How Would You Describe What's Happening Here?

The OP’s vague title couldn’t disguise the fact that it was going to involve black people and injustice. He’s a predictable segregationist.

Your mumbling about why you think this thread was started has nothing to do with the subject of the thread. Try to keep up.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

Tearing down our Police officers will not give you or the driver a safer environment to live in, respect the request and go on about your business with out any hassle. Instead you want to magnify the potential for harassment, when all he had to do was show him his ID, the difference between you, this driver and the rational driver is they would take the path of least resistance, but no this just amplifies the tone of Racism...

The smart driver gives his ID to the officer if he has nothing to hide or promote, it’s really that simple...

Try it sometime, quit playing the victim...
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is in the wrong. If he had a reason to stop the driver, ask for ID, address, who owns the car, etc etc then those questions would be justified. He had none.

And he knew he was in the wrong when he was called out, so to speak. I think the host analyzed it exactly right.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring to the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.
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Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

My fellow anti-leftard cyber-pal, there was no incident. He simply profiled the young man. I have been profiled as well because I wear a bandanna and have been pulled over for bullshit reasons. Then they want to "search my car" and will I consent"? If you don't understand your rights, you don't have any.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?


The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh words.

Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?

That cop wasn't keeping anything safe for anybody. He was too busy harassing the guy that lived there for no reason.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.

If any of those scenarios were in fact happening, the cop should have made it clear why he was asking those questions. The cop was fishing. Nothing more---Nothing less. Fishing is not part of his job. Why do you defend a bad cop?
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?

That cop wasn't keeping anything safe for anybody. He was too busy harassing the guy that lived there for no reason.

Soooooo............... someone asking you your name is...................... HARASSMENT. You and I have different definitions then.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.

If there is no victim, there is no crime and once we acquiesce to intrusions on ourselves just to "get along" leads to other unconstitutional acts of intrusions. Leftard fuckwads like Bulldog and Pogo would be waving pom-poms if those same cops were doing a "home to home" search for firearms if the commies get their way.

They are two-faced commie two ways about it.
WE dont know the entire story

Sometimes cops get pressure by higher ups to patrol hoods that have had robberies . Anyone the cop doesnt know he may check ya out ...they do that ....i'm not saying its right
White people who have a lil pull in the community usually get obeyed when they start bitchin to locals.
Its what we do

White Powa!

Dont get me wrong I like the guy exercising his god given constitutional rights
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.

If there is no victim, there is no crime and once we acquiesce to intrusions on ourselves just to "get along" leads to other unconstitutional acts of intrusions. Leftard fuckwads like Bulldog and Pogo would be waving pom-poms if those same cops were doing a "home to home" search for firearms if the commies get their way.

They are two-faced commie two ways about it.

What makes you think that Dale? I have guns, and I intend to keep them. I'm just not a gun nut that sees a little regulation as a bad thing. Check with the voices in your head, and if they are honest with you, they will tell you the same thing.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.

If there is no victim, there is no crime and once we acquiesce to intrusions on ourselves just to "get along" leads to other unconstitutional acts of intrusions. Leftard fuckwads like Bulldog and Pogo would be waving pom-poms if those same cops were doing a "home to home" search for firearms if the commies get their way.

They are two-faced commie two ways about it.

Look, I'm the most obstinate SOB in the world, if you give reason to trigger me. But asking me if I simply live there in that place of my home doesn't do it. The cop was damned nice about it, you or I don't know the situation of if there was a "victim." Maybe there was a missing person? Strange noises? Gunshots heard? Whatever the case, I don't walk around in a state of paranoia, I give off good energy, and real people in real situations like police pick up on that. I don't walk in fear.

I kinda see police much like civilian military performing a public service and I suppose if I ever saw someone fighting with or struggling with a cop to subdue him or take his gun, if I could, I'd come to the officer's aid. I've met good cops, bad cops, rough cops, nice cops, overwhelmed cops, nervous cops, they are all just people. Do right by them and help them get through their day easier and I've yet to find one that doesn't respond in kind. It's all about the energy you put out. Got a chip on your shoulder? Yep, you will definitely find someone to knock it off!

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