How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Guy, you all were calling yourselves "TeaBaggers" until someone pointed out that it was slang for a sex act.

Before then, you were standing their stupidly wondering why people were snickering when you called yourselves that.

Yeah those stupid Senor citizens who didn't know what a Teabagger was..
I and MANY people didn't know what a friggen Teabagger was until all this..
pathetic little people you all can be

So it's our fault you picked a stupid name for yourselves?

Then again, calling yourselves "Taxed Enough Already" group when Obama cut your taxes in most cases kind of show you all as a little clueless beyond the sex thing.

Or the Guy with the Teabags hanging off his hat yelling 'Keep your government hands off my medicare!"

Your true Obamabot colors are shining through dear..and you call Jake a fake..
Who cares if you all call Senor citizens, teabaggers...carry on
Sort of like when someones uses "Teabagger"
You know they are a knee jerk leftist who
parrot whatever the MSM and the Left say

Guy, you all were calling yourselves "TeaBaggers" until someone pointed out that it was slang for a sex act.

Before then, you were standing their stupidly wondering why people were snickering when you called yourselves that.

Yeah those stupid Senor citizens who didn't know what a Teabagger was..
I and MANY people didn't know what a friggen Teabagger was until all this..
pathetic little people you all can be

According to the Left and the MSM

they were dangerous too

Of course in reality the OWS tries to blow up a bridge
Hey did you hear the latest from the MSM

Mitt would not eat his vegetables when he was five
and Papa Obama is a centrist
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Yeah those stupid Senor citizens who didn't know what a Teabagger was..
I and MANY people didn't know what a friggen Teabagger was until all this..
pathetic little people you all can be

So it's our fault you picked a stupid name for yourselves?

Then again, calling yourselves "Taxed Enough Already" group when Obama cut your taxes in most cases kind of show you all as a little clueless beyond the sex thing.

Or the Guy with the Teabags hanging off his hat yelling 'Keep your government hands off my medicare!"

Your true Obamabot colors are shining through dear..and you call Jake a fake..
Who cares if you all call Senor citizens, teabaggers...carry on

Guy, you all were calling yourselves "TeaBaggers" until someone pointed out that it was slang for a sex act.

Before then, you were standing their stupidly wondering why people were snickering when you called yourselves that.

Yeah those stupid Senor citizens who didn't know what a Teabagger was..
I and MANY people didn't know what a friggen Teabagger was until all this..
pathetic little people you all can be

According to the Left and the MSM

they were dangerous too

Of course in reality the OWS tries to blow up a bridge

Yep, there were many arrested the Tea party rallies, oh wait, that is at the OWS rallies..
According to the Left and the MSM

they were dangerous too

Of course in reality the OWS tries to blow up a bridge
Hey did you hear the latest from the MSM

Mitt would not eat his vegetables when he was five
and Papa Obama is a centrist

Not sure when anyone said the Teabaggers were dangerous.

Of course, given that the movement (which the GOP is trying its darnedest to discard right now) was pure astroturf, it wasn't like they were ever going to go off script.

Except now they are more dangerous to Establishment types than the Democrats.
I think the main to remember is that this is a question of partisanship, not of what is best for America.

It is better to have a right wing candidate in power and live in a poor, backwards nation than to have a Democratic candidate in power and live in a wealthier and forward-thinking nation.

The alternative would be to choose the candidate not by party, but by quality.

Obama is never what's best for America.
OK, Tired of waiting so I altered your graph to show unemployment vs party in control of Congress. Note that from 2001 to 2003, the Senate was controlled by the Democrats and since January of 2011, the GOP has controlled the House.

Excellent and quite telling.

Good job.

I think anyone who blurts out the word "Socialist" has forfeited any right to be taken seriously on anything.

You have said this about a hundred times in the short time you have been here.

It only proves how much against the right to free speech you truly are.

It also only proves that you are in fact a socialist at heart.

Grow the hell up.


Well, I'll keep saying it because honestly, when you say crap like that, you really shouldn't be taken seriously. It shows how crazy the GOP has gotten. You get people like West who blurt out there are 90 Communists in Congress, your movement has become- a joke.

When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours, that I am not a Republican? Honestly, you have got to be as dense as TM!

