bad before he took office
I party everyday as does my wife, so there will be a party, but not for whom was elected, but that this great nation is here and so am I, living in an electors paradise of peace and prosperity
Because socialism doesn't sell in the US
and the Left has to try to sell that they and Papa Obama are "center"

You know what sells in the US?

Not letting your grandma starve to death.

And letting the government take care of her because you don't want to.

Fact is, if you were really against socialism, make that the GOP platform that we will immediately put an end to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits... All of it.

All the middle class entitlements you guys avoid talking about when you scream about "Welfare".

Because at the end of the day, it's still taking money from one group and giving it to another.

But you won't do that, because you'd get run out on a rail.

So you try to pretend that some "socialism" is okay and other socialism isn't.

I have no problem in stating that we should have safety nets to prevent the elderly, the young and the poor from starving. The economic system is a continuum with socialism on the left and capitalism on the right. Full Capitialism would be a disaster conversly full socialism would as well.

The problem is that socialists want to make this into a fully socialistic nation. They (and this is the biggest problem with the Democrats) want us all to be slaves of the government. They want to control the means of production and by that they control us. You think capitalism is bad and all those evil CEOs are bad? Wait until your place of employment is surrounded by armed military personnel making sure that you complete your quota for the day.

We don't have to worry so much about those who want to make this a "fully" Capitalistic society because there are so few of them and they don't have the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States of America. Socialists do and that is why I am so concerned with the way things are headed.

You want control and right now you have the means to take it. That is what scares the shit out of me.

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Because socialism doesn't sell in the US
and the Left has to try to sell that they and Papa Obama are "center"

You know what sells in the US?

Not letting your grandma starve to death.

And letting the government take care of her because you don't want to.

Fact is, if you were really against socialism, make that the GOP platform that we will immediately put an end to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits... All of it.

All the middle class entitlements you guys avoid talking about when you scream about "Welfare".

Because at the end of the day, it's still taking money from one group and giving it to another.

But you won't do that, because you'd get run out on a rail.

So you try to pretend that some "socialism" is okay and other socialism isn't.

Actually the Republicans are the adults ones speaking serious on the issue
of entitlements

But, if the question is allowing people to keep more of their own
money where they have control over it and do not depend on
some politician for distribution of it
then it sounds like a good idea
Guy, here's the problem-

The following words disqualify you from serious consideration in discussing Obama-


Once you've used any of those words proceeded by "Obama is a....", you are really no longer anyone who can be taken seriously in a discussion. Sorry. You just can't.

There are VERY VALID criticisms to be made of Obama and his leadership. I've made them. He's a weak president, and it's too bad the GOP couldn't come up with a good candidate. "Well, the guy we roundly rejected four years ago was the best we could come up with this time."

But frothing in the corner about how he went to a party once with a 60's radical or how he was born in Keyna, well, guy, you are just scaring the straights.

I was going to say 'you forgot Kenyan,' but he's a Kenyan like I'm a Finnlander.

However, when they call him one, they actually believe he hails from there.

Tough call.
Guy, here's the problem-

The following words disqualify you from serious consideration in discussing Obama-


Once you've used any of those words proceeded by "Obama is a....", you are really no longer anyone who can be taken seriously in a discussion. Sorry. You just can't.

There are VERY VALID criticisms to be made of Obama and his leadership. I've made them. He's a weak president, and it's too bad the GOP couldn't come up with a good candidate. "Well, the guy we roundly rejected four years ago was the best we could come up with this time."

But frothing in the corner about how he went to a party once with a 60's radical or how he was born in Keyna, well, guy, you are just scaring the straights.

I was going to say 'you forgot Kenyan,' but he's a Kenyan like I'm a Finnlander.

However, when they call him one, they actually believe he hails from there.

Tough call.

He forgot Muslim too.
I think the main to remember is that this is a question of partisanship, not of what is best for America.

It is better to have a right wing candidate in power and live in a poor, backwards nation than to have a Democratic candidate in power and live in a wealthier and forward-thinking nation.

The alternative would be to choose the candidate not by party, but by quality.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's economy is terrible. If you're going to go off topic then at least make sense.

The ecomony was bad before he took office

And it's still bad. Time to hire someone who knows what he's doing. (I mean come on; what'd you expect when you hired someone that had never ran a business).
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Actually the Republicans are the adults ones speaking serious on the issue
of entitlements

But, if the question is allowing people to keep more of their own
money where they have control over it and do not depend on
some politician for distribution of it
then it sounds like a good idea

um, no, they aren't.

