How would America be better with president Hillary

Well for one MS13 would be in charge of border security instead of ice, and you could get an abortion in any Burger King bathroom, and naturally the White House would have it's own liquor store
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.
Most of those international people are supported by the sucker village. Because it takes one. For many decades there has been literature on how we are used by other nations. You get someone who at least says something about it and you sell out even more to outside interests. And about immigration. Our government use to make the tough choices and now it is political. For nothing!
tax payers wouldn't be paying $103 million dollar GOLF FEES !
No, taxpayers would be paying $103 BILLION to pay for a bunch of dumb kids to go to college and pay for other people's surgeries.

Not to mention a war with Russia because Clinton will absolutely stand up for Wasserman Shultz's bullshit.
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
Of course we would.

Try to imagine Hillary wandering around in front of the Queen, shoving a Prime Minister out of her path, or standing on a stage crowing "I alone can fix it" or "I have the best words" or "beat the crap out of 'im". Funny stuff.

Hillary claimed that her mother told her she was named after a mountain climber who didn't do his thing until after she was born. Rump claimed his father told him he was "Swedish" and then claimed the Bronx, where he actually was born, was "a very wonderful place in Germany". Hard to shake that off.
Trump hasn't done anything you claim, douchebag. Please quote the evidence that Trump did what you claim.
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
And we would have a president that tripped at d day, probably on acid

And we'd have one who wouldn't hide in the hotel while everybody else right down to a 92-year-old monarch went to honor WWI dead, because it was raining and her hair might get wet. :gay:
tax payers wouldn't be paying $103 million dollar GOLF FEES !
No, taxpayers would be paying $103 BILLION to pay for a bunch of dumb kids to go to college and pay for other people's surgeries.

Not to mention a war with Russia because Clinton will absolutely stand up for Wasserman Shultz's bullshit.
  • ISIS would still be running rampant in Iraq.
  • She would pump additional trillions into the ACA.
  • Illegals would poor across our border ad nuaseum.
  • The crimes of the FBI, CIA and DOJ would have gone unpunished and even unsuspected.
  • These agencies would continue to be weaponized against Republicans
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
And we would have a president that tripped at d day, probably on acid

And we'd have one who wouldn't hide in the hotel while everybody else right down to a 92-year-old monarch went to honor WWI dead, because it was raining and her hair might get wet. :gay:
Hillary would have ate the monarch
Well for one MS13 would be in charge of border security instead of ice, and you could get an abortion in any Burger King bathroom, and naturally the White House would have it's own liquor store
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
Of course we would.

Try to imagine Hillary wandering around in front of the Queen, shoving a Prime Minister out of her path, or standing on a stage crowing "I alone can fix it" or "I have the best words" or "beat the crap out of 'im". Funny stuff.

Hillary claimed that her mother told her she was named after a mountain climber who didn't do his thing until after she was born. Rump claimed his father told him he was "Swedish" and then claimed the Bronx, where he actually was born, was "a very wonderful place in Germany". Hard to shake that off.
Trump hasn't done anything you claim, douchebag. Please quote the evidence that Trump did what you claim.

AGAIN? Really?

allllllllllll righty then.


Easiest challenge I've seen all day. Almost as easy as proving political conventions don't take place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin a month after the election is already over.

Thanks, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Wanna do some more? There's plenty. How 'bout, imagine Hillary not knowing what the UK consists of. Or not knowing about Bhutan and Nepal, calling them "Button" and "Nipple", not to mention "Nambia". Or not knowing how time zones work. We could do this indefinitely. Hey, you think Hillary knows the moon is not part of Mars? Or that sounds don't cause cancer?
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?

How long are you gonna keep trying to sell this ridiculous song and dance that any of this has something to do with "Democrats" or "Republicans" or any kind of "politics" at all?

Check out the post immediately after yours, where I took Finger-Boi up on his challenge. Not a single one of those incidents has jack shit to do with "Democrats", "Republicans", "the left", "the right", or any kind of "politics" whatsoever. Literally ZERO.


I mean, what do you think the term "laughingstock" MEANS?

