How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

The left promoting a dependent class for votes
is no doubt the biggest factor

No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?
1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

I know what you mean. Why the hell the rethugs think poor people will vote against their own self interest is funny. Only white middle class folks with a healthy dose of religion want to do that.
The left promoting a dependent class for votes
is no doubt the biggest factor

No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

The Left with their socialist ideas has shown itself not to work
In fact, any good leftist wants taxes for all in the area of around
60 to 70 percent. The less disposable income the more dependent on
the gov't. The Left has no intention of seeking independence from gov't
which means real jobs.

It's not personal, just common sense
Papa Obama has failed; it is time to replace him.

If it wasn't for the failed identity politics of the Left
someone from the Left would be running against him
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The Left with their socialist ideas has shown itself not to work
In fact, any good leftist wants taxes for all in the area of around
60 to 70 percent. The less disposable income the more dependent on
the gov't. The Left has no intention of seeking independence from gov't
which means real jobs.

fuking clueless, aren't ya?
The left promoting a dependent class for votes
is no doubt the biggest factor

No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

The Left with their socialist ideas has shown itself not to work
In fact, any good leftist wants taxes for all in the area of around
60 to 70 percent. The less disposable income the more dependent on
the gov't. The Left has no intention of seeking independence from gov't
which means real jobs.

It's not personal, just common sense
Papa Obama has failed; it is time to replace him.

If it wasn't for the failed identity politics of the Left
someone from the Left would be running against him

Do you have some form of Tourettes syndrome where every response has to include "Papa Obama" and "Socialism"?

Because you didn't address what I had to say at all, and I'm starting to wonder if you can.
No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

The Left with their socialist ideas has shown itself not to work
In fact, any good leftist wants taxes for all in the area of around
60 to 70 percent. The less disposable income the more dependent on
the gov't. The Left has no intention of seeking independence from gov't
which means real jobs.

It's not personal, just common sense
Papa Obama has failed; it is time to replace him.

If it wasn't for the failed identity politics of the Left
someone from the Left would be running against him

Do you have some form of Tourettes syndrome where every response has to include "Papa Obama" and "Socialism"?

Because you didn't address what I had to say at all, and I'm starting to wonder if you can.

It's because what you say is nonsense. You'd rather have no jobs at $30/hr than jobs at 10/hr. Hint, jobs beat no jobs.
Unions suck. There is not an industry in this country that has had high union representation that is not in shambles. Unions protect the worst workers while doing nothing for the good workers. They demand more than market wages and benefits and subsequently the companies involved are uncompetitive in the world marketplace. Then they demand tariffs to protect them, making those industries even worse. The result is Greece, the ultimate union state.
It's because what you say is nonsense. You'd rather have no jobs at $30/hr than jobs at 10/hr. Hint, jobs beat no jobs.
Unions suck. There is not an industry in this country that has had high union representation that is not in shambles. Unions protect the worst workers while doing nothing for the good workers. They demand more than market wages and benefits and subsequently the companies involved are uncompetitive in the world marketplace. Then they demand tariffs to protect them, making those industries even worse. The result is Greece, the ultimate union state.

Uh, guy, what happened in Greece was that they gave up their national controls on their economy. They not only gave up tariffs protecting their workers (you know, the EU is like a free trade thingee, right) but then they also gave up their ability to place a value on their own currency.

It isn't the unions that put our economy in the toilet, it was the big rollers on Wall Street who decided to turn our economy into a casino.

Now, are there problems with the Unions? Yup. Lots of them.

But the alternative of "the market" being used to pit workers against each other only to lose their job to outsourcing or illegal aliens because a few assholes need more polo ponies and a new car elevator... Meh. Not so much.
It's because what you say is nonsense. You'd rather have no jobs at $30/hr than jobs at 10/hr. Hint, jobs beat no jobs.
Unions suck. There is not an industry in this country that has had high union representation that is not in shambles. Unions protect the worst workers while doing nothing for the good workers. They demand more than market wages and benefits and subsequently the companies involved are uncompetitive in the world marketplace. Then they demand tariffs to protect them, making those industries even worse. The result is Greece, the ultimate union state.