You have said this about a hundred times in the short time you have been here.

It only proves how much against the right to free speech you truly are.

It also only proves that you are in fact a socialist at heart.

Grow the hell up.


Well, I'll keep saying it because honestly, when you say crap like that, you really shouldn't be taken seriously. It shows how crazy the GOP has gotten. You get people like West who blurt out there are 90 Communists in Congress, your movement has become- a joke.

When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours, that I am not a Republican? Honestly, you have got to be as dense as TM!


Right. You are a far right crazy who usually votes Republican, but doesn't want to associate with them because they might sometimes believe in Science and have some "socialist" idea that we shouldn't let people die because they are poor.

Sadly, the GOP is not a joke because you have membership. It's a joke because they feel the need to pander to people like you, at least during elections.
Guy, here's the problem-

The following words disqualify you from serious consideration in discussing Obama-


Once you've used any of those words proceeded by "Obama is a....", you are really no longer anyone who can be taken seriously in a discussion. Sorry. You just can't.

There are VERY VALID criticisms to be made of Obama and his leadership. I've made them. He's a weak president, and it's too bad the GOP couldn't come up with a good candidate. "Well, the guy we roundly rejected four years ago was the best we could come up with this time."

But frothing in the corner about how he went to a party once with a 60's radical or how he was born in Keyna, well, guy, you are just scaring the straights.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if your socialistic ass, and Obama pleasing lips take me seriously or not. You kowtow to the unions and to Obama.

Your god is a socialist. You are a socialist. You are also extremely dishonest.

One of the biggest problems with this President is that he is pushing and desires to push this nation in the direction of socialism. And unfortunately He and the Dems are not alone, there are plenty of Republicans that support Obamacare or would if it weren't for who the man is that gave it to us.

Sort of like when someones uses "Teabagger"
You know they are a knee jerk leftist who
parrot whatever the MSM and the Left say

Guy, you all were calling yourselves "TeaBaggers" until someone pointed out that it was slang for a sex act.

Before then, you were standing their stupidly wondering why people were snickering when you called yourselves that.

Guy? Are you gay? Not that there is anything wrong with that, just a serious question.

For the record, I do not and never have considered myself a member of the Tea Party. I have never been to one of their rallies. I have no intention on voting for someone simply because they claim to be a Tea Partier.

So get over your damned, "I am superior to all of you and you have to listen to me" attitude. You stink arrogance as badly as Romney.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if your socialistic ass, and Obama pleasing lips take me seriously or not. You kowtow to the unions and to Obama.

Your god is a socialist. You are a socialist. You are also extremely dishonest.

One of the biggest problems with this President is that he is pushing and desires to push this nation in the direction of socialism. And unfortunately He and the Dems are not alone, there are plenty of Republicans that support Obamacare or would if it weren't for who the man is that gave it to us.


Ummm, first, why do you put your name at the end of each post. We know who you are... It's kind of bizarre compulsive behavior.

Second, if anything is pushing us towards socialism, it is you retards who think that the rich don't have enough money, and we need to get rid of them unions insisting on fair pay for working people.

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

I mean, this is so breathtakingly obvious and simple, and yet you guys ignore it.
Sort of like when someones uses "Teabagger"
You know they are a knee jerk leftist who
parrot whatever the MSM and the Left say

Guy, you all were calling yourselves "TeaBaggers" until someone pointed out that it was slang for a sex act.

Before then, you were standing their stupidly wondering why people were snickering when you called yourselves that.

Guy? Are you gay? Not that there is anything wrong with that, just a serious question.

For the record, I do not and never have considered myself a member of the Tea Party. I have never been to one of their rallies. I have no intention on voting for someone simply because they claim to be a Tea Partier.

So get over your damned, "I am superior to all of you and you have to listen to me" attitude. You stink arrogance as badly as Romney.


NOpe, I'm straight. And frankly, I hadn't heard the term until about 2007 or so... and thought it was kind of gross when I heard it. Incidently, the first time I heard it, they were asking a gal in my office if her boyfriend ever did that to her. So I'm guessing straight folks are doing it to.