They only want to cut entitlements to provide more tax cuts for rich people. that's not being responsible in the least. Oh, they'll make cuts- ten years down the road.
Because socialism doesn't sell in the US
and the Left has to try to sell that they and Papa Obama are "center"

You know what sells in the US?

Not letting your grandma starve to death.

And letting the government take care of her because you don't want to.

Fact is, if you were really against socialism, make that the GOP platform that we will immediately put an end to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits... All of it.

All the middle class entitlements you guys avoid talking about when you scream about "Welfare".

Because at the end of the day, it's still taking money from one group and giving it to another.

But you won't do that, because you'd get run out on a rail.

So you try to pretend that some "socialism" is okay and other socialism isn't.

I have no problem in stating that we should have safety nets to prevent the elderly, the young and the poor from starving. The economic system is a continuum with socialism on the left and capitalism on the right. Full Capitialism would be a disaster conversly full socialism would as well.

The problem is that socialists want to make this into a fully socialistic nation. They (and this is the biggest problem with the Democrats) want us all to be slaves of the government. They want to control the means of production and by that they control us. You think capitalism is bad and all those evil CEOs are bad? Wait until your place of employment is surrounded by armed military personnel making sure that you complete your quota for the day.

We don't have to worry so much about those who want to make this a "fully" Capitalistic society because there are so few of them and they don't have the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States of America. Socialists do and that is why I am so concerned with the way things are headed.

You want control and right now you have the means to take it. That is what scares the shit out of me.


Wow, guy, i love the bolded line... just kind of shows what a loon you are..
You know what sells in the US?

Not letting your grandma starve to death.

And letting the government take care of her because you don't want to.

Fact is, if you were really against socialism, make that the GOP platform that we will immediately put an end to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits... All of it.

All the middle class entitlements you guys avoid talking about when you scream about "Welfare".

Because at the end of the day, it's still taking money from one group and giving it to another.

But you won't do that, because you'd get run out on a rail.

So you try to pretend that some "socialism" is okay and other socialism isn't.

I have no problem in stating that we should have safety nets to prevent the elderly, the young and the poor from starving. The economic system is a continuum with socialism on the left and capitalism on the right. Full Capitialism would be a disaster conversly full socialism would as well.

The problem is that socialists want to make this into a fully socialistic nation. They (and this is the biggest problem with the Democrats) want us all to be slaves of the government. They want to control the means of production and by that they control us. You think capitalism is bad and all those evil CEOs are bad? Wait until your place of employment is surrounded by armed military personnel making sure that you complete your quota for the day.

We don't have to worry so much about those who want to make this a "fully" Capitalistic society because there are so few of them and they don't have the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States of America. Socialists do and that is why I am so concerned with the way things are headed.

You want control and right now you have the means to take it. That is what scares the shit out of me.


Wow, guy, i love the bolded line... just kind of shows what a loon you are..

Glad your back socialist. Have you been out beating up capitalist pigs?

And please quit using your homosexual references when you address me. I don't swing your way in so many ways.

Actually the Republicans are the adults ones speaking serious on the issue
of entitlements

But, if the question is allowing people to keep more of their own
money where they have control over it and do not depend on
some politician for distribution of it
then it sounds like a good idea

um, no, they aren't.

They only want to cut entitlements to provide more tax cuts for rich people. that's not being responsible in the least. Oh, they'll make cuts- ten years down the road.

Make cuts, my ass. Did you see the last bill they tried to pass? See "Sequester Replacement Act," HR 4966.
I'm more interested in how the Obama faithful like Chris Mathews from MSNBC will handle it.
I think he will go on air and he will be spitting up blood.
The first thing he will allude to is that racism played a big part in Obama not being reelected.
I'm more interested in how the Obama faithful like Chris Mathews from MSNBC will handle it.
I think he will go on air and he will be spitting up blood.
The first thing he will allude to is that racism played a big part in Obama not being reelected.

I'll take some brief pleasure in those nuts bitterness. But this isn't about them. It's not the we vs. them scenario they make it out to be. This is about right vs. wrong and there's nothing right about the Obama administration.
My hope is that Ed Shultz has chest pains on air durin the election.

That would be a great cap to a night when Obama is sent packing.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

If you're Mitt Romney, you cut Medicaid, food stamps, education, school lunch and buy a new Yacht with taxpayer money.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

If you're Mitt Romney, you cut Medicaid, food stamps, education, school lunch and buy a new Yacht with taxpayer money.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.

Sadly, of course you would.

It's those poor people's own fault for being poor, you know.

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