Uh, guy, what happened in Greece was that they gave up their national controls on their economy. They not only gave up tariffs protecting their workers (you know, the EU is like a free trade thingee, right) but then they also gave up their ability to place a value on their own currency.

It isn't the unions that put our economy in the toilet, it was the big rollers on Wall Street who decided to turn our economy into a casino.

Now, are there problems with the Unions? Yup. Lots of them.

But the alternative of "the market" being used to pit workers against each other only to lose their job to outsourcing or illegal aliens because a few assholes need more polo ponies and a new car elevator... Meh. Not so much.

If you are afraid of losing your job to an illegal you have bigger problems than outsourcing.
And no, Greece's problems were not from being members of the EU. In fact that was the only thing that kept them going this long.
It's because what you say is nonsense. You'd rather have no jobs at $30/hr than jobs at 10/hr. Hint, jobs beat no jobs.
Unions suck. There is not an industry in this country that has had high union representation that is not in shambles. Unions protect the worst workers while doing nothing for the good workers. They demand more than market wages and benefits and subsequently the companies involved are uncompetitive in the world marketplace. Then they demand tariffs to protect them, making those industries even worse. The result is Greece, the ultimate union state.

Uh, guy, what happened in Greece was that they gave up their national controls on their economy. They not only gave up tariffs protecting their workers (you know, the EU is like a free trade thingee, right) but then they also gave up their ability to place a value on their own currency.

It isn't the unions that put our economy in the toilet, it was the big rollers on Wall Street who decided to turn our economy into a casino.

Now, are there problems with the Unions? Yup. Lots of them.

But the alternative of "the market" being used to pit workers against each other only to lose their job to outsourcing or illegal aliens because a few assholes need more polo ponies and a new car elevator... Meh. Not so much.

If you are afraid of losing your job to an illegal you have bigger problems than outsourcing.
And no, Greece's problems were not from being members of the EU. In fact that was the only thing that kept them going this long.

actually, no, Greece problems are entirely related to the fact it was admitted to the EU when that wasn't the best thing for them.

I've always been amazed that people who are clearly not rich are defending them. It's hilarious.
Uh, guy, what happened in Greece was that they gave up their national controls on their economy. They not only gave up tariffs protecting their workers (you know, the EU is like a free trade thingee, right) but then they also gave up their ability to place a value on their own currency.

It isn't the unions that put our economy in the toilet, it was the big rollers on Wall Street who decided to turn our economy into a casino.

Now, are there problems with the Unions? Yup. Lots of them.

But the alternative of "the market" being used to pit workers against each other only to lose their job to outsourcing or illegal aliens because a few assholes need more polo ponies and a new car elevator... Meh. Not so much.

If you are afraid of losing your job to an illegal you have bigger problems than outsourcing.
And no, Greece's problems were not from being members of the EU. In fact that was the only thing that kept them going this long.

actually, no, Greece problems are entirely related to the fact it was admitted to the EU when that wasn't the best thing for them.

I've always been amazed that people who are clearly not rich are defending them. It's hilarious.
That's why they agitated to get in? Because people really don't know what's best for them?
If you are afraid of losing your job to an illegal you have bigger problems than outsourcing.
And no, Greece's problems were not from being members of the EU. In fact that was the only thing that kept them going this long.

actually, no, Greece problems are entirely related to the fact it was admitted to the EU when that wasn't the best thing for them.

I've always been amazed that people who are clearly not rich are defending them. It's hilarious.
That's why they agitated to get in? Because people really don't know what's best for them?

Just about as dumb as us wanting to get into NAFTA, which has been a fucking disaster.

A lot of rich people spend a lot of money convincing stupid people free trade is a good idea.

The EU is even worse, because you not only give up your trade policy but your fiscal policy as well. You have a currency that isn't controlled by a national government, but by a collection of government where the richer countries have a say.

Probably Irks the Greeks that the descendents of the people who invaded their country in the 1940's are now dictating to them they have to give up their pensions.
actually, no, Greece problems are entirely related to the fact it was admitted to the EU when that wasn't the best thing for them.

I've always been amazed that people who are clearly not rich are defending them. It's hilarious.
That's why they agitated to get in? Because people really don't know what's best for them?

Just about as dumb as us wanting to get into NAFTA, which has been a fucking disaster.