I think the Tea Party has some good points. We can't go on spending far more than we take in. Absolutely. Where they get fuzzy is what we actually have to cut if we aren't going to raise taxes. Because all the big ticket items, they don't want to talk about.
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if your socialistic ass, and Obama pleasing lips take me seriously or not. You kowtow to the unions and to Obama.

Your god is a socialist. You are a socialist. You are also extremely dishonest.

One of the biggest problems with this President is that he is pushing and desires to push this nation in the direction of socialism. And unfortunately He and the Dems are not alone, there are plenty of Republicans that support Obamacare or would if it weren't for who the man is that gave it to us.


Ummm, first, why do you put your name at the end of each post. We know who you are... It's kind of bizarre compulsive behavior.

Second, if anything is pushing us towards socialism, it is you retards who think that the rich don't have enough money, and we need to get rid of them unions insisting on fair pay for working people.

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

I mean, this is so breathtakingly obvious and simple, and yet you guys ignore it.

Your arrogance is astounding!

Do you really think you know what my position is on taxes? Do you really think you know what my position is on cutting spending? Hell, your not even smart enough to have figured out that I don't support either party and you've been told that plenty of times. But, now you know what my position on taxes is? Spending cuts? Abortion? Welfare? Social Security? Affirmative Action? Privatizing the PO? etc etc etc.

You are the epitome of arrogance.

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

So, this is why you support Obama? Isn't that what I have been saying all along? You are in fact a socialist. Why don't you have the balls to announce it to the world?

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Your arrogance is astounding!

Do you really think you know what my position is on taxes? Do you really think you know what my position is on cutting spending? Hell, your not even smart enough to have figured out that I don't support either party and you've been told that plenty of time. But, now you know what my position on taxes is? Spending cuts? Abortion? Welfare? Social Security? Affirmative Action? Privatizing the PO? etc etc etc.

You are the epitome of arrogance.

Guy, I don't care about your personal position, and generally, you seem like a bit of a nutter, to be honest. I was speaking of generalities of where the conservative/Republican movement has gone south. (literally and figuratively).

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

So, this is why you support Obama? Isn't that what I have been saying all along? You are in fact a socialist. Why don't you have the balls to announce it to the world?


See, now your attributing things to my personal position when I was making a blanket statement.

Fact is, when you work for people who cheat you at every oppurtunity and all you have to do to get goodies is vote for the nice man with a "D" after his name, you are going to do that.

This is where the conservative movement has fouled up. They simply took people like my Dad who voted for Nixon and Eisenhower and Reagan for granted and didn't worry about their concerns when the big corporations were gutting the middle class.

Again, I'm voting for Obama because I hate Romney and the Cult he Rode in on. But I also see the larger dynamic.

The GOP has not won an honest presidential election since 1988. And when hispanics flip Texas from Red to Blue, they'll never win another one.

Unless they get right with working people, and soon.
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if your socialistic ass, and Obama pleasing lips take me seriously or not. You kowtow to the unions and to Obama.

Your god is a socialist. You are a socialist. You are also extremely dishonest.

One of the biggest problems with this President is that he is pushing and desires to push this nation in the direction of socialism. And unfortunately He and the Dems are not alone, there are plenty of Republicans that support Obamacare or would if it weren't for who the man is that gave it to us.


Ummm, first, why do you put your name at the end of each post. We know who you are... It's kind of bizarre compulsive behavior.

Second, if anything is pushing us towards socialism, it is you retards who think that the rich don't have enough money, and we need to get rid of them unions insisting on fair pay for working people.

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

I mean, this is so breathtakingly obvious and simple, and yet you guys ignore it.

Your arrogance is astounding!

Do you really think you know what my position is on taxes? Do you really think you know what my position is on cutting spending? Hell, your not even smart enough to have figured out that I don't support either party and you've been told that plenty of times. But, now you know what my position on taxes is? Spending cuts? Abortion? Welfare? Social Security? Affirmative Action? Privatizing the PO? etc etc etc.

You are the epitome of arrogance.

Eventually, when people get more out of the government than they get out of the unappreciative asshole they work for 40 hours a week, they are just going to vote for more government.

So, this is why you support Obama? Isn't that what I have been saying all along? You are in fact a socialist. Why don't you have the balls to announce it to the world?


Because socialism doesn't sell in the US
and the Left has to try to sell that they and Papa Obama are "center"

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