"Laughingstock" means you elected a fucking moron* to be your head of state.

*Rex Tillerson understated it
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
Of course we would.

Try to imagine Hillary wandering around in front of the Queen, shoving a Prime Minister out of her path, or standing on a stage crowing "I alone can fix it" or "I have the best words" or "beat the crap out of 'im". Funny stuff.

Hillary claimed that her mother told her she was named after a mountain climber who didn't do his thing until after she was born. Rump claimed his father told him he was "Swedish" and then claimed the Bronx, where he actually was born, was "a very wonderful place in Germany". Hard to shake that off.
Trump hasn't done anything you claim, douchebag. Please quote the evidence that Trump did what you claim.

AGAIN? Really?

allllllllllll righty then.


Easiest challenge I've seen all day. Almost as easy as proving political conventions don't take place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin a month after the election is already over.

Thanks, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Wanna do some more? There's plenty. How 'bout, imagine Hillary not knowing what the UK consists of. Or not knowing about Bhutan and Nepal, calling them "Button" and "Nipple", not to mention "Nambia". Or not knowing how time zones work. We could do this indefinitely. Hey, you think Hillary knows the moon is not part of Mars? Or that sounds don't cause cancer?

Fake news traitor.
Whelp --- we wouldn't be an international laughingstock. Soooooooo ......... there's that.
Of course we would.

Try to imagine Hillary wandering around in front of the Queen, shoving a Prime Minister out of her path, or standing on a stage crowing "I alone can fix it" or "I have the best words" or "beat the crap out of 'im". Funny stuff.

Hillary claimed that her mother told her she was named after a mountain climber who didn't do his thing until after she was born. Rump claimed his father told him he was "Swedish" and then claimed the Bronx, where he actually was born, was "a very wonderful place in Germany". Hard to shake that off.
Trump hasn't done anything you claim, douchebag. Please quote the evidence that Trump did what you claim.

AGAIN? Really?

allllllllllll righty then.


Easiest challenge I've seen all day. Almost as easy as proving political conventions don't take place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin a month after the election is already over.

Thanks, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Wanna do some more? There's plenty. How 'bout, imagine Hillary not knowing what the UK consists of. Or not knowing about Bhutan and Nepal, calling them "Button" and "Nipple", not to mention "Nambia". Or not knowing how time zones work. We could do this indefinitely. Hey, you think Hillary knows the moon is not part of Mars? Or that sounds don't cause cancer?

Fake news traitor.

It's video.
We wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the world for starters
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

You have got the be kidding. Democrats are the poster children for petulance and shallow thinking...always have been. It only takes one look at a Democratic rally to see this.

And nobody is confusing wealth with worth.
We aren't, stop lying.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
They openly laughed at Trump at the U.N.
The UN are totally worthless and ran by muzzie butchers. Who cares what they think? Trump should kick their sorry asses out of the US.
They represent the world. And the world laughs at Trump. Making Trump the 'laughing stock' of the world.

See how putting two and two together works?

A lot of people everywhere are not intrigued by the Trump style, which could best be described as a combination of Wrestlemania, a cross burning and an Amway rally.

But 35% of the electorate are just gullible and low brow enough to see this huckster buffoon as entertaining at best, worthy of respect at worst.

"low brow" huh? The unfounded arrogance of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Trump is not a polished politician for sure. He says things he shouldn't at times for sure. His policies, however, are very much on target overall. I don't expect a high brow Democrat who knows all and is always correct to accept this premise however. Us "low brow" Republicans couldn't possibly know what we are talking about. BTW, I have made quite a bit of money in the stock market since 2016. How are you doing?
Trump's appeal goes straight down to the lowest common denominator. The petulant, churlish and shallow thinking.

And who but they would confuse wealth with worth?

Confuse wealth with worth? Wow, someone sure seems to be confused.
Are the wealthy better people due to their wealth? Are the less wealthy lesser people?

What makes a great person? The amounts in a bank account, or the amount of nobility in their character?

I need not explain that to anyone raised with respect, love and compassion.

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