A lot of rich people spend a lot of money convincing stupid people free trade is a good idea.

The EU is even worse, because you not only give up your trade policy but your fiscal policy as well. You have a currency that isn't controlled by a national government, but by a collection of government where the richer countries have a say.

Probably Irks the Greeks that the descendents of the people who invaded their country in the 1940's are now dictating to them they have to give up their pensions.

NAFTA has been a tremendous boon. Just ask the folks at Caterpiller. Of course if you're an over-paid lazy union thug then NAFTA means you actually have to get off your duff and do something. No wonder you hate it.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

If you're Mitt Romney, you cut Medicaid, food stamps, education, school lunch and buy a new Yacht with taxpayer money.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.

Did you even read what the man said. We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. So the rich can skate away. Not "to save my grandkids" - no. To put more wealth with THEIR grandkids.
No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

The Left with their socialist ideas has shown itself not to work
In fact, any good leftist wants taxes for all in the area of around
60 to 70 percent. The less disposable income the more dependent on
the gov't. The Left has no intention of seeking independence from gov't
which means real jobs.

It's not personal, just common sense
Papa Obama has failed; it is time to replace him.

If it wasn't for the failed identity politics of the Left
someone from the Left would be running against him

Do you have some form of Tourettes syndrome where every response has to include "Papa Obama" and "Socialism"?

Because you didn't address what I had to say at all, and I'm starting to wonder if you can.

Yes. Yes, he most assuredly does. He's like Hanoi Jane.
The left promoting a dependent class for votes
is no doubt the biggest factor

No more than the Right CREATING a dependent class by gutting the middle class.

Okay, one more time, and maybe you'll get it this time.

When you

1) Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

2) Replace them with a crappy McJob at a place like Staples, with no benefits, retirement and minimal wages.

3) Put otherwise proud working people in the position where they have to ask for Food Stamps to put food on the table, Apply for Section 8 to keep a roof over their heads and go to Medicaid when their kids get sick...

Who has created a depedent class? And why are you surprised when these folks end up voting for Democrats?

Get rid of a good union job, like let's say the ones Romney eliminated at AmPad.

You should start your own company. Or maybe buy one.
Overpay the union workers.
Implement work rules that make it impossible to improve efficiency.
Make sure the union goes on strike every other year.
And make sure the government doesn't allow you to hire new workers when they strike.
Run your company in a country that has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Let me know how that works out for you.
The class envy from the Left is very unbecoming and very Un-American.

Of course if one depends on gov't to create hope
They are sure to be greatly disappointed.

Of course, one is free to start their own business
Granted, Papa Obama and the Left is making that
harder day by day. No doubt to make people even more
dependent on the gov't

Indeed, as the Left goes on and on and stratifies society
more and more, it will get almost impossible to move between the
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actually, no, Greece problems are entirely related to the fact it was admitted to the EU when that wasn't the best thing for them.

I've always been amazed that people who are clearly not rich are defending them. It's hilarious.
That's why they agitated to get in? Because people really don't know what's best for them?

Just about as dumb as us wanting to get into NAFTA, which has been a fucking disaster.

A lot of rich people spend a lot of money convincing stupid people free trade is a good idea.

The EU is even worse, because you not only give up your trade policy but your fiscal policy as well. You have a currency that isn't controlled by a national government, but by a collection of government where the richer countries have a say.

Probably Irks the Greeks that the descendents of the people who invaded their country in the 1940's are now dictating to them they have to give up their pensions.

A lot of rich people spend a lot of money convincing stupid people free trade is a good idea.

You're right! The only good idea is for government to decide what we should buy.
For government to decide how much we should buy and how much we should pay for it.

Probably Irks the Greeks that the descendents of the people who invaded their country in the 1940's are now dictating to them they have to give up their pensions.

The Greeks can keep their pensions, all they have to do is pay for them.
If you're Mitt Romney, you cut Medicaid, food stamps, education, school lunch and buy a new Yacht with taxpayer money.

I'll take that over $5 - $10 trillion for my grandkids to pay.

Did you even read what the man said. We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. So the rich can skate away. Not "to save my grandkids" - no. To put more wealth with THEIR grandkids.

We all. Americans as a whole. Pay. And we cannot afford Medicare.

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