How will you feel when Obama wins the Presidential Election?

How will you feel when Obama wins the Presidential Election?

  • Great!

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • Terrible!

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Cautiously Optimistic

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • I will weep for my country

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • Obama who?

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
Looks like there will be some weeping for America. Tissue anyone?
I love all the whinny wingnuts here, the same people who voted for George Bush twice are predicting disaster?

Obama will be a great president because presidents are always shaped by the size of their challenges.

And George W. Bush is leaving Obama a huge mess to clean up.
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Makesure you share!

It will take a good 20-30 years to recover from the nightmere Obama Bin Laden is going to unleash.

It is so crazy that here we are in 2008 and yet you allow yourself to be controlled like sheep by fear.. Turn on the lights look under the bed and check your closet there is no boogeyman..
I love all the whinny wingnuts here, the same people who voted for George Bush twice are predicting disaster?

Hey bud, I never voted for GW

Obama will be a great president because presidents are always shaped by the size of their challenges.

or they are undone by them
Personally, as for the man himself, I honestly don't have any feelings for him one way or the other on a personal level. As for his policies, I will remain hopeful that the "trainwreck" that his policies will wreck on this economy will not come completely true and that he will somehow find a way to prove his Senatorial record wrong when it comes to working with everyone to find common solutions to problems.

He is inheriting a trainwreck, NAV.

Or haven't you noticed?

I can see already that the conservatives and neocons are already agreeing to forget recent history.

I can already see that every problem we are already having is about to be blamed on Obama.

Gore Vidal was right when he called our nation:

The United States of Amnesia

Because what one has to do when one is creating a poltical/social myth about the present, is to collectively agree to forget the past.​
He is inheriting a trainwreck, NAV.

I can already see that every problem we are already having is about to be blamed on Obama.

Ed you know that the political memory of this country is 4 years if your party's pres serves one term and 8 years if he serves two. That's all we as an electorate are capable of.
You forgot to add "drunk as a skunk."

So I picked cautiously optimistic.

hubby is mentioning large amounts of booze but i think the abc stores are closed in nc for election day....not sure...falling back on shine is an option...a bad bad bad i must remember the 2000 election where i got real drunk and elected to tell all my republican friends exactly what i thought of them and their politics....that went real well.
It will be great, I will then proceed to watch Fox news non stop for the next week to see the anguish of Hannity,Dick Morris,Michelle Malkin and the rest of the neocon prostitutes.

oh wow, that's going to be some great television right there. pure entertainment to see hannity's reaction to Obama winning. he'll probaly pee in his pants.
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