How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

If you're Mitt Romney, you cut Medicaid, food stamps, education, school lunch and buy a new Yacht with taxpayer money.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.

Did you even read what the man said. We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. So the rich can skate away. Not "to save my grandkids" - no. To put more wealth with THEIR grandkids.

So? The solution isn't to add $5 - $10 Trillion to our national debt. Who do you think benefits from doing so?

Here's a hint: It isn't the poor.

Obama is racking up debt in our name and who's benefitting from it? Why his rich handlers of course. The CEO's and Union Bosses not our resident union thug, JB, but the men that control his beloved unions.

For Obama's handler's it isn't "pay me now or pay me later". It is, "pay me now AND pay me later".

We the people are not benefitting from the debt he's piling in our laps. It is the rich you all excoriate day in and day out.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.

Did you even read what the man said. We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. So the rich can skate away. Not "to save my grandkids" - no. To put more wealth with THEIR grandkids.

So? The solution isn't to add $5 - $10 Trillion to our national debt. Who do you think benefits from doing so?

Here's a hint: It isn't the poor.

Obama is racking up debt in our name and who's benefitting from it? Why his rich handlers of course. The CEO's and Union Bosses not our resident union thug, JB, but the men that control his beloved unions.

For Obama's handler's it isn't "pay me now or pay me later". It is, "pay me now AND pay me later".

We the people are not benefitting from the debt he's piling in our laps. It is the rich you all excoriate day in and day out.


I know you believe that just as strongly as I believe what I believe. Therefore, I see nothing to be gained by doing the hammer and tongs routine.

I was going to say more, but I re-read your post and realize we are not going to be having a meeting of the minds.
Did you even read what the man said. We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. So the rich can skate away. Not "to save my grandkids" - no. To put more wealth with THEIR grandkids.

We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. And we cannot afford Medicare.

"We?" WE paid in our entire lives. It's not a 'gimme' from the government.

Yeah, we paid in.
And it still has an unfunded liability of over $38 trillion over the next 75 years.
How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Romney will do a jig. Then, once sworn in, will squat and lay a big turd right on the faces of the American Middle Class. The Republican Base will love it. Until it lands on them. Then they will be so surprised. And not at all happy.

How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Romney will do a jig. Then, once sworn in, will squat and lay a big turd right on the faces of the American Middle Class. The Republican Base will love it. Until it lands on them. Then they will be so surprised. And not at all happy.


This thread is about how "you" will celebrate Obama's loss not how Romney will celebrate it.

If I were confident Obama was going to lose, I would honestly hope that someone (if there is anyone) who loves you would be intelligent enough to remove any dangerous items from your vacinity for at least three years.


As far as this thread is concerned, it could be argued that not much new will happen regardless of who wins the White House, unless one party does an across the board President/House/Senate blowout, which is very unlikely.

It's far more likely that margins will remain close, close enough for the minority party to block pretty much anything of significance. So we'll remain mired in this political purgatory, with virtually nothing being done to either slow or mitigate our current decay.

Not much to celebrate there.

Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

You should start your own company. Or maybe buy one.
Overpay the union workers.
Implement work rules that make it impossible to improve efficiency.
Make sure the union goes on strike every other year.
And make sure the government doesn't allow you to hire new workers when they strike.
Run your company in a country that has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Let me know how that works out for you.

I usually don't talk to you because you are some kind of high functioning retard...


How many businesses do the unions "go on strike" every year. Strikes are usually the last resort in a problem. My dad was a union guy and never went on strike once. My brother is in the same union and neither has he.

Fact is, if you want to make comparisons, most of the other industrialized nations have a higher level of unionization, a higher level of taxation, and in some cases, the Unions even have a say on who gets to be the CEO.

Those countries being Germany and Japan, who are the ones beating our asses in the Auto Industry.

So, nope. Unions weren't the problem, greedy executives were.

An American CEO makes on average 400 times what a line worker makes. A Japanese CEO makes 11 times that.

Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

You should start your own company. Or maybe buy one.
Overpay the union workers.
Implement work rules that make it impossible to improve efficiency.
Make sure the union goes on strike every other year.
And make sure the government doesn't allow you to hire new workers when they strike.
Run your company in a country that has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Let me know how that works out for you.

I usually don't talk to you because you are some kind of high functioning retard...


How many businesses do the unions "go on strike" every year. Strikes are usually the last resort in a problem. My dad was a union guy and never went on strike once. My brother is in the same union and neither has he.

Fact is, if you want to make comparisons, most of the other industrialized nations have a higher level of unionization, a higher level of taxation, and in some cases, the Unions even have a say on who gets to be the CEO.

Those countries being Germany and Japan, who are the ones beating our asses in the Auto Industry.

So, nope. Unions weren't the problem, greedy executives were.

An American CEO makes on average 400 times what a line worker makes. A Japanese CEO makes 11 times that.


I usually don't talk to you because you are some kind of high functioning retard...

Coming from a low functioning retard like you, that really hurts.

Let me know when you get that unionized company up and running so we can watch you succeed.

And when you get a chance, explain how that union owned United Airlines did. Thanks!
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I usually don't talk to you because you are some kind of high functioning retard...

Coming from a low functioning retard like you, that really hurts.

Let me know when you get that unionized company up and running so we can watch you succeed.

And when you get a chance, explain how that union owned United Airlines did. Thanks!

About as badly as all the other airlines did, actually, Chippy.

Once again, you know, I don't care to run a company, and I'm not going to worship the douchebags who do.

They want to run a company here, they do it by our rules- which once again, is EXACTLY what every other industrialized country does. YOu do business in their house, there'd better be something in it for them.

Michael Moore did this very interesting piece on what GE workers in France get compared to GE workers in the US. It was eye opening.
How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Romney will do a jig. Then, once sworn in, will squat and lay a big turd right on the faces of the American Middle Class. The Republican Base will love it. Until it lands on them. Then they will be so surprised. And not at all happy.


This thread is about how "you" will celebrate Obama's loss not how Romney will celebrate it.

If I were confident Obama was going to lose, I would honestly hope that someone (if there is anyone) who loves you would be intelligent enough to remove any dangerous items from your vacinity for at least three years.


Well at least he will have some old "friends" to comfort him


I usually don't talk to you because you are some kind of high functioning retard...

Coming from a low functioning retard like you, that really hurts.

Let me know when you get that unionized company up and running so we can watch you succeed.

And when you get a chance, explain how that union owned United Airlines did. Thanks!

About as badly as all the other airlines did, actually, Chippy.

Once again, you know, I don't care to run a company, and I'm not going to worship the douchebags who do.

They want to run a company here, they do it by our rules- which once again, is EXACTLY what every other industrialized country does. YOu do business in their house, there'd better be something in it for them.

Michael Moore did this very interesting piece on what GE workers in France get compared to GE workers in the US. It was eye opening.

About as badly as all the other airlines did, actually, Chippy.

The enlightened union guys, the anti-douchebags, in your world, couldn't run it better?
Well that's a shock.

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