How would America be better with president Hillary

It is pretty silly that his main draw was I'll take a salary of $1. And the other one, he's going to "lose money on all this". So OK seriously the youth Change culture switches to basically, Bribed the American people. Hey I'm not going to Call that unethical. That's existant Development. Bribe America that America gets... what. a Billion... Bill gates could get us a couple billion. Microsoft, the platform of the White House.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
Are the wealthy better people due to their wealth? Are the less wealthy lesser people?

What makes a great person? The amounts in a bank account, or the amount of nobility in their character?

I need not explain that to anyone raised with respect, love and compassion. what does wealth or worth have to do with character. Your previous statement should read differently if character was your goal.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
Are the wealthy better people due to their wealth? Are the less wealthy lesser people?

What makes a great person? The amounts in a bank account, or the amount of nobility in their character?

I need not explain that to anyone raised with respect, love and compassion.

I think we all get that. You used the term "low brow" above to describe Trump voters. That term implies low intelligence. There is a significant correlation between wealth and intelligence. The are many, many wealthy Trump supporters. I dare say they didn't all inherit there wealth.
We wouldn't have to listen to Hillary (or liberals) whine about how the election was stolen from her.
the three worst people in the history of the world are Hitler, Stalin, and Hillary, not necessarily in that order!
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
Are the wealthy better people due to their wealth? Are the less wealthy lesser people?

What makes a great person? The amounts in a bank account, or the amount of nobility in their character?

I need not explain that to anyone raised with respect, love and compassion. what does wealth or worth have to do with character. Your previous statement should read differently if character was your goal.
Read the thread again. My comments were a response
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
Are the wealthy better people due to their wealth? Are the less wealthy lesser people?

What makes a great person? The amounts in a bank account, or the amount of nobility in their character?

I need not explain that to anyone raised with respect, love and compassion.

I think we all get that. You used the term "low brow" above to describe Trump voters. That term implies low intelligence. There is a significant correlation between wealth and intelligence. The are many, many wealthy Trump supporters. I dare say they didn't all inherit there wealth.
Read it as ‘low brow’ culture.
We wouldn’t have these stupid tariffs for one thing and the ACA would be in better shape
AKA China would still be eating our lunch AND the TPP would be signed sending MORE jobs overseas AND people would still being forced to pay for insurance they don't want. Gotcha. Sounds great!
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.


We wouldn't have Nazi's marching without repercussions in american towns.

They have every right to march where ever they get a permit for it (if required).
So "Free Speech" is that which you need to approve of, is that it?
Well for one MS13 would be in charge of border security instead of ice, and you could get an abortion in any Burger King bathroom, and naturally the White House would have it's own liquor store
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
I see how Trump acts and I’m embarrassed to call him our leader. I talk to friends and family and many feel the same way. I talk to friends in other countries and they are laughing at us. Trump is a cartoon that can’t keep his story straight. I realize you support and admire him so you don’t agree but I assure you millions of people are saying WTF on a daily basis.
Well for one MS13 would be in charge of border security instead of ice, and you could get an abortion in any Burger King bathroom, and naturally the White House would have it's own liquor store
Nothng except the criminal activity would be covered up and the deep state would be happy, and the Democrats could continue taking this Nation down a little by little.

Well for one MS13 would be in charge of border security instead of ice, and you could get an abortion in any Burger King bathroom, and naturally the White House would have it's own liquor store
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.

Got a couple of questions for you 2, since you seem to be the smartest of the bunch in this thread------------>

1. If you were the laughingstock of the world, do you think other countries would instantly kick in about 200 billion when you threatened to leave their alliance?

2. Being the laughingstock, do you think Mexico would bend down and kiss your a** to keep trade going?

3. Think those people that are dead are laughing in the Syrian desert, after Trump bombed the sh** out of them?

4. After the sanctions, you think the Mullahs in Iran are having a good laugh at us as their economy is collapsing?

5. I betcha Israel thinks we're a real joke, after moving our embassy.

6. Almost full employment! I betcha every world leader is laughing at us now.

I am pretty sure, that these clowns on this site start a phony narrative, then repeat it so much, they actually begin to believe it, so demand that we do too. Glad to see you 2 do not!

What they do, is take one instance, then spin a whole narrative around it...…… essence, saying one thing is true, so everything in the narrative is true.

In case you are wondering, it is called PROPAGANDA, lol. Such is the state of politics today, and thank goodness after they start indicting a few of their heroes, they won't have time to spin attack PROPAGANDA, because they will be to busy creating, DEFENSIVE PROPAGANDA-)
Just because a clown is behind the wheel doesn’t mean the vehicle can’t win a race. The US is the most powerful country in the world. Others may be laughing at our cartoon president and holding their nose till he’s gone in 4 years but that doesn’t mean we don’t have leverage or they will stop dealing with us.
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
I imagine you made quite lot in the stock market from 2010-2016. You praising Obama for that like you’re doing with Trump?
Hillary's approach is to try to merge the interest of corporate america with those of the middle class. an enormous, impossible task

a Dem president should not be in bed with Wall Street
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
I imagine you made quite lot in the stock market from 2010-2016. You praising Obama for that like you’re doing with Trump?

Total bullshit. From 2015 thru late 2016 mine and my wife's 401k lost money. Almost to the day Trump was elected it reversed. Don't believe it? I don't give damn!
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
I imagine you made quite lot in the stock market from 2010-2016. You praising Obama for that like you’re doing with Trump?

Total bullshit. From 2015 thru late 2016 mine and my wife's 401k lost money. Almost to the day Trump was elected it reversed. Don't believe it? I don't give damn!
How much did your 401k grow from 2010-2016?
We wouldn’t have these stupid tariffs for one thing and the ACA would be in better shape
AKA China would still be eating our lunch AND the TPP would be signed sending MORE jobs overseas AND people would still being forced to pay for insurance they don't want. Gotcha. Sounds great!
What moron doesn't want healthcare?

And as far as China "eating out lunch"...fixing that sure is costing Americans a lot of cash

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